Haitian Creole

corylus americana/hypersensitivity

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Peanut and tree nut allergy.

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Among foods causing allergic reactions in children, peanut (a legume) and tree nuts (ie, walnut, hazel nut, Brazil nut, pecan) have attracted considerable attention for several reasons. Allergies to these foods are common, frequently have an onset in the first few years of life, generally persist,

[Hypersensitivity to poppy seeds].

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Hypersensitivity to poppy seeds is rare and it may develop due to immune (allergy) and non-immune reactions of fulminant course. Two cases of hypersensitivity to poppy seeds are presented: in a 21-year-old woman and 32-year-old man in whom life-threatening symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis (SSA)

Labial food challenge in children with food allergy.

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The current increase in the prevalence of food allergies appears to have several causes including better screening, improved diagnosis and changes in both the techniques used by food manufacturers and eating habits. Labial food challenge (LFC)is simple, rapid to perform and is associated with only

Is kiwifruit allergy a matter in kiwifruit-cultivating regions? A population-based study.

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Although kiwifruit is known as a common cause of food allergy, population-based studies concerning the prevalence of kiwifruit allergy do not exist. We aimed to determine the prevalence and clinical characteristics of IgE-mediated kiwifruit allergy in 6-18-year-old urban schoolchildren in a region

Prevalence of self-reported food allergy in different age groups of georgian population.

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Epidemiological studies in high income countries suggested that a big proportion of the population in Europe and America report adverse reactions to food. Self-reported prevalence of food allergy varied from 1.2% to 17% for milk, 0.2% to 7% for egg, 0% to 2% for peanuts and fish, 0% to 10% for

[Pollinosis: clinical aspects and epidemiology. Contribution of the Allergy Clinic 1948-1998].

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Pollinosis or hay fever is the most common allergic disease in Switzerland and also in the patients of the Allergy Unit of the Dermatologic Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of Zurich. Clinical and epidemiological research concerning pollinosis has therefore always taken an

[Exogenous allergic alveolitis caused by mouldy hazel nut leaves].

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A 62-year old farmer woman from the northeastern, very rainy part of Turkey has been collecting large amounts of green and brown involucral hazel-nut leaves for subsequent use as fuel. For the last 20 years she had been complaining of cough, respiratory distress and intermittent fever. In the course

[Allergies in summer].

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Summertime allergic symptoms include sneezing, running and stuffy nose, burning and itching eyes and wheal formation on the skin. In Finland the problems in allergic people during the spring and summer are mainly associated with the pollen of birch, alder, hazel, grasses and mugwort. The efficacy of

[Allergic reactions of the respiratory tract].

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Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and allergic asthma bronchiale are immunologically mediated diseases of the respiratory tract. Dependent on the allergen, they occur seasonally or perennially. Allergens can cause a specific reaction of the immune system, mediated by IgE-antibodies in individuals with a

[Allergic contact urticaria caused by a chameleon. Expression of sensitization to Ficus benjamina].

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A 31-year-old man presented with a long history of rhinoconjunctivitis and sneezing that lasted from March to May. The man kept a chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) as a pet and reported about recurrent urticarial lesions, erythema, and itch after skin contact with the animal. The reactions started

[Allergy tests in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis].

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The aim of this study is to show positive allergy test od tree pollen, grass pollen and weed pollen in children with season allergic rhinitis. In the study is comprised 335 children, which are tested in Pulmoallergologic out-patient department of Paediatric clinic in Sarajevo in last three years

Combination of immunotherapies for severe allergic asthma.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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Introduction: Difficult-to-treat or severe persistent asthma accounts for 5-10% of the asthma population worldwide. However, this group of patients creates a higher burden on health systems due to their morbidity and need for long-term and additional treatment. Biological drugs constitute an

[Analysis of food allergy incidence in children up to 5 years of age in the Wielikopolska region].

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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The aim of this study was found the most frequent food allergens and analysis of food allergy incidence in children with food allergy from region Wielkopolska. 78 children in age from 2 months to 5 years of life with the first symptoms of food allergy: gastrointestinals symptoms and atopic
The change of the location of the beehives on the diverse honeyfull pastures is the usual apiarists activity in the Republic of Croatia. The main reasons are the climatic and vegetation diversity, and richness of the floral composition, with numerous bee forage plants. Our study aimed to detect
BACKGROUND Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) usually requires a long titration phase, which can be associated with various adverse events (AEs). OBJECTIVE It was the aim of this study to determine the safety of 2 cluster regimens for SCIT in patients with allergic rhinitis, with or without mild or
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