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chondrodysplasia punctata/phospholipid

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Defective lipid remodeling of GPI anchors in peroxisomal disorders, Zellweger syndrome, and rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata.

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Many cell surface proteins in mammalian cells are anchored to the plasma membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). The predominant form of mammalian GPI contains 1-alkyl-2-acyl phosphatidylinositol (PI), which is generated by lipid remodeling from diacyl PI. The conversion of diacyl PI to
Ether phospholipids are essential constituents of eukaryotic cell membranes. Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 3 is a severe peroxisomal disorder caused by inborn deficiency of alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase (ADPS). The enzyme carries out the most characteristic step in ether

Abnormal myelin formation in rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 2 (DHAPAT-deficiency).

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The case of a Yemeni girl with isolated peroxisomal acyl-CoA:dihydroxyacetonephosphate acyltransferase (DHAPAT) deficiency is reported. She had rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, microcephaly, failure to thrive, delayed motor and mental development, and spastic quadriplegia. Deficient de novo

Oral batyl alcohol supplementation rescues decreased cardiac conduction in ether phospholipid-deficient mice

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Plasmalogens (Pls) are a class of membrane phospholipids which serve a number of essential biological functions. Deficiency of Pls is associated with common disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or ischemic heart disease. A complete lack of Pls due to genetically determined defective biosynthesis

The importance of ether-phospholipids: a view from the perspective of mouse models.

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Ether-phospholipids represent an important group of phospholipids characterized by an alkyl or an alkenyl bond at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Plasmalogens are the most abundant form of alkenyl-glycerophospholipids, and their synthesis requires functional peroxisomes. Defects in the

Homeostasis of phospholipids - The level of phosphatidylethanolamine tightly adapts to changes in ethanolamine plasmalogens.

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Ethanolamine plasmalogens constitute a group of ether glycerophospholipids that, due to their unique biophysical and biochemical properties, are essential components of mammalian cellular membranes. Their importance is emphasized by the consequences of defects in plasmalogen biosynthesis, which in

Alkyl-glycerol rescues plasmalogen levels and pathology of ether-phospholipid deficient mice.

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A deficiency of plasmalogens, caused by impaired peroxisomal metabolism affects normal development and multiple organs in adulthood. Treatment options aimed at restoring plasmalogen levels may be relevant for the therapy of peroxisomal and non-peroxisomal disorders. In this study we determined the

Plasmalogens and fatty alcohols in rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata and Sjögren-Larsson syndrome.

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Plasmalogens are a special class of ether-phospholipids, best recognized by their vinyl-ether bond at the sn-1 position of the glycerobackbone and by the observation that their deficiency causes rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP). The complex plasmalogen biosynthetic pathway involves
Plasmalogens are ether-glycerophospholipids that exist in all mammalian cells, but their physiological function remains thus far an enigma. It has been previously suggested that the association of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) with cellular phospholipid is a pre-requisite for the process of

Mild reduction of plasmalogens causes rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata: functional characterization of a novel mutation.

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Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to the deficiency in ether lipid synthesis. RCDP type 1, the most prominent type, is caused by the dysfunction of the receptor of peroxisome targeting signal type 2, Pex7 (peroxisomal biogenesis factor 7), and the

Functional characterization of novel mutations in GNPAT and AGPS, causing rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) types 2 and 3.

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Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) is a disorder of peroxisome metabolism resulting from a deficiency of plasmalogens, a specialized class of membrane phospholipids. Classically, patients have a skeletal dysplasia and profound mental retardation, although milder phenotypes are increasingly

Peroxisomal disorders in neurology.

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Although peroxisomes were initially believed to play only a minor role in mammalian metabolism, it is now clear that they catalyse essential reactions in a number of different metabolic pathways and thus play an indispensable role in intermediary metabolism. The metabolic pathways in which

Leukodystrophy caused by plasmalogen deficiency rescued by glyceryl 1-myristyl ether treatment.

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Plasmalogens are the most abundant form of ether phospholipids in myelin and their deficiency causes Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP), a severe developmental disorder. Using the Gnpat-knockout (KO) mouse as a model of RCDP, we determined the consequences of a plasmalogen deficiency during
Inherited deficiency in ether lipids, a subgroup of phospholipids whose biosynthesis needs peroxisomes, causes the fatal human disorder rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata. The exact roles of ether lipids in the mammalian organism and, therefore, the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease are

Immunological analyses of alkyl-dihydroxyacetone-phosphate synthase in human peroxisomal disorders.

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Alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase (alkyl-DHAP synthase) is a peroxisomal enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of ether phospholipids. To localize the enzyme in human peroxisomal disorders, indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblot analysis was performed. In Zellweger syndrome and rhizomelic
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