Haitian Creole


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Selective acalculia with sparing of the subtraction process in a patient with left parietotemporal hemorrhage.

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We describe a patient with left parietotemporal hemorrhage with selective acalculia for addition, multiplication, and division, but with an intact ability to subtract. There was no impairment in the ability to distinguish mathematical signs. This case suggests that different processing systems are

Anterior callosal haemorrhage. A partial interhemispheric disconnection syndrome.

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The interhemispheric disconnection syndrome secondary to a callosal haemorrhage is exceedingly uncommon. In the present study, 3 patients with haemorrhages restricted to the corpus callosum are presented. All 3 developed a partial anterior interhemispheric disconnection syndrome: unilateral tactile

[Korsakoff's syndrome secondary to left thalamic bleeding].

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Korsakoff's syndrome is characterised by an important impairment in memory in comparison to other cognitive functions. Presence of confabulations is frequent but they are not characteristic of this syndrome. Alcohol abuse is the main cause of this syndrome but it also has been associated to other

[Deficits of mnemonic rhyme for the multiplication table (Kuku) after right putaminal hemorrhage].

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In Japan, the multiplication table is learned predominantly by rote learning of reciting multiplication table (which is named Kuku) with a standardized mnemonic rhymes. The Kuku is memorized intensively by oral repetitions. Therefore, it is not clear whether the neuropsychological features of the

Dyscalculia and dyslexia after right hemisphere injury in infancy.

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OBJECTIVE To use the findings from neuropsychological evaluation and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess interhemispheric reorganization of function after early unilateral brain injury. METHODS The study focused on one case of early brain injury that resulted in both dyscalculia
A patient with an intracranial hemorrhage showed differential impairment among arithmetic types (impaired in multiplication but not in subtraction). A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment using normal volunteers also revealed a differential activation between the two arithmetic

Frontal Phonological Agraphia and Acalculia with Impaired Verbal Short-Term Memory due to Left Inferior Precentral Gyrus Lesion.

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We report a patient with phonological agraphia (selective impairment of kana [Japanese phonetic writing] nonwords) and acalculia (mental arithmetic difficulties) with impaired verbal short-term memory after a cerebral hemorrhage in the opercular part of the left precentral gyrus (Brodmann area 6)

[Treatment of arterio-venous aneurysms (AVA) in language areas. About 18 cases (author's transl)].

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This study, about 18 cases of AVA strictly in language areas (posterior end of the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca), posterior third of T1 and T2, supra-marginalis and angularis gyri), prepose to specify the possibilities and the legitimacy of surgical management as well as the technical parts of

[A case of anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome associated with subdural hematoma].

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We report a case of a 47-year-old man with anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome associated with subdural hematoma. The patient had several episodes of arthritis during his thirties. He developed venous thrombosis in his right lower leg at the age of 35, when laboratory studies demonstrated

[Pseudo-Hakim-Adams syndrome. Neuropsychological study of 23 cases of misdiagnosed Hakim-Adams syndrome].

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The authors study the characteristics of a group of 23 patients for whom an initial tentative diagnosis of Hakim-Adams syndrome (H-A syndrome) was eventually rejected. On account of several factors distinguishing these patients from the true H-A group, the authors propose using the term "pseudo

Crossed aphasia. I: A case-study with purely deep lesion.

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In this paper, we describe the case of a right-handed man, MR, who after right thalamic haemorrhage presented subtranscortical aphasia. Of the disturbances generally associated with standard left hemisphere functions, the patient presented acalculia but not apraxia. Among the functions attributed to

[A case of venous dural sinus thrombosis presenting dementia syndrome. An autopsy case].

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We report clinical and pathological features of a case of dementia syndrome due to dural sinus thrombosis. In three years before admission, the patient, a 64-year old man, had had four convulsive attacks; scattered calcification shadows were disclosed by plain CT. Ten months before the admission, he

[Hemangiopericytoma of the meninges].

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A 44-year-old farmer complained blurred vision and disturbance of recent memory. During his driving car traffic accident happened due to his right homonymous hemianopsia. On the 1st admission, neurological examination revealed choked disc(1 D.), hemianopsia, memory disturbance, dyscalculia, dyslexia
A case associated with multiple cerebral vascular anomalies, which consisted of fenestration of the middle cerebral artery, arteriovenous malformation and aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery, was reported. A 48 year-old male has been suffering from the left paralysis and mental disorder

Early risk predictors for impaired numerical skills in 5-year-old children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

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OBJECTIVE To unravel risk predictors for impaired numerical skills at 5 years of age in a population-based cohort of very preterm infants. METHODS Between January 2003 and August 2006, we prospectively enrolled all infants born in Tyrol with <32 weeks of gestation. A total of 161 of 223 preterm
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