Haitian Creole

dictamnus dasycarpus/vēzis

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The emergence of multidrug resistance (MDR) is a significant challenge in breast carcinoma chemotherapy. Kokusaginine isolated from Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz. has been reported to show cytotoxicity in several human cancer cell lines including breast cancer cells MCF-7. In this study, kokusaginine

Historical cancer incidence and mortality assessment in an Illinois community proximal to a former manufactured gas plant.

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OBJECTIVE Concern has been raised that the occurrence of cancer may be increased in neighbourhoods around a former manufactured gas plant in Champaign, Illinois, USA. Thus, we compared historical rates of cancer in this area to comparison communities as well as with nationally standardised

Cancer of the stomach and the colon-rectum among workers in a coke gas plant.

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Four thousand nine hundred and eight male workers of the Hamburg gas plant, employed for 10 or more years during the period from January 1, 1900 to December 31, 1989, have been traced for cancer mortality. Based on their jobs, they were grouped into three subcohorts: gas furnace workers, workers in
The gastrointestinal mobilization and oral bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) nonextractable residues (NERs) from soils remain unexplored, including associated incremental lifetime cancer risks. This study investigated the gastrointestinal mobilization of PAHs and their NERs
Dictamnus dasycarpus is a traditional Chinese medicine thathas been commonly used in the treatment of cancer. Fraxinellone is a natural product isolated from the D. dasycarpus plant, which has been shown to exhibit neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activities. However, whether fraxinellone

[Chemical constituents from root barks of Dictamnus dasycarpus and their cytotoxic activities].

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Nineteen compounds, including kihadanin D (1), obacunone (2), kihadanin A (3), kihadanin B (4), kihadanin C (5), limonin (6), evodol (7), fraxinellone (8), furo[2,3-b]quinolin-4-ol (9), preskimmianine (10), ifflaiamine (11), dictamnol (12), naringenin (13), diosmetin (14), wogonin (15), scopoletin

Anti-inflammatory activity of the ethanol extract of Dictamnus dasycarpus leaf in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages.

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BACKGROUND Dictamnus dasycarpus is widely used as a traditional remedy for the treatment of eczema, rheumatism, and other inflammatory diseases in Asia. The current study investigates the molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of the ethanol extract of Dictamnus dasycarpus leaf (DE) in

Insecticidal and feeding deterrent effects of fraxinellone from Dictamnus dasycarpus against four major pests.

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Fraxinellone, a well-known and significant naturally occurring compound isolated from Meliaceae and Rutaceae spp. has been widely used as a drug for the treatment of tumors. On the other hand, fraxinellone exhibited a variety of insecticidal activities including feeding-deterrent activity,

Rapid identification and global characterization of multiple constituents from the essential oil of Cortex Dictamni based on GC-MS.

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The root of Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz., also known as Cortex Dictamni, is a Chinese herbal medicine that has been commonly used in the treatment of inflammation, microbial infection, cancer, and other diseases in China for thousands of years. Recently, the essential oil of Cortex Dictamni has been

Dictamnine delivered by PLGA nanocarriers ameliorated inflammation in an oxazolone-induced dermatitis mouse model

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Dictamnine is an active pharmaceutical ingredient in Dictamnus dasycarpus, a Chinese herbal medicine widely used for the treatment of skin inflammations such as atopic dermatitis (AD). Oxazolone has been demonstrated to induce significant skin inflammation and produce inflammatory cytokine

Anti-inflammatory Limonoids From Cortex Dictamni.

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The root barks of perennial herb Dictamnus dasycarpus (Cortex Dictamni) were reported to be rich in anti-inflammation activity constituents, limonoids. Then, the investigation of anti-inflammation therapeutic limonoids from this plant was developed in the present study. Through the

Risk characterization of vapor intrusion in former manufactured gas plant sites.

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Soil vapor intrusion (SVI) has recently garnered much interest as a potential exposure route for occupants of properties overlying and surrounding former Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs). This investigation evaluates SVI at 10 commercial buildings and 26 single family and multi-family residential

Carcinogenicity of benzo[a]pyrene and manufactured gas plant residues in infant mice.

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The present study determined tumorigenicity, tumor classification and DNA damage induced in infant mice by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) or Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) residues after a single exposure. Male and female B6C3F1 mice were exposed to B[a]P or MGP residue from a single environmental site
The tumorigenic activity of manufactured gas plant residue (MGP) was evaluated in female A/J mice using a F0927 basal gel diet system. Adulterated diets containing MGP (0.10% or 0.25%) or benzo[a]pyrene (B[alpha]P; 16 or 98 ppm) were fed for 260 days. A negative control group was maintained on a

Loss of heterozygosity analysis of mouse pulmonary adenomas induced by coal tar.

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Manufactured gas plant (MGP) residues, commonly known as coal tars, were generated several decades ago as a byproduct of residential and industrial gas production from the distillation of coal. Previous short-term exposure studies have shown MGP residues to be tumorigenic in mouse liver and lung. In
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