Scavenging effects of phenylpropanoid glycosides on superoxide and its antioxidation effect.
The antioxidative activities of six phenylpropaniod glycosides (PPG) extracted from Pedicularis striata and Pedicularis lasiophrys for inhibiting the lipid peroxidation induced by Fe2+/ascorbic acid in mouse liver microsome may be related to the number and steric position of phenolic hydroxyl groups (PHG) they possess (32.5 mumol.L-1 to 65.0 mumol.L-1). The scavenging effects of PPG for superoxide produced by NBT/PMS/NADH system may be related to both the number of PHG and their conjugated system (16.0 mumol.L-1 to 65.0 mumol.L-1).