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Experience of pulse oximetry in children with croup.

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We report our experience with 199 patients requiring admission with a diagnosis of croup over an 18 month period. The value of using pulse oximetry to monitor these children was critically examined. Twenty-nine patients with clinically significant stridor were monitored for an average of 12 hours.

Acute bronchiolitis and croup.

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Croup and acute bronchiolitis are common forms of virally induced respiratory disease in infancy and early childhood. There is good evidence that corticosteroids can ameliorate disease severity and alter the natural history of symptoms in patients who have croup and that temporary symptomatic

Pulmonary edema associated with croup and epiglottitis.

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Two children, ages 9 and 2 1/2 years, with clinical diagnoses of laryngotracheitis (croup) and epiglottis, respectively, developed florid pulmonary edema without evidence of cardiac enlargement. Both children responded to vigorous therapy, which included endotracheal intubation, mechanical

Hospital Course of Croup After Emergency Department Management.

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To describe inpatient management of patients with croup admitted from the emergency department (ED).In a multicentered, cross-sectional observational study based on retrospective chart review, we identified children 6 months to 5 years of age with a

Diagnosis and treatment of croup.

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Croup is a common childhood disease that has no specific diagnostic test. It must be differentiated from life-threatening diseases, such as epiglottitis, that demand specific interventions. A high degree of toxicity, the presence of dysphagia and the absence of cough help distinguish epiglottitis


Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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Viral croup is the most common form of upper airway obstruction in children 6 months to 6 years of age. It typically presents in the late fall or early winter, is often preceded by an upper respiratory infection, and is characterized by a low-grade fever, barking cough, and inspiratory stridor.

Sharing features of uncommon respiratory syncytial virus complications in infants.

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We describe 4 nonconsecutive cases of infants admitted to Catholic University pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) because of complicated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection during winter RSV outbreaks from the year 2000 to the year 2003. A hyponatremic epileptic status (as in the first

Bronchial hypersecretion in preterm neonates.

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During an 18-month period, 11 preterm infants with birthweights between 700 and 1560 g (mean 1.2 kg) developed excessive tracheobronchial secretions during intensive care. No single obstetric factor was incriminated. Copious, viscous, tracheobronchial secretions were noted at about 5 days during

Epidemiology and clinical presentation of parainfluenza type 4 in children: a 3-year comparative study to parainfluenza types 1-3.

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BACKGROUND Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) are among the most common causes of respiratory tract infections in children. Little is known about the epidemiology and clinical presentation of HPIV type 4. METHODS A retrospective chart review and comparison of patients positive for HPIV types 1-4 by

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of acute respiratory virus infections in Vietnamese children.

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Information about viral acute respiratory infections (ARIs) is essential for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, but it is limited in tropical developing countries. This study described the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of ARIs in children hospitalized in Vietnam. Nasopharyngeal

Pulmonary edema following relief of acute upper airway obstruction.

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Five children, aged one to five years, with severe upper airway obstruction, three of whom had epiglottitis and two of whom had laryngotracheobronchitis, developed acute pulmonary edema after the obstruction had been relieved by placement of an artificial airway. Although major physiologic changes,

Telling patients about medical negligence.

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A 7-year-old boy, diagnosed as having croup, develops an upper airway obstruction due to epiglottitis during the therapy, resulting in cerebral anoxia. Pediatricians to whom the boy is referred feel that failure to consider epiglottitis in the original diagnosis constitutes negligence. The parents

Sleep-associated airway problems in children.

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Several of the most common and most important sleep-associated airway problems are discussed, including obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux and nocturnal aspiration, spasmodic croup, nocturnal asthma, and sleep hypoxemia in chronic lung disease, and guidelines are offered for

Morbidity and mortality of asthma.

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Morbidity and mortality of asthma has been on the upswing since the 1960s, as marked by increased hospitalizations with asthma since the early 1980s. This has not been explained adequately. The possibility of change in the natural history or increased exposure to environmental irritant chemicals or

Acute dyspnea in the office.

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Respiratory difficulty is a common presenting complaint in the outpatient primary care setting. Because patients may first seek care by calling their physician's office, telephone triage plays a role in the early management of dyspnea. Once the patient is in the office, the initial goal of
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