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Visual agnosia and prosopagnosia secondary to melanoma metastases: case report.

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The association of visual agnosia and prosopagnosia with cerebral metastasis is very rare. The presence of symmetric and bilateral cerebral metastases of melanoma is also uncommon.We report the case of a 34 year-old man who was admitted to hospital with seizures and a three-month history of

Toe agnosia in Gerstmann syndrome.

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The following case report presents a patient exhibiting Gerstmann syndrome accompanied by toe agnosia. A 72 year old right handed woman had a focal lesion in the angular gyrus of the left hemisphere which was caused by a glioblastoma multiforme. The first symptom she had complained of was severe

Incidence and diagnosis of anosognosia for hemiparesis revisited.

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BACKGROUND In previous studies, the incidence of anosognosia for hemiparesis has varied between 17% and 58% in samples of brain damaged patients with hemiparesis. OBJECTIVE To determine whether this wide variation might be explained by the different criteria used for diagnosing

[Multiple sclerosis with higher cerebral dysfunction: a case report].

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Higher cerebral dysfunctions such as aphasia, apraxia and agnosia have seldom been reported in multiple sclerosis (MS). 12 year-old right-handed boy felt unsteadiness of the body and headache for several days. Two months later, he had the same episode and complained of visual disturbance, and

[Clinical analysis of 24 cases of caudate hemorrhage].

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Twenty-four patients with caudate hemorrhage, in whom such definite organic lesions as arteriovenous malformations or ruptured cerebral aneurysms could not be proved, were analyzed. These cases comprise 2.0% of 1202 cases of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage diagnosed by computed tomography and

[A case of hysterical deafness].

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A forty years old woman with hysterical deafness is reported. Chief complaints were bilateral hearing loss. Nothing particular was found in her past and family history. In 1977, on the 11th day of May, she was admitted to A city hospital because of headache and paresis of right limb. As angiography

Call-Fleming postpartum angiopathy in the puerperium: a reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.

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BACKGROUND The postpartum angiopathy (Call-Fleming syndrome) is a rare, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Unlike in eclampsia, neither proteinuria nor hypertension have been observed in the Call-Fleming syndrome. METHODS A 17-year-old woman developed headache, seizures, confusion,

Frontal agraphia, (including a case report).

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Frontal agraphia has always been a subject of interest, although very few documented case reports have been published. A 57 year old male clerk, suffering from adenocarcinoma of the signoid colon, presented with mild headache and difficulty in writing. Minor features of dysphasia could be detected,
The purpose of the study was to study admission delay in patients with stroke, and to analyze the influence of demographic, medical, and pathophysiological factors on admission delay. The study was prospective and consecutive and included 1197 unselected patients admitted with acute stroke from a

Surgical techniques in radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients.

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BACKGROUND Radiation induced brain injury ranges from acute reversible edema to late, irreversible radiation necrosis. Radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis is associated with permanent neurological deficits and occasionally progresses to death. OBJECTIVE We present our experience with surgery on

[A case of ischemic oculopathy followed by border zone infarction].

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We reported a 72-year-old male with ischemic oculopathy due to ophthalmic artery stenosis followed by ipsilateral border zone infarction due to internal carotid artery stenosis. The patient had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. He had severe headache and visual disturbance of the right

Achromatopsia in the aura of migraine.

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A 49 year old woman reported an attack of transient neurological dysfunction associated with unilateral headache. A prominent feature of the aura was a period of complete achromatopsia, so that the visual scene was experienced in monochrome. The episode developed to include features of prosopagnosia

[A case of multiple cerebral hemorrhage related to cerebral amyloid angiopathy].

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A case of multiple cerebral hemorrhage in the bilateral parietal lobes related to cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is reported. A 66-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of headache and vomiting on Feb. 21, 1983. He had no history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, recent head injury,

[Effect of local injections of adriamycin on survival in malignant brain tumor: histopathological evaluation].

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Two long survival cases of primary malignant glioma are reported in terms of histopathological consideration comparing first surgical specimens with second surgical specimens followed by intraneoplastic local injection of Adriamycin (ADM). Case 1. A 56-year-old female was admitted to our hospital on

Surgical removal of pineal region meningioma--three case reports.

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Three patients with large or huge meningiomas of the pineal region presented with headache, vomiting, gait and visual disturbance, apraxia, agnosia, and transient amnestic aphasia. Computed tomographic scans revealed round, high-density areas of 8 x 7 x 7 cm, 5 x 5 x 4 cm, and 3 x 3 x 3 cm in the
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