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Cadherins are one of the major families of adhesion molecules with diverse functions during embryonic development. Fat-like cadherins form an evolutionarily conserved subgroup characterized by an unusually large number of cadherin repeats in the extracellular domain. Here we describe the role of the

Segmental fasciculations as a late sequel of spinal cord injury.

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In two patients with a history of spinal cord injury many years ago fasciculations developed in muscles belonging to previously damaged segments. In both patients MRI of the cervical spine showed an area of abnormal signal intensity representing a cavity, near the level of the neurological

The cell surface carbohydrate blood group A regulates the selective fasciculation of regenerating accessory olfactory axons.

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Cell surface carbohydrates are differentially expressed by discrete subpopulations of primary sensory axons in the mammalian main and accessory olfactory systems. It has been proposed that these carbohydrates provide a glycocode which mediates the sorting of these sensory axons as they project from

Olfactory sensory neuron-specific and sexually dimorphic expression of protocadherin 20.

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Olfactory sensory axons navigate from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb and sort from among 1,000 different odorant receptor-expressing types to converge upon the same two or three glomeruli. To achieve this task during development, it is likely that multiple classes of regulatory molecules,

Syringomyelia in an Adult American Paint Horse.

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Syringomyelia is a form of myelodysplasia defined by the formation of one or more fluid-filled cavities within the spinal cord that do not communicate with the central canal. The defect may be congenital or acquired. Clinical signs correlate to the segment of spinal cord affected and include pain,

The central pathway of primary olfactory axons is abnormal in mice lacking the N-CAM-180 isoform.

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Although N-CAM has previously been implicated in the growth and fasciculation of axons, the development of axon tracts in transgenic mice with a targeted deletion of the 180-kD isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM-180) appears grossly normal in comparison to wild-type mice. We

Distinct subsets of sensory olfactory neurons in mouse: possible role in the formation of the mosaic olfactory projection.

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The axons of the primary sensory olfactory neurons project from the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity, onto glomeruli covering the surface of the olfactory bulb. Neuroanatomical studies have shown previously that individual olfactory glomeruli are innervated by neurons that are

Chemically and morphologically identifiable glomeruli in the rat olfactory bulb.

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Primary olfactory neurons that express the same odorant receptor are distributed mosaically throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity, yet their axons converge and form discrete glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. We previously proposed that cell surface carbohydrates mediate the

Experimental intoxication of sheep and cattle with Wedelia glauca.

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Wedelia glauca was administered experimentally to 11 sheep and 4 cattle. The minimum toxic dose for both species was of 4 to 5 g of fresh plant/kg bw. Clinical signs were depression, muscle fasciculations, increased respiratory and cardiac frequencies, opisthotonous, sternal or lateral recumbency

Molecular development of the olfactory nerve pathway.

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There are, at least, two major questions concerning the molecular development of the olfactory nerve pathway. First, what are the molecular cues responsible for guiding axons from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb? Second, what is the molecular basis of axon targeting to specific glomeruli once

N-acetyl-lactosamine in the rat olfactory system: expression and potential role in neurite growth.

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Primary sensory olfactory neurons exhibit a mosaic topographical projection from the olfactory neuroepithelium in the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb formation of the telencephalon. Axons from primary neurons that are widely scattered in the epithelium terminate in discrete regions of the

[Neurolymphomatosis presenting as bilateral tongue atrophy: a case report].

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A 62-year-old woman had progressive dysarthria for 2 months and was suspected of having amyotrophic lateral sclerosis because of the presentation of bilateral tongue atrophy and fasciculation. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed enlargement of the left hypoglossal nerve, and whole-body

Nodular fasciitis and solitary fibrous tumor of the oral region: tumors of fibroblast heterogeneity.

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OBJECTIVE Fibroblastic proliferations of the oral cavity are extremely varied, yet they share certain features-spindle cell morphology, collagen synthesis, and fasciculation. Nodular fasciitis is a cellular fibroblastic lesion, uncommonly located in the oral submucosa, that shows smooth muscle actin
The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of implants derived from peripheral neural tissue to serve as bridges following interruption of the developing corticospinal tract (CST). Implants prepared from purified populations of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGNs) and Schwann

Practical toxicologic diagnosis.

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Strychnine toxicosis is characterized by inducible tetanic seizures and metaldehyde poisoning by fine fasciculations progressing to generalized tremors and seizures. Intoxication with 1080 causes seizures, random running movements, vomiting, defecation, urination, acidosis and hyperglycemia.
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