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Evolutionary origins of a novel host plant detoxification gene in butterflies.

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Chemical interactions between plants and their insect herbivores provide an excellent opportunity to study the evolution of species interactions on a molecular level. Here, we investigate the molecular evolutionary events that gave rise to a novel detoxifying enzyme (nitrile-specifier protein [NSP])

Disrupting butterfly caterpillar microbiomes does not impact their survival and development.

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Associations with gut microbes are believed to play crucial roles in the physiology, immune function, development and behaviour of insects. However, microbiome sequencing has recently suggested that butterflies are an anomaly, because their microbiomes do not show strong host- and developmental

Complete genomes of Hairstreak butterflies, their speciation, and nucleo-mitochondrial incongruence.

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Comparison of complete genomes of closely related species enables research on speciation and how phenotype is determined by genotype. Lepidoptera, an insect order of 150,000 species with diverse phenotypes, is well-suited for such comparative genomics studies if new genomes, which cover additional

Unlocking the genetic basis of monarch butterflies' use of medicinal plants.

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If there was any doubt of the primary role that plant secondary metabolites play in host-parasite co-evolution, the "From the Cover" paper by Tan et al. (2019) featured in this issue of Molecular Ecology will lay these doubts to rest. The group's previous work on monarch butterflies

The molecular genetic basis of herbivory between butterflies and their host plants.

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Interactions between herbivorous insects and their host plants are a central component of terrestrial food webs and a critical topic in agriculture, where a substantial fraction of potential crop yield is lost annually to pests. Important insights into plant-insect interactions have come from

Mechanisms of macroevolution: polyphagous plasticity in butterfly larvae revealed by RNA-Seq.

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Transcriptome studies of insect herbivory are still rare, yet studies in model systems have uncovered patterns of transcript regulation that appear to provide insights into how insect herbivores attain polyphagy, such as a general increase in expression breadth and regulation of ribosomal,

Tolerance of Novel Toxins through Generalized Mechanisms: Simulating Gradual Host Shifts of Butterflies.

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Organisms encounter a wide range of toxic compounds in their environments, from chemicals that serve anticonsumption or anticompetition functions to pollutants and pesticides. Although we understand many detoxification mechanisms that allow organisms to consume toxins typical of their diet, we know

The gut bacterial community affects immunity but not metabolism in a specialist herbivorous butterfly

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Plant tissues often lack essential nutritive elements and may contain a range of secondary toxic compounds. As nutritional imbalance in food intake may affect the performances of herbivores, the latter have evolved a variety of physiological mechanisms to cope with the challenges of digesting their

Identification and characterisation of seventeen glutathione S-transferase genes from the cabbage white butterfly Pieris rapae.

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Insect glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) play essential roles in the detoxification of insecticides and other xenobiotic compounds. The cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae, is an economically important agricultural pest. In this study, 17 cDNA sequences encoding putative GSTs were identified in P.

Molecular cloning and expression in vitro of a carboxylesterase gene from the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia).

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Carboxylesterase (EC is a member of the carboxyl/cholinesterase (CCE) superfamily, which is widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms. This enzyme has been known to be associated with insecticide resistance and detoxification. Although CCEs have been extensively studied in

Differential toxicity of a phenolic glycoside from quaking aspen to Papilio glaucus butterfly subspecies, hybrids and backcrosses.

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Papilio glaucus subspecies, hybrids and backcrosses exhibit greatly different abilities to use quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and other members of the Salicaceae as host plants. This study was conducted to test the hypotheses that phenolic glycosides account for the differences in larval
Herbivorous insects have evolved many mechanisms to overcome plant chemical defences, including detoxification and sequestration. Herbivores may also use toxic plants to reduce parasite infection. Plant toxins could directly interfere with parasites or could enhance endogenous immunity.
Ferritin, which is ubiquitous among all living organisms, plays a crucial role in maintaining iron homeostasis, immune response, and detoxification. In the present research, we identified an iron-binding protein, ferritin heavy chain subunit, from Papilio xuthus and named PxFerHCH. The complete

Patterns of divergence across the geographic and genomic landscape of a butterfly hybrid zone associated with a climatic gradient.

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Hybrid zones are a valuable tool for studying the process of speciation and for identifying the genomic regions undergoing divergence and the ecological (extrinsic) and nonecological (intrinsic) factors involved. Here, we explored the genomic and geographic landscape of divergence in a hybrid zone
The methanolic extract of milk thistle, Silybium marianum L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), was investigated for its effects on the mortality, growth, feeding indices, enzymatic activity, and levels of non-enzymatic molecules of the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), a pest of
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