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Although wheat is a staple food for most of the human population, some of its components trigger adverse reactions. Among wheat components, the alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATI) are important triggers of several allergies and activators of innate immunity. ATI are a group of exogenous protease
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Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) is the most widely grown crop worldwide. In genetically predisposed individuals, wheat can cause specific immune responses. A food allergy to wheat is characterized by T helper type 2 activation which can result in immunoglobulin E (IgE) and non-IgE mediated
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Bread wheat, also known as Triticum aestivum, is one of the commonly grown crops worldwide. It can be grown worldwide because it grows easily in different climates, and it has a high nutritional value, high palatability, and can be processed into many foods and drinks. However, despite these
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There is no curative treatment for wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA). ω-5 Gliadin is one of the dominant allergens affecting WDEIA patients. The use of ω-5 gliadin-free wheat flour in the regular diet is considered one of the prophylactic approaches against the
Cinnamon rolls triggered anaphylactic reaction. The genesis could be wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis Two case reports from our Department of Allergology illustrate the wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA), which is a relatively rare, yet potentially fatal form of food
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Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is an important allergen source responsible for various clinical manifestations of allergy (i.e. food allergy, pollen allergy, respiratory allergy to flour-Baker's asthma).
The objective of this study was the molecular and immunological characterization
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Cosmetics containing hydrolysed wheat proteins (HWP) can induce rare but severe allergic reactions. 9 patients, all females without common wheat allergy, but with contact urticaria to such cosmetics, were studied. 6 of them also experienced generalized urticaria or anaphylaxis to foods containing
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Wheat flour is one of the world's major food ingredients, in part because of the unique end-use qualities conferred by the abundant glutamine- and proline-rich gluten proteins. Many wheat flour proteins also present dietary problems for consumers with celiac disease or wheat allergies.
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