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[A case of male who was taken systemic lupus erythematosus with chilblain lupus].

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A 38-year-old male was admitted to our hospital because of high grade fever, erythema of face and extremities and oral ulcer. The laboratory examination showed leukopenia, high titer (320 dil.) of antinuclear antibody, a positive reaction of anti-Sm antibody. Especially histopathology of hand

Chilblain-like lesions: a case series of 41 patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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During the COVID-19 pandemic dermatologists in countries with the highest incidence have noted an increase in consultations for chilblain-like lesions. In the Region of Murcia, a south-east Spanish area with around 1.5 million population, dermatologists have collected these findings during one week.

Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome: an autoinflammatory disorder showing pernio-like rashes and progressive partial lipodystrophy.

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Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome (ORPHA2615; also registered as Nakajo syndrome in OMIM#256040) is a distinct inherited inflammatory and wasting disease, originally reported from Japan. This disease usually begins in early infancy with a pernio-like rash, especially in winter. The patients develop periodic
The COVID-19 outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, typically presents with symptoms including fever, cough, headache, myalgia, asthenia, anosmia, diarrhea, and sometimes pneumonia, which can be fatal. Recently, new dermatologic findings have been described in association with the

Management of pernio-like cutaneous manifestations in children during the outbreak of covid-19

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Background: During the outbreak of COVID-19 many pernio-like lesions have been increasingly reported. The aim of the study is to describe our management of these skin manifestations and to evaluate a possible correlation to SARS-CoV-2

Chilblains in children in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic.

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Different skin manifestations of COVID-19 are being reported. Acral lesions on the hands and feet, closely resembling chilblains, have been recognized during the peak incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective review of 22 children and adolescents with

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is present in both endothelial and eccrine cells of a chilblain-like skin lesion

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Data on SARS-CoV-2 detection in lesional skin is controversial.1-8 We report a PCR-proven COVID-19 patient with a chilblain-like SARS-CoV-2 positive skin lesion. An 80-year-old woman presented to the emergency department at the End of March 2020. She reported an onset of fever (38.4 C°)

A case of COVID-19 presenting in clinical picture resembling chilblains disease. First report from the Middle East.

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Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 disease were identified in a cohort study involving 1099 patients from China. COVID-19 most commonly present with fever, cough, fatigue, and congestion. Two out of 1099 patients were reported to have skin rash, but time of onset and clinical description of rash
A 35-year-old woman with no significant previous medical history presented at the Emergency Department of Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital (Madrid, Spain) on April 14th with acral purpuric lesions of three weeks duration. These had started as oedematous, erythematous areas and had appeared

Clinical and radiological features of extra-pulmonary sarcoidosis: a pictorial essay.

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The aim of this manuscript is to describe radiological findings of extra-pulmonary sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is an immune-mediated systemic disease of unknown origin, characterized by non-caseating epitheliod granulomas. Ninety percent of patients show granulomas located in the lungs or in the

Health status of school age children employed in carpet weaving in Ganderbal Block.

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In a health and morbidity screening among 500 carpet weaving children and 450 children attending school selected at random in a rural field practice area the age group studied was from 6 to 16. Each child was thoroughly interviewed and examined for any deviation from health. The height and weight

Note on Idiosyncrasies and Abnormalities in Human Beings.

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Idiosyncrasies are the expression of abnormal mental or physical reaction towards "agents." An attempt is made to indicate the position of idiosyncrasies in a classified scheme of all abnormalities; but bodily idiosyncrasies due to an "allergic" or hypersensitive response to agents are mainly

[Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome].

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Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome (NNS) (MIM256040, ORPHA2615) is a distinct inherited inflammatory and wasting disease, which usually begins in early infancy with a pernio-like rash. The patients develop periodic high fever and nodular erythema-like eruptions, and gradually progress lipomuscular atrophy in

Similarities in Cutaneous Histopathological Patterns between COVID-19-positive and COVID-19 High-risk Patients with Skin Dermatosis

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Only recently histopathological studies of patients with dermatosis and concomitant SARS-Cov-2 viral infection were published. Seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, more skin biopsies of COVID-19 positive patients are taking place. We examined the histological features of 30 skin biopsies from
Skin manifestations of COVID-19 infections are diverse and are new to the dermatology community. We had the opportunity to examine the clinical and histopathological features of several patients who were divided into 3 groups. The first group included 8 COVID-19-positive patients who were
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