Haitian Creole


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조항임상 시험특허
페이지 1 ...에서 51 결과

Quantum-degenerate mixture of fermionic lithium and bosonic rubidium gases.

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We report on the observation of sympathetic cooling of a cloud of fermionic 6Li atoms which are thermally coupled to evaporatively cooled bosonic 87Rb. Using this technique we obtain a mixture of quantum-degenerate gases, where the Rb cloud is colder than the critical temperature for Bose-Einstein
Rb is mainly extracted from brine. The authors studied the matrix effect of chloride brine (NaCl, CaCl2, KCl and MgCl2) on FDFWM (Forward phase-matching degenerate four-wave mixing) of Rb in the graphite furnace. The Rb and other chloride brine concentrations dependences of FDFWM were investigated

A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules.

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Experimental realization of a quantum degenerate gas of molecules would provide access to a wide range of phenomena in molecular and quantum sciences. However, the very complexity that makes ultracold molecules so enticing has made reaching degeneracy an outstanding experimental challenge over the

Collapse of a degenerate Fermi gas.

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A degenerate gas of identical fermions is brought to collapse by the interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate. We used an atomic mixture of fermionic potassium-40 and bosonic rubidium-87, in which the strong interspecies attraction leads to an instability above a critical number of particles. The

Experimental comparative renal toxicity of lithium and rubidium.

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Rat kidney was perfused using Krebs solution containing 3 or 6 mEq/l lithium or 3 or 6 mEq/l rubidium; the histological lesions thus induced were compared. Rubidium-induced lesions, irrespective of concentrations, consisted of tubular dilations, degeneration and necrosis very similar to those

Generation of Airy beams by four-wave mixing in Rubidium vapor cell.

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We report on an experimental generation of Airy beams by four-wave mixing (FWM) in atomic vapor cells. This is achieved by using a non-degenerate FWM process, which occurs with two Gaussian pump beams and one Airy signal beam in hot Rubidium vapor. After satisfying the phase matching condition, a

Observation of time correlation function of multimode two-photon pairs on a rubidium D2 line.

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We report on the generation of a type-I multimode two-photon state on a rubidium D(2) line (780 nm) using periodically poled KTiOPO(4) crystals. With a degenerate optical parametric oscillator far below threshold, we observe an oscillatory correlation function; the cross correlation between two

Ultra-low power, Zeno effect based optical modulation in a degenerate V-system with a tapered nano fiber in atomic vapor.

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We demonstrate an ultra-low light level optical modulator using a tapered nano fiber embedded in a hot rubidium vapor. The control and signal beams are co-propagating but orthogonally polarized, leading to a degenerate V-system involving coherent superpositions of Zeeman sublevels. The modulation is

Membrane potential and conductance during transport of sodium, potassium and rubidium in frog muscle.

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1. Muscles with high intracellular sodium concentrations can extrude sodium into solutions which contain 10 m-equiv/l. of either potassium or rubidium. Potassium or rubidium replaces the extruded intracellular sodium. These cation movements take place equally well when the external anion is chloride
When the seminal root system of 14-day-old corn (Zea mays cv. Dekalb 202) was subjected to O(2) stress, nodal roots with well developed cortical air spaces (aerenchyma) grew into the deoxygenated solution. Microscopic examination showed that there was extensive breakdown of cells in the midcortex of

Fermi-Bose quantum degenerate 40K-87Rb mixture with attractive interaction.

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We report on the achievement of simultaneous quantum degeneracy in a mixed gas of fermionic 40K and bosonic 87Rb. Potassium is cooled to 0.3 times the Fermi temperature by means of an efficient thermalization with evaporatively cooled rubidium. Direct measurement of the collisional cross-section

Blue fluorescence as a frequency offset reference in the rubidium 5S-5P-5D transition.

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In this work, we address the issue of the suitability of blue fluorescent light as a frequency offset reference during the ladder-level excitation 5S1/2→5P3/2→5D3/2 of Rb85 atoms. A simple pump-probe spectroscopy experiment is performed to generate non-degenerate blue light emission produced by the

11 W narrow linewidth laser source at 780 nm for laser cooling and manipulation of Rubidium.

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We present a narrow linewidth continuous laser source with over 11 W output power at 780 nm, based on single-pass frequency doubling of an amplified 1560 nm fibre laser with 36% efficiency. This source offers a combination of high power, simplicity, mode quality and stability. Without any active

Narrow structure in the coherent population trapping resonance in rubidium.

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An investigation is reported of coherent resonance in the degenerate two-level system of the (Fg = 2 --> Fe = 1) transition of the 87Rb D1 line by means of a Hanle effect configuration. In a coherent population trapping experiment, a very narrow (approximately 1-kHz) resonance superimposed upon a

Time-resolved probing of the ground state coherence in rubidium.

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We demonstrate the preparation and probing of the coherence between the hyperfine ground states |S(1/2),F=1> and |5S(1/2),F=2> of the Rb87 isotope. The effects of various coherence control techniques, i.e., fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and coherent population return, on the
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