Haitian Creole

epicatechin 3 gallate/vēzis

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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and invasion potential have been considered as essential factors in cancer metastasis, which is the major cause of cancer death. EMT is a multi-step process that involves gain invasion, cytoskeleton change, cell adhesion, and proteolytic extracellular

Multistage carcinogenesis process as molecular targets in cancer chemoprevention by epicatechin-3-gallate.

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The consumption of green tea has long been associated with a reduced risk of cancer development. (-)-Epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) or (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) are the major antioxidative polyphenolic compounds of green tea. They have been shown to exert growth-inhibitory potential of
Epidemiological as well as experimental evidence exists in support of chemopreventive and anticancer properties of green tea and its constituents. The gallocatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate is a major polyphenol present in green tea, shown responsible for these effects. Plant-derived polyphenolic

Chemopreventive effects of tea extracts and various components on human pancreatic and prostate tumor cells in vitro.

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Pancreatic and prostate cancers pose serious problems to human health. To determine the potential for chemopreventive intervention against pancreatic and prostate cancers, black and green tea extracts and components of these extracts were examined in vitro for their effect on tumor cell growth.

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract and its possible role in the prevention of cancer.

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The American Cancer Society estimates that in the 1980s more than 4. 5 million Americans died of cancer. In addition, there were nearly nine million new cases and about 12 million people were under medical care for cancer. With cancer being the second most common cause of death in the United States

Tea catechin synergies in inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and of a cancer specific cell surface oxidase (ECTO-NOX).

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The anticancer properties of tea catechins are most frequently attributed to the principal catechin (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg). Efficacy was evaluated using growth of cultured HeLa cells and inhibition of the enzymatic activity of a putative cell surface tea target enzyme, a
Recent studies have shown that topical application of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) to murine skin results in increased expression of the highly inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1 alpha in the epidermis. This has led to the suggestion that IL-1 alpha directly or
Green tea has attracted great interest as a cancer prevention agent. Interactions of tea polyphenols with serum albumin may influence the efficacy of drugs. The interactions of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), and tegafur (TF) alone or in combination with human
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor that induces oxygen-regulated genes in response to reduced oxygen conditions (hypoxia). Expression of the oxygen-regulated HIF-1alpha subunit correlates positively with advanced disease stages and poor prognosis in cancer patients. Green

Plasma tea polyphenol levels and subsequent risk of breast cancer among Japanese women: a nested case-control study.

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Although many in vitro and animal studies have suggested a protective effect of green tea against breast cancer, findings from epidemiological studies have been inconsistent. No study has used prediagnostic biomarkers of tea polyphenols, which might play a protective role. A total of 24,226 women

Plasma tea polyphenols and gastric cancer risk: a case-control study nested in a large population-based prospective study in Japan.

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Abundant in vitro and animal studies have shown a protective effect of green tea against various types of cancer, but the evidence from epidemiologic studies is inconclusive. In this nested case-control study, we used plasma biomarkers to directly investigate the effect of tea polyphenols on the

Tea beverage in chemoprevention of prostate cancer: a mini-review.

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Because prostate cancer has a long latency period and is typically diagnosed in elderly men, it represents an ideal candidate disease for chemoprevention. Therefore, even a modest delay achieved through intervention could have a significant impact on the outcome of this disease. Epidemiological and

Involvement of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the effect of green tea polyphenols on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro.

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Green tea extract and its polyphenolic components have been found to possess anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, antihypertensive and antihepatotoxic effects, and several mechanisms have been proposed for these effects. In this study, the effects of five tea polyphenols, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate

Inhibition of growth and induction of apoptosis in human cancer cell lines by tea polyphenols.

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In order to study the biological activities of tea preparations and purified tea polyphenols, their growth inhibitory effects were investigated using four human cancer cell lines. Growth inhibition was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation after 48 h of treatment. The green tea catechins

Selective inhibition of steroid 5 alpha-reductase isozymes by tea epicatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

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Inhibitors of 5 alpha-reductase may be effective in the treatment of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone-dependent abnormalities, such as benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer and certain skin diseases. The green tea catechins, (-)epigallocatechin-3-gallate and (-)epicatechin-3-gallate, but not
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