Haitian Creole

cordia dichotoma/antibakteriāls

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Green synthesis of ZnO hierarchical microstructures by Cordia myxa and their antibacterial activity.

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In this study, the leaves extract of Cordia myxa, has been used for the first time to synthesize zinc oxide (ZnO) hierarchical microstructures. The solution combustion method was employed as a self-sustaining reaction between zinc nitrate and the leaves extract. The surface properties of

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Cordia verbenacea extracts obtained by different methods.

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The present study describes the chemical composition and the antibacterial activity of extracts from Cordia verbenacea DC (Borraginaceae), a traditional medicinal plant that grows widely along the southeastern coast of Brazil. The extracts were obtained using different extraction techniques:

Phytochemical, sub-acute toxicity, and antibacterial evaluation of Cordia sebestena leaf extracts.

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BACKGROUND In Nigeria, Cordia sebestena (Boraginaceae), an understudied medicinal plant, is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. In this study, we investigated the chemical composition, antibacterial potential, and sub-acute toxicity of C. sebestena

Chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal activities of essential oil from Cordia verbenacea DC leaves.

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BACKGROUND Cordia verbenacea is a Brazilian coastal shrub popularly known as "erva baleeira". The essential oil from fresh leaves was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by CG/MS. The main components were identified as β-caryophyllene (25.4%), bicyclogermacrene (11.3%), δ-cadinene (9.%) and

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea from the Venezuelan Andes.

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The essential oil of Cordia verbenacea D.C. (Boraginaceae) that grows in Mérida-Venezuela was obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of the plant, yielding 0.21%. The oil was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Thirty one components which made up 94.3% of the oil were identified. The most
BACKGROUND This study evaluated the effects of C. verbenacea essential oil topically administered in a rat periodontitis model. METHODS Periodontitis was induced on rats in one of the mandibular first molars assigned to receive a ligature. Animals were randomly divided into two groups: a)

Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Cordia dichotoma (Forster F.) bark extracts.

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Cordia dichotoma Forst.f. bark, identified as botanical source of Shlesmataka in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias. Present study was carried out with an objective to investigate the antibacterial and antifungal potentials of Cordia dichotoma bark. Antibacterial activity of methanol and butanol extracts of
The physicochemical properties, proximate composition, minerals, total polyphenols, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, antioxidant, and antibacterial activities of ciricote (Cordia dodecandra A. DC.) tropical fruit were investigated. Minerals were quantified by using micro-Energy Dispersive
Present investigation reports first phytochemical profile of Cordia sinensis Lam. stems utilising GC-FID and GC-MS analyses. Moreover, antibacterial, antifungal, phytotoxic and insecticidal potential of stems was also evaluated. Altogether 33 (∼69%) compounds were identified. n-Hexadecanoic
The increased use of pesticides applied to treat diseases caused by bacteria has caused serious environmental problems. There are few fungicides/bactericides for the treatment of plant diseases caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), and only two natural products with general

GC-MS & preliminary screening profile of Cordia sinensis leaves - antiglycation, antifungal and insecticidal agents.

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Crude extracts and fractions of Cordia sinensis leaves were subjected to gas chromatography-flame ionisation detection (GC-FID), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses and preliminary screening for biological potentials using antibacterial, antifungal, phytotoxic, cytotoxic,

Potentiation of antibiotic activity of aminoglycosides by natural products from Cordia verbenacea DC.

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Medicinal plants are often the only therapeutic resource for many communities and ethnic groups. Cordia verbenacea DC., "Erva-baleeira," is one of the species of plants currently used to produce a phytotherapeutic product extracted from its leaves. The present study aimed to establish its chemical

GC-MS profile of antimicrobial and antioxidant fractions from Cordia rothii roots.

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BACKGROUND An ethnobotanical survey of Cordia rothii Roem. & Schult. (Boraginaceae) reveals it as a medicinal plant. OBJECTIVE Antimicrobial and antioxidant potential evaluation and identification of chemical constituents via GC-MS of C. rothii roots fractions. To the best of our knowledge, this is

Modulation of the norfloxacin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus by Cordia verbenaceae DC.

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OBJECTIVE Several chemical compounds isolated from natural sources have antibacterial activity and some enhance the antibacterial activity of antibiotics reversing the natural resistance of bacteria to certain antibiotics. In this study, the hexane and methanol extract of Cordia verbenaceae were

Biological Activities and Chemical Characterization of Cordia verbenacea DC. as Tool to Validate the Ethnobiological Usage.

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Knowledge of medicinal plants is often the only therapeutic resource of many communities and ethnic groups. "Erva-baleeira", Cordia verbenacea DC., is one of the species of plants currently exploited for the purpose of producing a phytotherapeutic product extracted from its leaves. In Brazil, its
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