Haitian Creole

CONNECT for Depressed Cannabis Users Trial

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Nuoroda įrašoma į mainų sritį
StatusasAktyvus, ne verbuojantis
University of California, Los Angeles



The purpose of this study is to test the usefulness of a computer-assisted intervention for depressed cannabis users by combining peer and therapist social network support via Facebook that uses the techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy (CBT/MET) to help with relapse prevention skills, reduce cannabis use and depressive symptoms, and improve treatment adherence. All participants will receive 10 weeks of the computer assisted intervention which includes weekly 60 minute (1 hour) sessions. All participants will also be part of a secret Facebook group (CONNECT). The goal of this secret Facebook group is to reinforce the knowledge and skills taught in the computer assisted intervention and to provide social support.


An estimated 8.4 million adults in the U.S. experience co-occurring psychiatric and SUDs, largely accounted for by comorbid mood disorder-SUD. Cannabis is the most widely used illicit substance among individuals with depressive disorders1. Likewise, elevated rates of major depression are observed among those with cannabis use disorders (CUD)2.

The use of technology-based platforms for behavioral intervention delivery in primary care settings, focusing on comorbidity, is a promising approach to broadening availability of evidence-based treatments for this high-need population, at low cost.

With support from a NIDA High Priority, Short-Term Project Award, the present investigative team (PI Dr. Glasner-Edwards and Drs. Budney and Kay-Lambkin) piloted SHADE (Self-Help for Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Depression), a computerized intervention model combining cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational enhancement therapy (MET), in a primary psychiatric care setting, where integrated interventions addressing both mental health and SUDs are not readily accessible. Preliminary data indicate that SHADE: (1) was feasible and acceptable, (2) facilitated treatment engagement and retention in a difficult-to-treat comorbid population with major depression and CUD; and (3) effectively reduced cannabis use and depression. As a next step to optimize the efficacy of this intervention model, the present proposal is designed to develop and integrate a social media component to the SHADE intervention program, based on a program established and tested by Co-I Dr. Ramo in an RCT4.

To this end, we propose to: (a) develop and refine, with user feedback, a social media-assisted therapy intervention, CONNECT (Connected Cannabis Users' Network for Enhancement of Cognitive Therapy), which combines the use of Facebook for social network support with SHADE in a population of adults with CUD and major depression; and (b) collect preliminary data to evaluate effect sizes and investigate trends for the impact of CONNECT plus SHADE on cannabis use, depressive symptoms, and health service utilization. Moreover, we will gather preliminary data for social network analysis, to understand the mechanism(s) by which the social media component of CONNECT promotes health behavior change in the key outcome domains of the present study.

The use of a social media platform (i.e., Facebook) will increase the accessibility of the intervention as Facebook can be accessed using a variety of technology devices.

Aim 1. To develop and refine, with user feedback, a 10-week, social media-assisted intervention (CONNECT) combining a computer-assisted, integrated treatment program (SHADE) with private Facebook groups to facilitate peer and clinician support for therapeutic objectives. The CONNECT intervention targets cannabis use and depression in a population of depressed adults with CUD receiving psychiatric care.

Hypothesis 1: Participants will report that CONNECT is user-friendly and helpful in providing opportunities for between-session practice of therapy skills, peer and clinician support, and information that enable them to prevent cannabis relapse and manage depression.

Aim 2. To test the impact of CONNECT plus SHADE on cannabis use, depression, adherence to psychiatric care, and healthcare outcomes.

Hypothesis 2a: Among depressed substance dependent adults in an outpatient psychiatric care setting, CONNECT plus SHADE will led to clinical outcomes in reducing cannabis use and depression, and improving adherence to psychiatric care during and after treatment.

Aim 3. To test whether social network variables mediate or moderate the impact of CONNECT.

Hypothesis 3: Participants with more expansive Facebook social networks within CONNECT will benefit more from the program. Factors that influence engagement in the Facebook component of CONNECT will also be explored (e.g., social network characteristics and content of peer and therapist interaction via the social network), and engagement will be examined as a potential moderator of cannabis use and depression outcomes.


