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We present clinical findings in infants from three kindreds (two Hutterite and one Mennonite) with an apparently unique, fatal disorder. The major manifestations consist of severe intrauterine growth retardation, congenital contractures, and tense skin which is easily eroded. The skin is tightly

Acute onset transient ectropion associated with corneal ulcer.

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We report a case of transient ectropion associated with corneal ulcer. The corneal ulcer responded well to treatment with fortified gentamicin and cefazolin. As the corneal ulcer healed, the eyelid simultaneously returned to its original position. We suggest that in the presence of involutional

Ectropion caused by periocular dermatitis.

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A 78-year-old woman had ectropion of both lower eyelids 4 weeks after the appearance of dermatitis around the eyes. Treatment with topical corticosteroids resulted in disappearance of both dermatitis and ectropion within 10 days. No relevant contact allergies were found. Her advanced age and a

Carbon dioxide laser repair of medial ectropion.

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Five patients with medial eyelid ectropion and punctal eversion due to senile changes, cicatrix, or vertical skin tightness were treated with a heretofore unreported method. Using a carbon dioxide laser, an ellipse of conjunctival-tarsal-inferior muscle tissue was excised from the inner surface of

Ectropion secondary to bolus injection of 5-fluorouracil.

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BACKGROUND 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) targets rapidly dividing cancer cell populations. In turn, it may cause inflammation in such rapidly dividing tissues as the corneal epithelium, conjunctiva, and tear duct. Inflammation may be exacerbated by pre-existing dermatologic conditions. This case report

Drug-induced ectropion: what is best practice?

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OBJECTIVE To review cases of possible drug-induced ectropion and recommend what we consider to be best practice. METHODS Retrospective observational case series. METHODS Thirteen consecutive outpatients. METHODS Records of 13 outpatients on topical medication presenting with topical drug-induced

Acute erythema and edematous skin reaction and ectropion following docetaxel in a patient with non-small cell lung cancer.

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Docetaxel can cause skin reactions such as hypersensitivity, edema, and erythrodysesthesia syndrome as well as side effects involving the skin, including alopecia, nail onycholysis, nail pigmentation, photosensitivity, scleroderma, and paresthesia. In this case report, a patient was admitted to the

Cystoid macular edema associated with iridocorneal endothelial syndrome: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome occurs mainly in young and middle-aged women and typically presents as a unilateral disease characterized by abnormalities of the iris and corneal endothelium. While the ICE syndrome is known to be associated with glaucoma and bullous keratopathy,

Severe blepharoconjunctivitis induced by a peeling mask containing trichloroacetic acid.

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OBJECTIVE To report a case of severe blepharoconjunctivitis induced by a peeling mask. METHODS A 32-year-old healthy female was examined one day after undergoing a face-peeling procedure with a mask containing trichloroacetic acid. She complained of severe burning, redness, and epiphora in her left

White matter abnormality in Jacobsen syndrome assessed by serial MRI

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Introduction: Jacobsen syndrome (JS) is caused by a deletion at the terminus of the long arm of chromosome 11. There are few reports of JS associated with cerebral white matter abnormalities (WMA), and the etiology, pathophysiology, and time-dependent changes in

Diagnosis and management of palpebral anthrax.

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Anthrax is an infectious disease that is not well known by ophthalmologists. In its cutaneous form, it may produce lesions of the eyelids. We report eight cases of palpebral anthrax. All patients presented with a black necrotic eschar and a tegumentary edema, with a history of contact with sick

Neu-Laxova syndrome: detailed prenatal diagnostic and post-mortem findings and literature review.

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Neu-Laxova syndrome (NLS) is a lethal, autosomal recessive multiple malformation syndrome with many features resulting from severe skin restriction and decreased fetal movement. It is characterized by ichthyosis, marked intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), microcephaly, short neck, central

The "no flap" technique for lower-lid blepharoplasty.

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The transconjunctival approach to fat pad excision has gained popularity for use on those patients who require fat excision but not redundant skin excision. For skin excision cases, the pinch technique for raising the cuff of redundant skin of the lower lid has been found helpful, particularly in

Epithelial downgrowth after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty.

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OBJECTIVE To report the clinical and histological findings of a single patient who developed late epithelial downgrowth of donor origin after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK). METHODS A 70-year-old woman underwent uneventful DSAEK for Fuchs dystrophy in the right eye.

[A recent case of palpebral anthrax].

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Anthrax disease is an acute infection caused by Bacillus anthracis. It appears in three forms: pulmonary, intestinal, and cutaneous, whose palpebral location is rare but serious. The authors report the case of a 38-year-old patient who presented 3 weeks after the appearance of an upper and lower
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