Haitian Creole

beta ionone/kariess

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Aroma release in the oral cavity after wine intake is influenced by wine matrix composition.

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The aim of this study has been to investigate if wine matrix composition might influence the interaction between odorants and oral mucosa in the oral cavity during a "wine intake-like" situation. Aroma released after exposing the oral cavity of three individuals to different wines (n=12) previously
Interactions between a well-characterized protein, beta-lactoglobulin, and two flavor compounds, beta-ionone and gamma-decalactone, were studied by 2D NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectra were recorded in aqueous solution (pH 2.0, 12 mM NaCl, 10% D(2)O) under conditions such that beta-lactoglobulin is
Insects can sensitively and selectively detect thousands of semiochemicals at very low concentrations by their remarkable olfactory systems. As one of the most important olfactory proteins, odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) from insects are the most promising candidates for fabricating biosensors to

Structure of the epididymal retinoic acid binding protein at 2.1 A resolution.

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BACKGROUND Androgen-dependent proteins in the lumen of the epididymis are required for sperm maturation. One of these is a retinoic acid binding protein, E-RABP, which binds both all-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid. The other retinoid-binding proteins whose structures are known do not bind 9-cis

Molecular recognition of floral volatile with two olfactory related proteins in the Eastern honeybee (Apis cerana).

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The honeybee relies on its sensitive olfaction to perform the foraging activities in the field. In the antennal chemoreception system of honeybee, odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) and chemosensory protein (CSPs) are major two protein families capable of binding with some plant volatiles and chemical

Automated microwave double resonance spectroscopy: A tool to identify and characterize chemical compounds.

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Owing to its unparalleled structural specificity, rotational spectroscopy is a powerful technique to unambiguously identify and characterize volatile, polar molecules. We present here a new experimental approach, automated microwave double resonance (AMDOR) spectroscopy, to rapidly determine the

Retinal conformation and dynamics in activation of rhodopsin illuminated by solid-state H NMR spectroscopy.

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Solid-state NMR spectroscopy gives a powerful avenue for investigating G protein-coupled receptors and other integral membrane proteins in a native-like environment. This article reviews the use of solid-state (2)H NMR to study the retinal cofactor of rhodopsin in the dark state as well as the meta

Structural analysis and dynamics of retinal chromophore in dark and meta I states of rhodopsin from 2H NMR of aligned membranes.

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Rhodopsin is a prototype for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are implicated in many biological responses in humans. A site-directed (2)H NMR approach was used for structural analysis of retinal within its binding cavity in the dark and pre-activated meta I states. Retinal was labeled with

Dynamic structure of retinylidene ligand of rhodopsin probed by molecular simulations.

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Rhodopsin is currently the only available atomic-resolution template for understanding biological functions of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. The structural basis for the phenomenal dark state stability of 11-cis-retinal bound to rhodopsin and its ultrafast photoreaction are active

New "green" approaches to the synthesis of pyrazole derivatives.

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A novel approach to the synthesis of pyrazole derivatives from tosylhydrazones of alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds possessing a beta-hydrogen is proposed, exploiting microwave (MW) activation coupled with solvent free reaction conditions. The cycloaddition was studied on three ketones

Structure of the lutein-binding domain of human StARD3 at 1.74 Å resolution and model of a complex with lutein.

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A crystal structure of the lutein-binding domain of human StARD3 (StAR-related lipid-transfer protein 3; also known as MLN64) has been refined to 1.74 Å resolution. A previous structure of the same protein determined to 2.2 Å resolution highlighted homology with StARD1 and shared cholesterol-binding

Functional characterization of a Niemann-Pick type C2 protein in the parasitoid wasp Microplitis mediator.

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Niemann-Pick type C2 (NPC2) is a type of small soluble protein involved in lipid metabolism and triglyceride accumulation in vertebrates and arthropods. Recent studies have determined that NPC2 also participates in chemical communication of arthropods. In this work, two novel NPC2 proteins

Electron-crystallographic refinement of the structure of bacteriorhodopsin.

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Using electron diffraction data corrected for diffuse scattering together with additional phase information from 30 new images of tilted specimens, an improved experimental density map has been calculated for bacteriorhodopsin. The atomic model has then been rebuilt into this new map with particular

Expression patterns and ligand binding characterization of Plus-C odorant-binding protein 14 from Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze).

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Odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) can bind and transport hydrophobic odorants across the sensillum lymph to the olfactory receptors (ORs) and play crucial roles in insect chemosensory systems. Although the ligand spectra of classical OBPs have been extensively characterized, little is known about OBPs
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