Paskutinį kartą patikrinta: 09/30/2018
Pirmasis pateikimas: 10/16/2018
Numatytas registravimas pateiktas: 10/30/2018
Pirmas paskelbtas: 10/31/2018
Paskutinis atnaujinimas pateiktas: 10/30/2018
Paskutinis atnaujinimas paskelbtas: 10/31/2018
Faktinė studijų pradžios data: 03/21/2017
Numatoma pirminio užbaigimo data: 11/30/2018
Numatoma studijų užbaigimo data: 12/30/2018

Būklė ar liga

Substance Abuse

Intervencija / gydymas

Behavioral: SHADE therapy + CONNECT FaceBook support



Rankų grupės

RankaIntervencija / gydymas
Experimental: SHADE therapy + CONNECT FaceBook support
SHADE is a 10-week, 10-session, computerized CBT/MET intervention for Cannabis Use Disorder and depression. At each visit, a study clinician meets with participants for a 'check-in' session, which includes: review of homework; plans for completing homework; suicide risk and mood assessment. The CONNECT FB intervention component will facilitate social support for between-session homework and CBT skills practice for managing depression and preventing relapse, and bolstering motivation to change. Daily posts will be delivered. Only those participating in the study will know about the existence of this group and will be able to access it. A weekly real-time, Facebook chat session will be held to provide feedback concerning homework practice or answer questions.
Behavioral: SHADE therapy + CONNECT FaceBook support
See "study arms" description.

Tinkamumo kriterijai

Amžius, tinkami studijuoti 18 Years Į 18 Years
Tinkamos studijoms lytysAll
Priima sveikus savanoriusTaip

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Between the ages of 18 and 65;

2. DSM-5 diagnosis of CUD, with use reported on >50 of the past 90 days;

3. DSM-5 diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (Lifetime);

4. Current Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ9) score > 9;

5. Uses Facebook or willing to join and learn how to use it;

6. Having received treatment for depression in the past year.

Exclusion Criteria:



Pirminės rezultatų priemonės

1. Change in illicit drug use between study visits and at follow up [Baseline (week 0), weekly during treatment (weeks 1-10), and follow up (week 14).]

Substance use will be tracked with urine drug screens between each study visit.

2. Change in depression symptoms and severity between study visits and at follow up [Baseline (week 0), weekly during treatment (weeks 1-10) and follow up (week 14)]

Depression will be tracked with a questionnaire designed to capture frequency and severity of depression symptoms; Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ9) at each study visit. The scale of the PHQ-9 is 0-27 where 0-4=Minimal or none; 5-9=Mild; 10-14=Moderate; 15-19=Moderately severe; 20-27=Severe.

3. Change in adherence to collateral psychiatric treatment between study visits and at follow up [Baseline (week 0), weekly during treatment (weeks 1-10), and follow up (week 14)]

Treatment adherence to collateral therapy and medication will be tracked with self-report questionnaire (Ancillary Treatment Record).

Antrinės rezultatų priemonės

1. Change in alcohol use between study visits and at follow up [Baseline (week 0), weekly during treatment (weeks 1-10), and follow up (week 14)]

Breathalyzer test will be used at each study visit to obtain blood alcohol level.

2. Change in alcohol, tobacco and other drug use between study visits and at follow up [Baseline (week 0), weekly during treatment (weeks 1-10), and follow up (week 14)]

Alcohol tobacco and other drug use will be obtained through verbal history using the Timeline follow back (TLFB) interview at each study visit.

Prisijunkite prie mūsų
„Facebook“ puslapio

Išsamiausia vaistinių žolelių duomenų bazė, paremta mokslu

  • Dirba 55 kalbomis
  • Žolelių gydymas, paremtas mokslu
  • Vaistažolių atpažinimas pagal vaizdą
  • Interaktyvus GPS žemėlapis - pažymėkite vaistažoles vietoje (netrukus)
  • Skaitykite mokslines publikacijas, susijusias su jūsų paieška
  • Ieškokite vaistinių žolelių pagal jų poveikį
  • Susitvarkykite savo interesus ir sekite naujienas, klinikinius tyrimus ir patentus

Įveskite simptomą ar ligą ir perskaitykite apie žoleles, kurios gali padėti, įveskite žolę ir pamatykite ligas bei simptomus, nuo kurių ji naudojama.
* Visa informacija pagrįsta paskelbtais moksliniais tyrimais

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