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Arctiin, a plant lignan, is metabolized to hormone-like compounds with weak estrogenic and antioxidative activity in experimental animals and man. To clarify its influence on mammary carcinogenesis, female rats were administrated 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) once, and when the incidence of

Arctiin induces cell growth inhibition through the down-regulation of cyclin D1 expression.

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Arctiin is a major lignan constituent of Arctium lappa and has anti-cancer properties in animal models. It was recently reported that arctiin induces growth inhibition in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. However, the growth inhibitory mechanism of arctiin remains unknown. Herein we report that

Transformation of arctiin to estrogenic and antiestrogenic substances by human intestinal bacteria.

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After anaerobic incubation of arctiin (1) from the seeds of Arctium lappa with a human fecal suspension, six metabolites were formed, and their structures were identified as (-)-arctigenin (2), (2R,3R)-2-(3',4'-dihydroxybenzyl)-3-(3",4"-dimethoxybenzyl)butyrolactone (3),

Arctiin abrogates osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption via suppressing RANKL-induced ROS and NFATc1 activation

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Osteoporosis, characterized by disrupted bone resorption and formation, is viewed as a global health challenge. Arctiin (ARC) is a main component of Arctium lappa L, which exerts chemopreventive effects against various tumor cells. However, the role of ARC in bone remodeling is still unclear. Here,

Ameliorative effects of arctiin from Arctium lappa on experimental glomerulonephritis in rats.

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Membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) remains the most common cause of adult-onset nephrotic syndrome in the world and up to 40% of untreated patients will progress to end-stage renal disease. Although the treatment of MGN with immunosuppressants or steroid hormones can attenuate the deterioration of

Anti-tumor-promoting activity of lignans from the aerial part of Saussurea medusa.

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In the course of our continuing search for novel cancer chemopreventive agents from natural sources, several kinds of Compositae plants were screened. Consequently, the lignans, arctiin (ARC) and arctigenin (ARC-G), were obtained from the aerial part of Saussurea medusaas active constituents. These

Enhancement of the apoptotic effects of Arctii Fructus extracts on cancer cells by the enzymatic bioconversion of lignans.

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The fruit of Arctium lappa L. (Arctii Fructus) is one of the most popularly used medicinal plant components in Asia. To enhance the functionality of Arctii Fructus extract, a bioconversion method was developed to produce arctigenin from arctiin. Treatment with β-glucosidase increased the

Modulation of anti-adhesion molecule MUC-1 is associated with arctiin-induced growth inhibition in PC-3 cells.

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BACKGROUND Lignans have been reported to possess anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells. However, their anticancer effects in human prostate cancer have not been well established. Here, we examine the effect of arctiin, a lignan compound, on growth regulation in prostate cancer PC-3 cells. We
Human keratinocytes are located in the outermost skin layer and thus particularly vulnerable to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation exposure. Previous studies have focused on the cellular and molecular perspectives of UVB-induced keratinocyte damage. In the present study, it was demonstrated that

Arctiin induces an UVB protective effect in human dermal fibroblast cells through microRNA expression changes.

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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces severe alterations in the molecular and cellular components of normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) cells by disrupting many intracellular transduction cascades. Although UV responses have been well documented at the genome and proteome levels, UV protective
Arctiin is a main component from the fruits of Arctium lappa L., that can be prescribed for cold or flu in East Asian countries; it has also been found to exert chemopreventive actions against various tumor cells.In view of this evidence, we examined

Antidepressive Effect of Arctiin by Attenuating Neuroinflammation via HMGB1/TLR4- and TNF-α/TNFR1-Mediated NF-κB Activation

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Inflammation is a potential factor in the pathophysiology of depression. A traditional Chinese herbal medicine, arctiin, and its aglycone, arctigenin, are the major bioactive components in Fructus arctii and exhibit neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activities. Arctigenin has been

Natural lignans from Arctium lappa modulate P-glycoprotein efflux function in multidrug resistant cancer cells.

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Arctium lappa is a well-known traditional medicinal plant in China (TCM) and Europe that has been used for thousands of years to treat arthritis, baldness or cancer. The plant produces lignans as secondary metabolites which have a wide range of bioactivities. Yet, their ability to reverse multidrug

Induction of caspase-8 and death receptors by a new dammarane skeleton from the dried fruits of Forsythia koreana.

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A new naturally occurring compound based on the dammarane skeleton, i.e. cabralealactone 3-acetate-24-methyl ether, was isolated from the aqueous methanolic extract of Forsythia koreana fruits, along with eight known compounds: cabralealactone 3-acetate, ursolic acid, arctigenin, arctiin, phillyrin,

The chemopreventive effects of Saussurea salicifolia through induction of apoptosis and phase II detoxification enzyme.

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The ethanol extract of the aerial part of the Mongolian medicinal plant Saussurea salicifolia induced a dose-dependent cell growth inhibition in both human gastric adenocarcinoma AGS cells and mouse hepatoma Hepa 1c1c7 cells (IC(50)=30.22 and 116.96 mug/ml), respectively. The extract induced an
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