Haitian Creole


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Depression with anosognosia following a left subcortical stroke.

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Controversy exists about whether depression following stroke represents a biologically mediated change or a psychological reaction to the deficits. We present a patient with an acute isolated personality change and depression following a lacunar infarct of the left internal capsule, who was unaware

Anosognosia for hemiparesis after left-sided stroke.

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In patients with left-sided lesions, anosognosia for hemiparesis (AHP) seems to be a rare phenomenon. It has been discussed whether this rareness might be due to an inevitable bias due to language dysfunction and whether the left hemisphere's role for our self-awareness of motor actions thus is

Anosognosia for obvious visual field defects in stroke patients.

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Patients with anosognosia for visual field defect (AVFD) fail to recognize consciously their visual field defect. There is still unclarity whether specific neural correlates are associated with AVFD. We studied AVFD in 54 patients with acute stroke and a visual field defect. Nineteen percent of this

Music agnosia and auditory agnosia. Dissociations in stroke patients.

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A review and an experimental study were carried out in search of dissociations between the recognition of music (music agnosia) and that of environmental sounds (auditory agnosia) in stroke patients. The review focused on 45 adequately studied cases published since 1883. The experimental study

Anosognosia versus unilateral neglect. Coexistence and their relations to age, stroke severity, lesion site and cognition.

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The aim of this study was to examine the association between anosognosia and unilateral neglect (UN), with special focus on age, stroke severity, lesion location and pre-stroke dementia. The basis of this investigation was a population-based stroke incidence study. Anosognosia was assessed using a

The evaluation of anosognosia in stroke patients.

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BACKGROUND Anosognosia in stroke patients showed a relevant detrimental effect on the rehabilitation course and patients' quality of life, especially in those with brain injury. Although a number of reliable scales for the assessment of anosognosia in stroke and traumatic brain injury have been

Understanding Anosognosia for Hemiplegia After Stroke.

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BACKGROUND Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP) after stroke is a complex cognitive behavioral disorder that removes awareness of one-sided paralysis (hemiplegia). As a result, stroke survivors afflicted with AHP may be more likely to have unrealistic expectations for stroke rehabilitation, display
OBJECTIVE The somatosensory event-related potential N140 is thought to be related to selective attention. This study aimed to compare the somatosensory event-related potential N140 in healthy subjects to that in patients with stroke to determine whether N140 and attentiveness are associated in

Assessing anosognosias after stroke: a review of the methods used and developed over the past 35 years.

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This review provides an overview of research into anosognosia after stroke over the past 35 years. We are specifically interested in the assessment of anosognosia in group studies and in how any changes in assessment procedures have impacted the study of anognosia. Our work is based on a systematic

Unawareness after stroke: a review and practical guide to understanding, assessing, and managing anosognosia for hemiplegia.

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How should stroke patients with poor motor awareness be managed? This question is important because unawareness (or anosognosia) is related to poor rehabilitation and prognosis. This narrative review provides a guide for clinicians and (applied) academics to understanding, assessing and managing

Over- and underestimation of motor ability after a stroke: Implications for anosognosia.

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We administered a discrepancy-based measure of anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP) to a group of 42 right-brain-damaged (RBD) and left-brain-damaged (LBD) stroke patients with varying levels of functional motor ability. In addition to the expected (anosognosic) pattern of overestimation of motor

Neglect and anosognosia after first-ever stroke: incidence and relationship to disability.

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Neglect and anosognosia are serious consequences of stroke. Authors have found great variations in their incidence and their relationship to disability has been unclear. We studied the incidence of neglect and anosognosia within the scope of a population-based stroke-incidence study, and also

Recent advances in the understanding of neglect and anosognosia following right hemisphere stroke.

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This article highlights the latest findings regarding the cognitive-behavioral syndromes of neglect and anosognosia for hemiplegia that occur following right hemisphere stroke. We review papers published in the past 2 years pertaining to neurophysiology, assessment, and intervention for these two

Recent trends in rehabilitation interventions for visual neglect and anosognosia for hemiplegia following right hemisphere stroke.

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This article highlights the most recent findings regarding the rehabilitation interventions for the syndromes of visual neglect and anosognosia for hemiplegia that occur following right hemisphere stroke. We review papers published in the past 4 years pertaining to therapeutic approaches for these

The frequency, clinical correlates, and mechanism of anosognosia after stroke.

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OBJECTIVE To review the frequency, clinical correlates, and mechanism of anosognosia after stroke. METHODS We searched the most recent relevant literature on anosognosia after stroke and carried out a critical analysis of the main findings. RESULTS Anosognosia is present in about 10% of acute stroke
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