Haitian Creole

bone cysts/drudzis

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Traumatic intraosseous ganglion. A case report.

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The rapid development of an intraosseous ganglion following an intraarticular fracture of the distal radius in a patient suffering from familial Mediterranean fever is presented. The case supports the view that trauma may be an etiological factor in the genesis of intraosseous ganglia.

[Apyretic malignant hyperthermia. Apropos of a case].

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A case of a febrile malignant hyperthermia in a patient who was undergoing surgical treatment of recurrent traumatic bone cyst of mandible is presented. M. H. crisis can occur in the absence of both muscle rigidity and elevation of temperature. A potentially fatal outcome of M. H. crisis was avoided
OBJECTIVE The aim of this report is to introduce a rare case in which an infected keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) was initially diagnosed and treated as a dentoalveolar abscess. BACKGROUND Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a benign neoplasm that can be secondarily infected. However,
Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) are benign aggressive bone lesions arising predominantly in the second decade of population in long bones at metaphyseal region which can cause local pain, swelling, and pathologic fracture. With two types, primary and secondary. diagnosis is made with

[17-year-old patient with neutropenia and fever during therapy with analgesics].

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METHODS A 17-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital because of fever, shivering and odynophagia. After a pathologic fracture of the neck of the femur because of a preexisting bone cyst he had been taking a combined analgetic therapy with tilidin, metamizole and diclofenac for three weeks.

Aneurysmal bone cysts in children: complications of fibrosing agent injection.

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OBJECTIVE To report complications of direct fibrosing agent injection in the treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) in children. METHODS The authors retrospectively analyzed all cases of ABCs treated with direct fibrosing agent injection (Ethibloc; Ethnor Laboratories, Ethicon, Noderstedt,

Intralesional Ethibloc injections in primary aneurysmal bone cysts: an efficient and safe treatment.

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OBJECTIVE Ethibloc is a fibrogenic and thrombogenic agent recently proposed for the treatment of bone cysts. The purpose of this study is to report the results of direct Ethibloc injection in primary aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) in children. METHODS Seventeen patients, aged from 2 to 18 years (mean 8

Pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis and recurrent bone cysts in a patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome.

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Herein we present a case of hypereosinophilic syndrome with a unique clinical presentation. A 32-year-old man was admitted because of fever, hemoptysis and chest pain. The main clinical features include hypereosinophilia, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia and recurrent bone

The sternoclavicular joint: can imaging differentiate infection from degenerative change?

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OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine if there are imaging and clinical findings that can differentiate a septic sternoclavicular joint from a degenerative one. METHODS Search of radiology reports from 2000-2007 revealed 460 subjects with imaging of the sternoclavicular joint, of whom

[Pseudotumoral subacute osteomyelitis: a series of 41 children].

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OBJECTIVE To confirm that subacute osteomyelitis in children is a real entity, and give the main characteristics of this disease METHODS We reviewed 41 cases as well as the litterature. RESULTS Pain without fever was the only constant symptom. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was increased

[Repair of bone defect due to tumor resection with self-setting CPC in children].

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OBJECTIVE To summarize the effect of self-setting CPC on the repair of bone defect after tumor resection in children. METHODS From December 1998 to December 2006, 32 patients with benign bone tumor were treated, and the bone defect was repaired by CPC. Among them, there were 21 males and 11 females,

Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma in children: beware of the solitary liver cyst.

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Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma (UES) of liver is a rare form of liver tumor in children. It may have an atypical presentation leading to delay in diagnosis. The authors report on 3 consecutive children with this condition, each of them presenting in older children who presented with this

Rheumatoid arthritis in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency: difficulty in diagnosis and therapy.

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Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most frequent primary immunodeficiency syndrome in adults with equal sex prevalence. The syndrome typically presents as recurrent infections, with onset in childhood or young adulthood (between 20 and 30 years). CVID patients also have a higher

Repeated meningitis as a delayed complication of scoliosis surgery.

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METHODS Case report. OBJECTIVE To report a case of very delayed repeated meningitis after surgical treatment of scoliosis. BACKGROUND Delayed infection after spine surgery is a well-reported phenomenon, presenting usually with local wound symptoms and back pain. The occurrence of meningitis after

Embolization of musculoskeletal bone tumors.

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Bone tumors may present as incidental findings, with pain or loss of function, or as fractures. There is a broad range of indications for transarterial embolization (TAE) in primary or metastatic bone tumors: to reduce operative hemorrhagic risks, to simplify or allow more definitive surgery, or in
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  • Zāļu ārstniecības līdzekļi, kurus atbalsta zinātne
  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
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