Haitian Creole

pueraria thunbergiana/neoplasms

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페이지 1 ...에서 57 결과

Pretreatment with phytoestrogen-rich plant decreases breast tumor incidence and exhibits lower profile of mammary ERalpha and ERbeta.

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OBJECTIVE Phytoestrogens have been reported to exhibit antiproliferation to human breast cancer cells in vitro. We tested the phytoestrogen-rich, Pueraria mirifica against rat breast cancer induction in vivo. METHODS The weanling female Spargue-Dawley rats were pretreated with P. mirifica tuberous

Regulation of cancer-related genes - Cyp1a1, Cyp1b1, Cyp19, Nqo1 and Comt - expression in β-naphthoflavone-treated mice by miroestrol.

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OBJECTIVE The effects of miroestrol (MR), an active phytoestrogen from Pueraria candollei var. mirifica, on expression of cancer-related genes were determined. METHODS Seven-week-old female ICR mice (n = 5 each) were subcutaneously administered estradiol (E2, 0.5 mg/kg/day) or MR (0.5 or 5
Avlimil, a dietary supplement advertised to ameliorate female sexual dysfunction, is a mixture of eleven herbal components, and some herbal constituents of Avlimil (including black cohosh, licorice, red raspberry, red clover and kudzu) contain phenolic compounds, which are suggested to have

Intake of phytoestrogen foods and supplements among women recently diagnosed with breast cancer in Ontario, Canada.

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Phytoestrogens are found in foods such as soy (isoflavones) and flaxseed (lignans), and certain botanical supplements. Their role in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer recurrence and treatment is controversial, and it is unknown how this affects intake among patients. The Ontario Cancer

Pueraria lobata (Kudzu root) hangover remedies and acetaldehyde-associated neoplasm risk.

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Recent introduction of several commercial Kudzu root (Pueraria lobata) containing hangover remedies has occurred in western countries. The available data is reviewed to assess if there are any potential concerns in relationship to the development of neoplasm if these products are used chronically.

Puerarin inhibits non-small cell lung cancer cell growth via the induction of apoptosis.

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Puerarin, an isoflavone isolated from Kudzu roots, has been demonstrated to have beneficial effect on cardiovascular and cerebral vascular diseases. Recently research has revealed that puerarin exerts an anticancer role in many different types of cancer. The aim of the present study was to
Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata (Willd.) Sanjappa & Pradeep) is a perennial leguminous vine, and its root and flower have been used for herbal medicine in Asia for a long time. Most dietary flavonoids are reported to be concentrated in its root, not in its aerial parts including leaves. In this

Tectorigenin sensitizes paclitaxel-resistant human ovarian cancer cells through downregulation of the Akt and NFκB pathway.

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Paclitaxel (Taxol) is currently used as the front-line chemotherapeutic agent for several cancers including ovarian carcinoma; however, the drug frequently induces drug resistance through multiple mechanisms. The new strategy of using natural compounds in combination therapies is highly attractive

Synergistic effects of puerarin combined with 5-fluorouracil on esophageal cancer.

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Puerarin is an isoflavone derived from kudzu roots with a wide range of biological and medicinal properties. The aim of the present study was to investigate the inhibitive effects of puerarin combined with 5‑fluorouracil (5‑FU) on Eca‑109 esophageal cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Inhibitive
Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major obstacle in cancer chemotherapy and its inhibition is an effective way to reverse cancer drug resistance. In the present study, we investigated that puerarin, a natural isoflavonoid from Pueraria lobata, down-regulated MDR1 expression in MCF-7/adriamycin

Effects and mechanism of puerarin on the human retinoblastoma cells.

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Puerarin is an isoflavonoid that is extracted from Kudzu root and is considered to have an anti-tumor effect. In the present study, the effects of puerarin on human retinoblastoma (RB) cells and the related pathways was determined. The retinoblastoma RB cell lines were used in this study. Cell

Isolation of radiolabeled isoflavones from kudzu (Pueraria lobata) root cultures.

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Isoflavones have potential for preventing and treating several chronic health conditions, such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In this study, radiolabeled isoflavones were recovered from kudzu (Pueraria lobata) root cultures after incubation with uniformly labeled (14)C-sucrose
The activation of microglia is decisively involved with the neurodegeneration observed in many neuroinflammatory pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Tectorigenin (TEC) is an isoflavone isolated from various medicinal plants, such as Pueraria
Cytotoxic effects of six isoflavonoids, tectorigenin, glycitein, tectoridin, glycitin, 6''-O-xylosyltectoridin, and 6''-O-xylosylglycitin isolated from the flower of Pueraria thunbergiana Benth. together with genistein, a known differentiation and apoptosis inducer, were examined. Among these

Absolute oral bioavailability and disposition kinetics of puerarin in female rats.

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BACKGROUND Pueraria candollei var. mirifica is a medicinal plant that is promoted as a "Champion Product" by the Government of Thailand. This plant has been reported to relieve postmenopausal symptoms, prevent and reverse bone loss, inhibit the growth of breast cancer, and alleviate cardiovascular
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