Haitian Creole

10 deacetylbaccatin iii/parastā īve

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The biosynthesis of taxol is a multistep process. One intermediate reaction is the acetylation of 10-deacetylbaccatin-III (10-DAB) to baccatin-III, an assumed precursor of taxol. Here we describe the cell free acetylation of 10-DAB in crude extracts from roots of Taxus baccata saplings using 14C-or

Tissue cultures of Taxus baccata as a source of 10-deacetylbaccatin III, a precursor for the hemisynthesis of taxol.

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Callus cultures of Taxus baccata L. cv. stricta were induced from hypocotyl and leaf explants on Woody Plant medium (hormone-free or additionated with phytohormones). Under continuous dark condition, adventitious roots were regenerated from hypocotyl- and leaf-derived callus cultures. Antibodies
This method development was to confirm the fatal ingestion of toxic yew plant material in postmortem samples (stomach content, urine, femoral blood, cardiac blood, bile, and brain tissue) collected from a 22-year-old man who committed suicide by ingesting yew leaves. The analytical method was based
There is no other naturally occurring defense agent against cancer that has a stronger effect than paclitaxel, commonly known under the brand name of Taxol®. The major drawback for the more widespread use of paclitaxel and its precious precursor, 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB III), is that they

Screening for pharmaceutically important taxoids in Taxus baccata var. Aurea corr. with CC/SPE/HPLC-PDA procedure.

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Needles of 'the golden yew' Taxus baccata var. Aurea Corr. were extracted with methanol followed by pre-purification of the crude extract and column chromatographic (CC) separation on florisil in gradient mode (an increasing concentration of acetone in dichloromethane). The obtained fractions were

Quantification of taxanes in a leaf and twig extract from Taxus baccata L. using 13C NMR spectroscopy.

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In the course of our ongoing work on the chemical characterization of Taxus baccata L. growing wild in Corsica, we have developed and validated a method for direct quantification of taxane derivatives by (13)C NMR using 10-deacetylbaccatin III as reference compound and 1,6-hexanediol as internal

Eight cases of fatal and non-fatal poisoning with Taxus baccata.

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This paper describes two fatalities, three non-fatal intentional and three accidental oral ingestions of yew (Taxus baccata) leaves. In all cases the post-mortem external examinations showed no signs of violence. Internal examinations revealed small green, needle-like particles on the tongue, in the
In this study, a total of 25 endophytic fungi were successfully isolated from the inner bark of Taxus baccata grown in Iran by the aseptic technique. Genomic DNA was extracted from isolated endophytic fungi and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for the presence of the Taxus

Seasonal changes in the concentrations of four taxoids in Taxus baccata L. during the autumn-spring period.

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The concentrations of four common taxoids: baccatin III, paclitaxel, cephalomannine and 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB III) were measured in fresh needles and stems of Taxus baccata L. during the late autumn-spring period (November'96-April'97) which has not been investigated to date in this
Taxol and related taxane accumulation in plants is regulated by the expression of genes involved in their biosynthesis. Although the metabolic pathway leading to taxol has been almost completely elucidated, comparatively little is known about the rate-limiting steps and their regulation. In this

In vitro activity of 10-deacetylbaccatin III against Leishmania donovani promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes.

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Current treatments for leishmaniasis are unsatisfactory due to their route of administration, toxicity and expense but, most importantly, to the developed resistance of Leishmania to first-line drugs. Therefore, the identification of new effective targeted drugs is an urgent need. Since many studies
10-Deacetylbaccatin III-10-O-acetyltransferase (10-DABT) catalyzes the formation of baccatin III, which is an immediate diterpenoid precursor of Taxol. A cDNA encoding 10-DABT was cloned from Taxus baccata by using RT-PCR and screening a cDNA library. A study of its heterologous overexpression in
Different yew species contain poisonous taxane alkaloids which serve as resources for semi-synthesis of anticancer drugs. The highly variable amounts of taxanes demand new methods for fast characterization of the raw plant material and the isolation of the target structures during phyto extraction.

Taxus ingredients in the red arils of Taxus baccata L. determined by HPLC-MS/MS.

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BACKGROUND Taxus baccata L. is an evergreen conifer whose plant parts are cardiotoxic. Only the red arils of the berries are described as non-toxic and taxane-free. OBJECTIVE Extraction and HPLC-MS/MS methods were developed for the investigation of the Taxus compounds 3,5-dimethoxyphenol,

The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the content of pharmacologically active taxoids in yew tissues.

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The aim of the work was the investigation of the influence of UV radiation on the taxoids contents in yew tissues. The experiment was performed using Taxus baccata var. Aurea Corr. twigs irradiated with UV C (lambda = 254 nm) and UV A (lambda = 366 nm) in comparison to control samples. Multistep
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