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colloid cysts/nelabums

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Is colloid cyst of the third ventricle a manifestation of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome?

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A 14-year-old girl with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome presented with intermittent headache and nausea. Magnetic resonance imaging and a computed tomographic scan of the head revealed a colloid cyst of the third ventricle and mild dilatation of the lateral ventricle. The cyst was successfully

Migratory neurocysticercosis mimicking a third ventricular colloid cyst. Case report.

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The authors report on a case of solitary neurocysticercosis located in the anterior third ventricle of a 21-year-old Hispanic man who presented with progressive headache, nausea, and mental decline. The appearance of the lesion on computerized tomography and magnetic resonance studies was typical of

Neurosurgical management of a giant colloid cyst with atypical clinical and radiological presentation.

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The finding of a colloid cyst on neuroimaging is often incidental. These lesions are usually located at the foramen of Monro, are hyperdense on CT scans, and generally demonstrate signal intensity of water on MR images, although this depends on their content. When symptomatic, they frequently

Management of colloid cyst of third ventricle.

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Colloid cysts are usually located in third ventricle and are believed to be derived from either primitive neuroepithelium or endoderm. Patients may remain asymptomatic for long time while some can present with paroxysmal headache, gait disturbance, nausea, vomiting, behavioral changes, weaknesses of

Colloid cyst of the third ventricle--a neurological emergency.

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Colloid cyst of the third ventricle, although a benign lesion, carries with it high mortality and morbidity if not diagnosed in time. The most common presenting symptom is headache. A 31-year-old man with a history of intermittent, throbbing, unilateral headache and nausea was admitted because of

[Colloid cysts of the third ventricle].

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Colloid cysts of the 3rd ventricle, diagnosis and treatment. 11 patients with colloid cyst of the 3rd ventricle were diagnosed and treated at the Department of Neurosurgery the Medical University of Warsaw, between 1987 and 1996. The patients comprised 5 females and 6 males, aged 22 to 58 years.

Rare occurrence of intracerebellar colloid cyst. Case report.

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Colloid cysts are rare intracerebral lesions that are preferentially encountered within the third ventricle. There are only a few reports in which colloid cysts are described in other locations such as the fourth ventricle. A symptomatic intracerebellar colloid cyst in a 45-year-old woman is

Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Colloid Cysts: a review of the literature.

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Colloid cysts account for approximately 2% of primary brain tumours and the majority of cases are identified in the fourth and fifth decade. They are small, gelatinous neoplasms lined by a single layer of mucin-secreting columnar epithelium that are thought to arise from errors in folding of the

Remote transplantation of a third ventricle colloid cyst: case report.

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The authors report the case of a 15-year-old girl with a third ventricle colloid cyst. She presented with prolonged headache, nausea, vomiting, and loss of visual acuity with bilateral papilledema. Computed tomography and MRI revealed severe biventricular hydrocephalus with transependymal

Colloid cysts: experience with the management of 84 cases since the introduction of computed tomography.

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A retrospective review of colloid cysts diagnosed from 1974 to 1986 emphasizes the presenting symptoms of these lesions, their surgical management, and the contribution of modern imaging techniques to their diagnosis and therapy. In this 12-year period, 84 patients (45 men and 39 women) had a

Familial colloid cysts of the third ventricle.

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A father and daughter with colloid cysts of the third ventricle are described. The nine previously reported examples of familial occurrence are reviewed, and the conclusion is reached that inheritance is likely autosomal dominant. The proportion of all cases which are genetic is not known. A plea is

Colloid cyst: a case study.

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A colloid cyst, also called a neuroepithelial cyst, is a slow-growing, benign tumor that occurs in the anterior third ventricle. The cyst typically blocks the foramen of Monro, causing obstructive hydrocephalus involving only the lateral ventricles. The most common presenting sign and symptom of a

Use of the Swiveling Technique for Endoscopic Removal of a Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle: A Technical Note.

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Colloid cysts are considered benign brain tumors and usually occur in the anterior third ventricle. The clinical presentation may be nonspecific and heterogeneous including headaches, visual changes, nausea, and vomiting. The symptomatology is frequently associated with the development of

Colloid cyst of the third ventricle.

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BACKGROUND Colloid cyst of the third ventricle has rarely been reported in the ophthalmic literature. The incidence is about one per 1000 in asymptomatic patients and accounts for 0.55 to 2 percent of all intracranial tumors. Although it is an uncommon benign tumor, nearly half of symptomatic

Dizygotic twins with a colloid cyst of the third ventricle: case report.

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OBJECTIVE Colloid cysts of the third ventricle are rare benign tumors of endodermal origin accounting for 1% of all intracranial tumors. Interestingly, a few familial cases have been reported previously. We present the first case of dizygotic twins with a symptomatic colloid cyst of the third
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