Haitian Creole

placenta previa/edema

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15 rezultatus

Relationship between pregnancy-induced hypertension and placenta previa: a population-based study.

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OBJECTIVE Our purpose was to investigate, in a large population-based cohort, the hypothesis that the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension is lower among pregnancies complicated by placenta previa compared with pregnancies occurring in women with fundally implanted placentas. METHODS Data for this

[Severe respiratory distress with stubborn hypoxemia in newborn infants whose mothers had had placenta previa].

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The study of 16 newborn of birthweight less than or equal to 2,200 g characterized by a common point: the presence of PLACENTA PRAEVIA IN THE MOTHER, enabled us to come to grips with the severe respiratory distress that these newborn can have. From the clinical standpoint: there is always early

Maternal pulmonary edema after 46 h of ritodrine hydrochloride administration: A case report.

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Ritodrine hydrochloride is still widely used as a tocolytic agent in Japan, but it can cause maternal pulmonary edema, which may paradoxically induce preterm birth. Here we present a case of severe pulmonary edema due to <48 h of ritodrine

Bart's hydrops fetalis--clinical presentation and management--an analysis of 25 cases.

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Twenty-nine hydropic infants were born in the Kandang Kerbau Hospital between 1980 and 1985, during which there were 131,658 deliveries, giving an incidence of 1 in 4,540 total births. Twenty-five of these cases were confirmed to be due to homozygous alpha thalassaemia. No case of fetal hydrops due

[Pulmonary edema after cesarean section in a parturient with long term use of ritodrine].

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A 31-year-old multigravida with a gestation of 31 weeks was admitted in premature labor with placenta previa. The premature labor had been inhibited for two and half months with a tocolytic agent (ritodrine). However, at 32-week gestation an infection was found, the labor broke through the therapy

Pregnancy outcomes for women with placenta previa in relation to the number of prior cesarean deliveries.

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OBJECTIVE To estimate the association between the number of prior cesarean deliveries and pregnancy outcomes among women with placenta previa. METHODS Women with a placenta previa and a singleton gestation were identified in a concurrently collected database of cesarean deliveries performed at 19

Placental villous edema: a possible cause of antenatal hypoxia.

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This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the placental villous edema and the characteristic sequelae of antenatal hypoxia, i.e. the need for resuscitation at birth and low pH values in umbilical arterial blood. Placental villous edema was recognized by finding of open spaces

Placenta Accreta Spectrum Without Placenta Previa

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Objective: To evaluate placenta accreta spectrum with and without placenta previa with regard to risk factors, antepartum diagnosis, and maternal morbidity. Methods: We

Ultrasound in fetal diagnosis and therapy.

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Ultrasonic diagnosis is indispensable in perinatal medicine. The applications are; 1) diagnosis of early pregnancy, 2) diagnosis of fetal life, 3) diagnosis of pregnancy weeks by fetal crown rump length, 4) evaluation of fetal growth by biparietal diameter, femur length, abdominal size, or estimated

[Multivariate analysis on factors associated with preterm delivery].

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In order to estimate the occurrence of Preterm Delivery (PD) and factors associated with PD, 1141 perinatal cases at first affiliated hospital were collected by the method of systematic random sampling. The occurrence rate of PD was 6.0%. Multivariate analysis revealed that the history of premature

[Fetomaternal transfusions in complicated and uncomplicated pregnancy].

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Fetomaternal bleeding in pregnancy is the most common cause of rhesus immunization. In this study we evaluated the amount of fetomaternal bleeding during pregnancies with and without complications. The data from 1204 patients are analyzed. Fetomaternal bleeding was of clinical relevance (HbF greater

Vein of galen aneurysmal malformation: prognostic markers depicted on fetal MRI.

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Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) serves a dual role in the prenatal diagnostic work up of a vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM). First, it may confirm the prenatal ultrasound findings and secondly it may identify prognostically important secondary complications of the VGAM.

Pregnancy and Waldmann disease.

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We present a case of a woman with intestinal lymphangiectasia and pregnancy. She had been treated with albumin transfusions beginning from the age of 2 years. No major complications were caused to the pregnancy. During pregnancy she was given albumin transfusions at regular intervals, while

In utero imaging of the placenta: importance for diseases of pregnancy.

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Maurice Panigel demonstrated by X-rays, almost 40 years ago, placental maternal blood jets in non-human primates. Although to researchers the importance of the placenta is evident, in clinical obstetrical imaging, the fetus takes precedence. The placenta is imaged almost as an after thought and
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