Haitian Creole

angelica angelicastrum/triglyceride

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Angelica gigas Nakai, Korean dang-gui, has long been widely used in traditional treatment methods. There have been a number of studies of the health effects of A. gigas and related compounds, but studies addressing effects on blood triglycerides (TG) are lacking. To investigate the

Effects of Angelica dahurica on obesity and fatty liver in mice.

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Angelica dahurica (A. dahurica) is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant being used in clinical practice. The present study demonstrated that A. dahurica could reduce white-fat weight in high-fat-diet hyperlipidemic mice, decrease total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in the livers of
There is a high association of heat shock on the alteration of energy and lipid metabolism. The alterations associated with thermal stress are composed of gene expression changes and adaptation through biochemical responses. Previous study showed that Angelica gigas Nakai (AGN) root extract promoted

Regulation of obesity and lipid disorders by extracts from Angelica acutiloba root in high-fat diet-induced obese rats.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the antiobesity and antihyperlipidemic effects of Angelica acutiloba root (Japanese Dong Quai). High-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese rats were treated orally with the polyphenolic-rich extract of Angelica acutiloba root (AARE) once daily for 8 weeks. The AARE
Decursin (De), an active component of Angelica gigas, is known to exert anticancer and neuroprotective effects. However, its antiobesity and antidiabetic potential has not yet been investigated. This study evaluated the antiobesity effect of decursin, particularly focusing on its ability to inhibit

Pharmacological and biochemical actions of simple coumarins: natural products with therapeutic potential.

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1. More than 300 coumarins have been identified from natural sources, especially green plants. The pharmacological and biochemical properties and therapeutic applications of simple coumarins depend upon the pattern of substitution. More complex related compounds based on the coumarin nucleus include

Phellopterin isolated from Angelica dahurica reduces blood glucose level in diabetic mice.

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Insulin resistance is the critical condition for the development of metabolic syndromes including type II diabetes and heart disease. To investigate the active components of Angelica dahurica root which is known to increase insulin sensitivity, its methanol extract was subfractionated. The ethyl

Phytonutrient and anti-diabetic functional properties of flavonoid-rich ethanol extract from Angelica Keiskei leaves.

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An extraction method was optimized to get a flavonoid-rich ethanol extract from Angelica keiskei leaves (FREE-AK). Trace elements and total flavonoid content of FREE-AK were identified, and the hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of FREE-AK were studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.

[Effect of Astragalus Angelica mixture on serum lipids and glomerulosclerosis in rats with nephrotic syndrome].

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OBJECTIVE To confirm the renal protective action of Astragalus Angelica mixture (AAM). METHODS Effect of AAM was observed in puromycin amino-nucleoside induced nephrotic syndrome model of rat, and pravachol, an effective lipid lowering medicine, was used as positive control. RESULTS AAM could not

[Effect of Astragalus Angelica Mixture on lipoprotein lipase and lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase of nephrotic rats].

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the mechanism of Astragalus Angelica Mixture (AAM) effect of regulating lipid metabolism disturbance in nephrotic rats. METHODS To examine the effects of AAM on serum albumin, lipid levels, and activities of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase

Astragalus mongholicus and Angelica sinensis compound alleviates nephrotic hyperlipidemia in rats.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the mechanism of lipid-lowering effect of the Astragalus mongholicus and Angelica sinensis compound (A&A) on nephrotic hyperlipidemia in rats. METHODS Rats with nephrotic syndrome from accelerated nephrotoxic serum nephritis were used. They were divided into two groups: A&A

Angelica keiskei extract improves insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia in rats fed a high-fructose drink.

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Angelica keiskei is a traditional herb peculiar to Japan and abundantly contains vitamins, dietary fiber and such polyphenols as chalcone. We investigated in the present study the effect of A. keiskei on insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia in fructose-drinking rats as a model for the

Effects of dietary Angelica keiskei on lipid metabolism in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.

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1. The effect of dietary Angelica keiskei on lipid metabolism was examined in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). 2. Six-week-old male SHRSP were fed diets containing 0.2% A. keiskei extract (ethyl acetate extract from the yellow liquid of stems) for 6 weeks with free access to the
1. Previously, we found that Angelica keiskei extract (ethyl acetate extract from the yellow liquid of stems) elevated serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels and reduced liver triglyceride content in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). To identify the active substance in A.
Recently, we found that 4-hydroxyderricin, one of the major chalcones in Angelica keiskei extract (an ethyl acetate extract from the yellow liquid of stems), suppressed increases in systolic blood pressure and reduced both serum very low-density lipoprotein levels and liver triglyceride content in
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