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The pathogenesis of vascular headaches in patients with hypertension; the role of the ammonia-potassium axis.

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Headaches may occur in as many as 25% of hypertensive patients and generally bears little relationship to level of diastolic blood pressure. Previous observations, in normotensive patients, suggested that abnormalities in both potassium and ammonia metabolism might be related to the pathogenesis of

The hypokalemic, bowel, bladder, headache relationship; a new syndrome. The role of the potassium ammonia axis.

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A conceptual approach that relates vascular headaches, bowel and bladder dysfunction to abnormalities of the "ammonia potassium axis" is presented. Hypokalemia alters smooth muscle function of both the bowel and bladder and results in the elaboration of an alkaline urine. The occurrence of an

Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis in a child treated with sulthiame.

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OBJECTIVE To report on severe acid-base disturbance in a child with symptomatic epilepsy treated with sulthiame. RESULTS A 9.5-year-old boy with chronic generalized tonic-clonic seizures was treated with carbamazepine and valproic acid. Because of poor seizure control, sulthiame was added to the

[Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in a case of high altitude pulmonary edema].

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A 29-year-old male climber developed high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), progressing from headache and dyspnea to disturbance of consciousness in the Japan Alps. He was admitted to Shinshu University Hospital. Physical examination on admission revealed a cyanotic patient with coarse crackles and

Schmidt’s syndrome: a difficult diagnosis in the Latin American context

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Schmidt’s syndrome, also known as poliglandular autoimmune syndrome type 2, is a rare disease that has a prevalence between 1.5-4.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. The diagnosis consists in the concomitant presentation of Addison disease, autoimmune thyroid disease and other autoimmune

Different Placebos, Different Mechanisms, Different Outcomes: Lessons for Clinical Trials.

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Clinical trials use placebos with the assumption that they are inert, thus all placebos are considered to be equal. Here we show that this assumption is wrong and that different placebo procedures are associated to different therapeutic rituals which, in turn, trigger different mechanisms and

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome With Cryptococcal Meningitis in HIV Patient.

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Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte imbalances in HIV patients. The differential diagnosis may include hypovolemic hyponatremia, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), and adrenal insufficiency. Here, we describe a case of hyponatremia secondary to cerebral

Problems associated with medical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.

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In the United States, the drugs most commonly used to treat peptic ulcer disease are antacids and the H2-receptor antagonists cimetidine and ranitidine. Other available agents include anticholinergics and the coating agent sucralfate. Investigational drugs such as colloidal bismuth, carbenoxolone,

Etiologic factors in hypocalcemia secondary to operations for carcinoma of the pharynx and larynx.

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Hypocalcemia, although a relatively uncommon sequela of operations for carcinoma of the larynx and pharynx, often presents as an acute medical emergency. In its chronic form, hypocalcemia may be a difficult disorder to control. Understanding the etiologic basis of hypocalcemia secondary to

Cystinosis presenting with findings of Bartter syndrome.

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A five-year-old boy was referred to our pediatric clinic for evaluation of failure to thrive, headache, intermittent high fever, restlessness, polyuria, and polydipsia. His weight and height measurements were under the 3rd percentile. Clinical findings consisted of frontal bossing, carious teeth,

[Intractable vomiting, convulsions and megaloblastic anemia: anamnesis, key to diagnosis].

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In July 1996 a 43-year-old illiterate Hispanic woman presented with uncontrollable vomiting, palpitations and confusion. In 1994, despite several hospitalisations in other medical centres where a cerebral CT-scan, oesogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy and abdominal ultrasound were performed, no

An epidemic of psychogenic illness in an electronics plant.

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We investigated an outbreak of illness in electronics plant workers. Questionnaire data revealed that 98 employees experienced symptoms, including light- headedness , headache, sleepiness, and numbness/tingling of the face or extremities. Attack rates by work station followed no apparent pattern.

Hyperventilation with Maintenance of Isocapnia. An "Old New" Method in Carbon Monoxide Intoxication.

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BACKGROUND Exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) is among the most common causes of acute and chronic poisonings worldwide. The crucial point of treatment of such acute poisonings is to eliminate CO from the body as fast as possible. There are currently two approaches to the management of the CO

A case of Gitelman syndrome associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

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An 18-year-old woman with Gitelman syndrome (GS) associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is described. She was obese and showed a 10 kg gain in body weight over a period of 8 months. She presented with headache, vomiting, and diplopia. She had bilateral papilledema, and right
A 34-year-old female complaining of numbness and weakness of the extremities was examined. Consanguineous marriage was contracted between mother and father. She was of short stature (149 cm), and her blood pressure was normal (118/60 mmHg). Her serum potassium concentration had decreased to a level
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