Haitian Creole


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Butterfly artifact in the oral cavity.

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BACKGROUND We developed three types of new atrial retractors that facilitate totally endoscopic mitral valve surgery. METHODS Tornado Retractor: This retractor, which is made of rigid thick wire has a unique appearance, and can be inserted atraumatically through a 3-mm skin incision. Butterfly

Neuroethology of ultrasonic hearing in nocturnal butterflies (Hedyloidea).

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Nocturnal Hedyloidea butterflies possess ultrasound-sensitive ears that mediate evasive flight maneuvers. Tympanal ear morphology, auditory physiology and behavioural responses to ultrasound are described for Macrosoma heliconiaria, and evidence for hearing is described for eight other hedylid

Nasal Airflow Changes With Bioabsorbable Implant, Butterfly, and Spreader Grafts.

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Internal nasal valve compromise is a major cause of nasal obstruction, with a growing number of ways to treat this condition. In this study, we compared the effects of butterfly graft, spreader graft, and the bioabsorbable nasal implant on nasal airflow

Butterfly tragal cartilage for repair of focal canal wall defects.

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Meato-mastoid fistula is a connection between the external auditory canal and the mastoid cavity. It may be iatrogenic or pathological. The repair of these focal canal wall defects is necessary to prevent retraction pockets or sequential cholesteatoma and attain relief from

First-trimester sonographic diagnosis of holoprosencephaly: value of the "butterfly" sign.

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OBJECTIVE To study the value of choroid plexus dysmorphology as a screening tool for the first-trimester sonographic diagnosis of holoprosencephaly in a high-risk population. METHODS A total of 378 consecutive pregnancies undergoing chorionic villus sampling between 11 and 14 weeks' gestation were

Management of uterine adhesions with 'Massouras Duck's Foot' and 'Butterfly' IUDs.

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The Massouras Duck's Foot (MDF) IUD and the Butterfly IUD have been clinically evaluated. The MDF, which is Y-shaped, has 2 or 3 horizontal arms on a vertical stem and 2 triangular wings, in between the 'V'. When inserted after curettage, it prevents intrauterine or intracervical adhesions. The

Observation of counterclockwise, clockwise and butterfly bistabilty in 1550 nm VCSOAs.

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In this paper, we report counter-clockwise, clockwise, and, for the first time to our knowledge, butterfly bistability in 1550 nm Vertical Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (VCSOA). Bistable operation is experimentally observed for bias currents ranging from 66-122% of threshold with switching

How I do it? Endoscopic modified inlay butterfly cartilage perichondrium myringoplasty.

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Though the microscope has helped a lot in otological surgical procedure but it has same optical properties for the last three decades.1 Thus, it has its own limitation as it provides a magnified image along a straight line (Fig 1).2 Meanwhile, the introduction of endoscope in other area of medical

Crack Formation Following Root-End Preparation in Roots with the Butterfly Effect.

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To investigate apical cracks in roots that exhibit the butterfly effect and that have undergone apical resection and ultrasonic root-end cavity preparation. The effect of the obturation material was also studied.Forty extracted single-rooted teeth were

Ultra-Low Acoustic Loss Micro-Machined Butterfly Lamb Wave Resonators on AlN Plates.

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This study reports the design of a novel Butterfly Lamb wave resonator (LWR) employing S0 mode in AlN plate, and for the first time, its ultra-high parallel-resonance quality factor (Qp) of 4,021 is demonstrated, indicating an ultra-low acoustic loss. Although the series resonance quality factor

The butterfly sign: an indicator of fluid within both the greater peritoneal cavity and the lesser omental bursa.

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Fluid accumulations present in the lesser omental bursa and the greater peritoneal cavity simultaneously outline a pattern resembling a butterfly. This "butterfly sign" can contribute to a more accurate diagnosis in evaluation of acute pancreatic processes and, more generally, acute abdominal

First trimester screening for holoprosencephaly with choroid plexus morphology ('butterfly' sign) and biparietal diameter.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to determine whether choroid plexus morphology ('butterfly' sign) and biparietal diameter (BPD) are effective sonographic screening tools for holoprosencephaly (HPE) in the first trimester. METHODS An axial view of the fetal head was obtained routinely to

Mechanical determinants of nectar-feeding energetics in butterflies: muscle mechanics, feeding geometry, and functional equivalence.

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We develop a mechanistic model for nectar feeding in butterflies that integrates the two basic components of the feeding process: the fluid dynamics of nectar flow through the food canal and the contractile mechanics of the muscular, cibarial pump. We use the model to predict the relation between

Role of Endoscopic Modified Inlay Butterfly Cartilage Perichondrium Myringoplasty in Hearing Outcome and Graft Uptake.

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Background The endoscopes have better optics and magnification with wide angle of view due to angled lenses. It provides the excellent resolution of image in surgeries having many difficult anatomic nooks and corners like; antero-inferior recess of external auditory canal, middle ear cavity and
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