Haitian Creole

fetal distress/atrofija

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Use of a beta 2-sympathomimetic drug as a temporizing measure in the treatment of acute fetal distress.

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Severe fetal distress in labor is an obstetric emergency which may result in the delivery of a severely asphyxiated baby or even death of the fetus. This problem may be compounded by a hurried mechanical vaginal delivery or by delay before a cesarean section can be performed. The rationale for using

Skeletal and Cardiac Rhabdomyolysis in a Live-Stranded Neonatal Bryde's Whale With Fetal Distress.

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The main objective of wildlife forensic investigation is to recognize pathologic changes and cause of death. Even though it may not always be possible to determine the specific illness and/or etiology, the description and subsequent interpretation of the injuries provide an invaluable understanding

Anterior spinal artery syndrome mimicking infantile spinal muscular atrophy.

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A baby with acute fetal distress and severe heart malformation presented with persisting hypotonia and muscle weakness. Clinical, electromyography, and muscle biopsy findings were compatible with anterior horn cell disease. Postmortem study showed widespread ischemic necrosis in the anterior gray

Histologic changes in the adrenal gland reflect fetal distress in hydrops fetalis.

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The distribution of lipid in the fetal adrenal cortex is reported to correlate with the duration of hypoxia and degree of fetal stress. The original studies were based on Oil Red O staining, requiring frozen tissue that is often not available. To investigate the reliability of these observations,

[Pathogenetic percularities of fetal distress in pregnant women with preeclampsia].

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It was performed the investigation of the fetal regulatory systems condition with the heart rate variability method application in 94 women with preeclampsia. It was established that preeclamptic patients had thrombophilia that was accompanied by increased reversible aggregation of platelets in

Toward the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and sepsis-like illness using novel heart rate analysis.

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OBJECTIVE Abrupt clinical deterioration because of sepsis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates, and earlier diagnosis should improve therapy of this potentially catastrophic illness. In practice, clinical signs and laboratory data have not been perceived as sensitive or specific

Blindness in schoolchildren: importance of heredity, congenital cataract, and prematurity.

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Of 99 children in the Royal Blind School, Edinburgh (which serves Scotland and part of N E England), 15 had optic atrophy (hydrocephalus 4, intracranial haemorrhage 2, prematurity 2, fetal distress 2, birth asphyxia 2, cerebral atrophy 1, cardiac arrest during hernia operation 1, and leukaemia 1).

Conservative management of severe proteinuric hypertension before 28 weeks' gestation.

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Forty-five patients with severe proteinuric hypertension who presented before 28 weeks' gestation were managed conservatively by bed rest, antihypertensive treatment, betamethasone administration after 26 weeks' gestation, and intensive fetal and maternal monitoring. Eleven patients presented before

[Serratia marcescens brain abscess in a newborn].

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The patient was born by emergency cesarean section for fetal distress at 35 weeks gestation with a weight of 2740 g. The early neonatal course was complicated by transient tachypnea and renal failure. He was receiving oxygen and diureticus in incubator for 5 days and his condition was very improved

Prenatal renal vein thrombosis in dichorionic twin pregnancy.

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BACKGROUND Prenatal renal vein thrombosis is a rarely described diagnostic finding. The etiology is unclear in the majority of cases, although thrombophilia was found in some affected fetuses. Precise ultrasound scan can improve detection rate of neonatal thrombosis due to characteristic

Umbilical cord ulcer: a serious in utero complication of intestinal atresia.

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We have experienced six cases of umbilical cord ulcer that resulted in life-threatening antenatal fetal haemorrhage. Fetal distress and bloody amniotic fluid that led to intrauterine and neonatal death in four patients complicated the pregnancy courses. The remaining two infants are still alive. All

Waldenström hypergammaglobulinemic purpura and pregnancy.

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BACKGROUND Waldenström hypergammaglobulinemic purpura is characterized by hypergammaglobulinemia, recurring purpura, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is a rare disease and, to our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of its presence during pregnancy. We report a patient

Thy-1 differentiation protein and monocyte-derived cells during regeneration and aging of human placental villi.

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OBJECTIVE The classification of placental villi was reviewed, and regeneration of villous trees in mature human placentae was examined. METHODS Expression of Thy-1 by placental fibroblasts and pericytes, and markers of endothelial cells and monocyte-derived cells were studied by immunohistochemistry

Is there an incremental rise in the risk of obstetric intervention with increasing maternal age?

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OBJECTIVE To determine whether increasing maternal age increases the risk of operative delivery and to investigate whether such a trend is due to fetal or maternal factors. DESIGN ANALYSIS: of prospectively collected data on a maternity unit database. METHODS A postgraduate teaching

[Primary exotropia: importance of cerebral MRI].

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BACKGROUND Primary exotropia is a divergent strabismus that appears from the first day of life to the second year. It can be isolated or associated with a pathological context requiring cerebral imaging to determine diagnosis and prognosis. The objective of this study was to report the sensorimotor
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