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Surgical treatment of patients with low-grade astrocytomas and medically intractable seizures.

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OBJECTIVE Low-grade astrocytomas can present with seizures that respond poorly to antiseizure medications, with a consequent reduction in the quality of life, because of both seizures and the medication's side-effects. We report our experience with operative treatment of such patients. METHODS Five

Bilateral astrocytoma involving the limbic system precipitating disabling amnesia and seizures.

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Astrocytomas involving the limbic system are usually unilateral in nature. We report a very unusual case where a low-grade astrocytoma originating in the left temporal lobe spread to the right hippocampus through the hippocampal commissure to cause disabling amnesia and seizures. Some improvement in

Astrocytoma in a dog causing convulsions.

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An adult, male, 7 Kg. dog was presented because of a convulsion. This progressed and interictal signs became apparent. A slight left spastic hemiparesis was present with a normal gait and posture. A partial left visual deficit with intact pupillary reflexes became evident. All signs were referable

Gelastic seizures and low-grade hypothalamic astrocytoma: a case report.

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The typical, well recognized childhood epilepsy syndrome caused by hypothalamic hamartoma is characterized by early-onset, stereotyped attacks of uncontrollable laughter, frequent refractory seizures with progressive cognitive deterioration and severe behavioral problems. Here, we report a

Frontoparietal astrocytoma causing absence seizures and bilaterally synchronous epileptiform discharges.

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We describe an 8-year-old child who had had seizures since age 2. Initially, the seizures involved staring and turning the head to the left. Later, his seizures were brief, frequent staring spells. At age 8, an occasional seizure occurred involving back arching, eyelid fluttering, lip smacking, and
We are reporting on a 13.5-year-old girl with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) who was treated with everolimus because of giant cell astrocytoma and bilateral angiomyolipoma. She suffered from pharmacoresistant partial epilepsy with clusters of tonic and tonic-clonic seizures. Treatment with

Case report. Gelastic seizures in a patient with right gyrus cinguli astrocytoma.

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OBJECTIVE Gelastic seizure (GS) also known as "gelastic epilepsy" is a rare type of seizure associated with several different conditions such as tumors--hypothalamic hamartromas, tuberous sclerosis, hemangiomas, post infectious foci, cortical temporal dysplasia. We report one case of this rare
Congenital brain tumours are rare. They account for 0.5% to 1.9% of intracranial tumours in childhood and have an incidence of 0.34 per million live births. Most congenital brain tumours are neuro-ectodermal tumours and medulloblastomas; giant cell astrocytoma and other tuberous sclerosis-related
A 28-year-old male who presented a relapse of intractable epilepsy consisting of complex partial seizures with occasional secondary generalizations at the age of 26, had undergone removal of a left mesial temporal lobe tumor at another hospital at 18 years old. Pathological examination at that time
The patient was a 10-year-old male with normal developmental milestones. He had medically intractable complex partial seizures since the age of 7 years. At the age of 10 years, he had focal motor seizures of the right face, and a head CT scan showed a calcified lesion in the left mesial temporal

A case of temporal lobe astrocytoma associated with epileptic seizures and schizophrenia-like psychosis.

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The clinical pictures of a left temporal lobe astrocytoma involving the hippocampal region showed a period of 27 years from ages 12 to 38 by epileptic seizures and a period of 9 years from 14 to 22 by schizophrenia-like symptoms and the following aggressive behavior during 16 years from ages 23 to

Effect of cranial irradiation on seizure frequency in adults with low-grade astrocytoma and medically intractable epilepsy.

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We report the effect of cranial irradiation on seizure frequency in five adults with unresected (biopsy-proven) cerebral hemisphere low-grade astrocytoma and medically intractable epilepsy. Seizures were refractory to standard antiepileptic drugs for 7 months to 27 years. Treatment with 5,400 cGy to
We report the finding of increased F-DOPA uptake in the brain parenchyma surrounding a temporoparietal low-grade diffuse astrocytoma and corresponding to transient seizure-induced MRI abnormalities. There was concomitant markedly increased tumoral uptake. This F-DOPA PET phenomenon may represent

Factors influencing seizures in adult patients with supratentorial astrocytic tumors.

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Seizures and epilepsy in adults are important and increasingly common clinical problems. Despite this, the investigation of seizures in adults with astrocytic tumors remains a grey area. The incidence and influencing factors of preoperative and postoperative seizures were evaluated in 101 patients

Long-term seizure outcomes in adult patients undergoing primary resection of malignant brain astrocytomas. Clinical article.

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OBJECTIVE Seizures are a common presenting symptom and cause of morbidity for patients with malignant astrocytomas. The authors set out to determine preoperative seizure characteristics, effects of surgery on seizure control, and factors associated with prolonged seizure control in patients with
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