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Osseous choristoma in child with strong vomiting reflex.

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Osseous lesions within soft tissue such as the tongue are extremely rare. Here, we report an osseous choristoma on the posterior portion of the tongue in a patient with a strong vomiting reflex. The patient was an 11-year-old boy who presented with the chief complaint of swelling on the posterior

Gastric choristoma of the hypopharynx presenting in an infant: a case report and review of the literature.

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Normal gastric mucosa has been found throughout the alimentary tract, ranging from scattered rests of cells to well formed mucosa with submucosal smooth muscle. Many terms have been applied to these collections; however, the term gastric choristoma seems most appropriate. We present a case of

Abdominal heterotopic tissues: review of 24 cases diagnosed on postoperative histological evaluation.

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OBJECTIVE Heterotopy is defined as abnormal localization of well-differentiated tissue. Heterotopic tissues usually tend to be asymptomatic and noncomplicated but sometimes may cause serious clinical problems. Malignancy potential is the most important issue in this clinical entity. In this study we

Meckel's diverticulum.

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Although Meckel's diverticulum is the most prevalent congenital abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract, it is often difficult to diagnose. It may remain completely asymptomatic, or it may mimic such disorders as Crohn's disease, appendicitis and peptic ulcer disease. Ectopic tissue, found in

Segmental dilatation of the ileum as an unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleeding: report of one case.

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We report a case of segmental dilatation of the ileum in a 10-month-old male infant. Intermittent loose black-colored stool passage and normocytic anemia were noted at the initial visits to our hospital. There was no symptom or sign of intestinal obstruction such as abdominal distention or vomiting.

[Clinical characteristics of Meckel's diverticulum in a population of children].

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A descriptive and retrospective study was realized during a period of eleven years from January 1983 to December 1993. There were found 101 cases, of which 75.25% were Meckel's diverticulum complicated. The incidence found was of 1.2%. The 89.5% of the complicated cases were less than 10 years old,

Perforated Meckel's diverticulum in a neonate.

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A case of Meckel's diverticulum is reported in an eight-day-old male baby, the youngest patient to have had this condition at National Taiwan University Hospital. The baby had been affected by bilious vomiting of 3 days' duration and abdominal distension before being brought to the hospital. A

Intussusception caused by heterotopic gastric mucosa in small intestine: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Intestinal intussusception is the most frequent cause of small bowel obstruction in children between the ages of 2 months and 5 years and often remains idiopathic in etiology, even after surgery. On microscopic examination, in intussusception normal mucosa is noted but in a few cases

Segmental dilatation of the intestine: results of a nationwide survey in Japan.

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OBJECTIVE To clarify the status of segmental dilatation of the intestine (SD) using a nationwide retrospective cohort survey. METHODS Supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan, preliminary questionnaires requesting the numbers of SD cases from 2000 to 2009 were sent to 161

Pancreatic and Gastric Heterotopia in the Gallbladder: A Rare Incidental Finding.

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Heterotopic or ectopic tissue is a congenital anomaly, which is defined as the presence of the tissue outside its normal location, without neural, vascular, or anatomic connection with the main body of an organ in which it normally exists. This tissue is usually discovered incidentally and may be

Malignancy risk prediction for primary jejunum-ileal tumors.

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This work is aimed at identifying factors associated with primary jejunum-ileal tumors malignancy, defining a prediction model with sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to distinguish malign from benign neoplasms. These tumors are rare, have highly unspecific presentation and, frequently, are

Cystic dystrophy of the duodenal wall developing in heterotopic pancreas: report of 9 cases.

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OBJECTIVE Cystic dystrophy in heterotopic pancreas (CDHP), an uncommon but serious complication of dilatation of the ectopic pancreatic ducts of heterotopic pancreatic tissue, occurs most often in the second part of the duodenum. This disorder is difficult to diagnose and raises various therapeutic

Clinical spectrum of alimentary tract duplication in children.

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Alimentary tract duplication is a rare congenital malformations. Sixteen patients admitted to our pediatric ward were enrolled in a ten-year study over the most recent decade. In this paper, we trace their history and retrospectively analyze sex, age, clinical presentations, duplication size and

Enteric Duplication Cysts in Children: A Single-Institution Series with Forty Patients in Twenty-Six Years.

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The purpose of the study was to evaluate our experience with enteric duplication cysts in 40 children during the past 26 years, while assessing the variability of their presentations and to propose an algorithm for surgical management. We retrospectively analysed sex, age, clinical presentations,

Gastrointestinal tract duplications in children.

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OBJECTIVE Gastrointestinal tract duplications (GTD) are rare congenital abnormalities that can occur anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. These anomalies may present as a single, multiple, or a vague pathologies. Diagnosing and treating these diseases may be difficult in some patients. We
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