[Studies on chemical constituents of the roots of Lantana camara].
Six oligosaccharides (I-VI) and six iridoid glucosides (VII-XII) isolated from the ethanolic extract of Lantana camara roots were identified as stachyose (I), verbascose (II), ajugose (III), verbascotetracose (IV), alpha-D-galac-(1-[-6)-alpha-D-galac(-1](3)-6-D-gluc(V ) , alpha-D-galac-(1-6)-alpha-D-galac(-1]-(4)6-D-)gluc(VI) , theveside (VII), 8-epiloganin (VIII), shanzhsid methyl ester (IX), theviridoside (X), lamiridoside (XI) and geniposide (XII), on the basis of spectral analysis (1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FD-MS, GC-MS), physico-chemical constants and preparation of derivatives. V and VI were new compounds named lantanose A and lantanose B, respectively. The others were isolated from this plant for the first time.