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[Butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy: case report].

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The authors present a case of butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy diagnosed in a male patient, with retinal pigmented epithelium atrophy and central visual acuity decrease in one of the eyes. The evolution of this case was not benign as described in previous reports. A well-defined lesion located in

[Butterfly-shaped dystrophy of the macula].

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BACKGROUND The butterfly-shaped dystrophy of the macula is an extremely rare autosomal dominant retinal disorder first described by Deutman in 1970. Two cases are presented. METHODS The first patient presented to the clinic with slight deterioration of vision OD. Corrected visual acuity was OD 0.63

Butterfly-shaped macular dystrophy in four generations.

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Four generations in a family were affected by butterfly-shaped macular dystrophy. Affected members ranged in age from 8 to 77 years. In addition to the primary features of autosomal dominant inheritance, bilateral symmetrical pigmented macular lesion, and a low electrooculographic light peak-dark

[EOG in adult vitelliform macular degeneration, butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy and Best disease].

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OBJECTIVE We evaluated the EOG in the various stages of foveomacular dystrophy (also called adult-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy) and compared these findings to those in Best's disease and butterfly-shaped dystrophy. METHODS The records of 49 patients (98 eyes) in whom foveomacular dystrophy

Corpus luteum formation and ovulation in the butterfly Calpodes.

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The first corpus luteum of each ovariole is formed initially from the epithelial plug of cells which underly the first leading oocyte through autolysis, characterized by increased acid phosphatase activity, autophagy and lipophilic material. Later autolysis spreads progressively to apposing

Butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy: a genetic, clinical, and histopathological report.

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OBJECTIVE To identify the disease-causing mutation in a large family segregating dominantly inherited butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy (BPD) and to describe the microscopic pathological changes observed in a member of this family. METHODS Seventeen individuals at risk for dominantly inherited BPD

Hofstadter's butterfly and the fractal quantum Hall effect in moiré superlattices.

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Electrons moving through a spatially periodic lattice potential develop a quantized energy spectrum consisting of discrete Bloch bands. In two dimensions, electrons moving through a magnetic field also develop a quantized energy spectrum, consisting of highly degenerate Landau energy levels. When

Identification of nucleopolyhedrovirus that infect Nymphalid butterflies Agraulis vanillae and Dione juno.

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Dione juno and Agraulis vanillae are very common butterflies in natural gardens in South America, and also bred worldwide. In addition, larvae of these butterflies are considered as pests in crops of Passiflora spp. For these reasons, it is important to identify and describe pathogens of these

Unravelling the Costs of Flight for Immune Defenses in the Migratory Monarch Butterfly.

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Migratory animals undergo extreme physiological changes to prepare for and sustain energetically costly movements; one potential change is reduced investment in immune defenses. However, because some migrants have evolved to minimize the energetic demands of movement (for example, through the

Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis with clinical findings consistent with a butterfly glioma. Case report.

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The authors report a case of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Kufs' disease) confirmed by stereotactically obtained brain biopsy findings and initially diagnosed as a butterfly glioma. The presenting symptoms in the 64-year-old patient were mental alterations with progressive dementia, followed by

White butterfly (Clerodendrum volubile) leaf extract protects against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.

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Currently, there is increasing attention towards flavonoids and phenolic compounds of plant origin because of their association with decrease in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and different types of cancer. The present study investigates the protective effect of Clerodendrum volubile (C.

Postembryonic brain development in the monarch butterfly,Danaus plexippus plexippus L. : II. The optic lobes.

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1. Temporal and spatial aspects of postembryonic optic lobe development in a Lepidopteran,Danaus plexippus plexippus L., were analyzed using serial section reconstructions and H3-thymidine radioautography to display loci of cell production and progressive movements of populations of cells. 2. Optic

Structure, function, and self-assembly of single network gyroid (I4132) photonic crystals in butterfly wing scales.

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Complex three-dimensional biophotonic nanostructures produce the vivid structural colors of many butterfly wing scales, but their exact nanoscale organization is uncertain. We used small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on single scales to characterize the 3D photonic nanostructures of five butterfly
Habitat demands and species mobility strongly determine the occurrence of species. Sedentary species with specific habitat requirements are assumed to occur more patchy than mobile habitat generalist species, and thus suffer stronger under habitat fragmentation and habitat deterioration. In this
1. Cellular morphogenesis during postembryonic brain development inDanaus plexippus plexippus L. was examined using histological techniques including radioautography. 2. The production of new neurones is continuous throughout larval and pupal stages and shows no fluctuations corresponding to
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