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Optimum potassium (K) nutrition in semi-arid regions may help crop plants to overcome constraints in their growth and development such as moisture stress, leading to higher productivity of rainfed crops, thus judicious K management is essential. A study was conducted to evaluate the importance of K
Bambara groundnut is an indigenous African vegetable grown mainly for human food and animal feed due to its high protein content. Different factors like varieties and origin can influence the chemical composition of Bambara groundnut cultivars. Therefore, the aims of this study are to produce

Relative efficacy of different distillery effluents on growth, nitrogen fixation and yield of groundnut.

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A field experiment with groundnut as test crop was conducted to evaluate the manurial potential of three distillery effluents: raw spent wash (RSW), biomethanated spent wash (BSW) and lagoon sludge (LS) vis-à-vis recommended fertilizers (NPK + farm yard manure (FYM)) and a control (no fertilizer or

Nutrient content of Prosopis africana seeds.

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The proximate and mineral compositions of Prosopis africana seeds used in the preparation of a local condiment in Nigeria and as animal feed were investigated. The proximate analysis showed that protein, ash and fiber values were comparable to Parkia africana seeds. However, the crude lipid content
This paper demonstrates an integrated zero liquid discharge (ZLD) process for time-dependent recovery of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), levulinic acid (LA) and potassium, nitrogen and sulphur rich mother liquor (KNS-ML) - manure from agar/agarose containing seaweed aqueous solution using transition
A comparative study of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Treculia africana seeds, both of Moraceae family, was carried out to establish their chemical compositions and evaluate their mineral element content in order to investigate the possibility of using them for human and or animal consumption and also

Mineral and phytate contents of some prepared popular Ghanaian foods.

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Prepared Ghanaian traditional foods, mostly consist of starchy staples such as yams (Dioscorea spp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta), millet (Pennisetum glaucum), maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa) etc. These traditional foods are a main source of energy and macronutrients. Little or no

Physicochemical and sensory qualities of complemenatry meal made from sprouted and unsprouted sorghum, Irish potato and groundnut.

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Weaning food was produced from the blends of sprouted and unsprouted sorghum-Irish potato, and groundnut flour. In the developed weaning foods, moisture content ranged from 8.44% to 12.70%, crude protein (7.40%-14.53%) crude ash (1.53%-1.77%), crude fiber (6.65%-6.88%), crude fat (3.31%-3.73%) and

Purification and characterization of a regiospecific lipase from Aspergillus terreus.

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Aspergillus terreus lipase was purified to homogeneity with 18.0% yield. The specific activity of the enzyme increased from 20.80 to 250 U/mg of protein. Ion exchange on Q-Sepharose was highly effective in the purification process. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was 41+/-1 kDa as

A pilot study of open label sesame oil in hypertensive diabetics.

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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of sesame oil in hypertensive diabetics medicated with atenolol (beta-blocker) and glibenclamide (sulfonylurea). This open label trial with two intervention periods comprised 22 male and 18 female patients, 45-65 years old, with mild to

Synthesis of novel apio carbocyclic nucleoside analogues as selective a(3) adenosine receptor agonists.

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On the basis of the biological activity of neplanocin A and apio-dideoxyadenosine (apio-ddA), novel apio-neplanocin A analogues 5a-d, combining the properties of two nucleosides, were stereoselectively synthesized. The apio moiety of the target nucleosides 5a-d was stereoselectively introduced by

Evaluation of various agro-wastes for traditional black soap production.

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The agricultural wastes, cocoa-pod husks, palm-bunch waste, sorghum chaff and groundnut shells, which are normally thrown away have been used in the production of black soap. Unlike other soaps which are made from oils and chemicals, black soap is made from oils and agro-wastes ashes. Chemical

Potential use of biomass and coal-fine waste for making briquette for sustainable energy and environment

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Biomass waste contributes 14% of the total global energy. And 15-20% of the coal-fine waste from coal mines are deposited in the rivers, ponds, etc., unused, which leads to resource wastage and environmental pollution. The present study aims utilizing biomass and coal-fine waste for producing

Studies on digestion and absorption in the intestines of growing pigs. 3. Net movements of mineral nutrients in the digestive tract.

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1. Pigs growing from 20 to 60 kg live weight were given diets based on barley, weatings and fish meal, or starch, sucrose and groundnut meal or starch, sucrose and casein. Seventeen pigs were fitted with single re-entrant cannulas in the duodenum (posterior to entry of bile and pancreatic ducts),

Evaluating the nutritional content of an insect-fortified food for the child complementary diet in Ghana.

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Due to rising food insecurity, natural resource scarcity, population growth, and the cost of and demand for animal proteins, insects as food have emerged as a relevant topic. This study examines the nutrient content of the palm weevil larva (Rhynchophorus
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