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Environmental tobacco smoke and risk of late-diagnosis incident fibroids in the Study of Women's Health across the Nation (SWAN).

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OBJECTIVE To assess the longitudinal relationship of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure during midlife, and its interaction with active smoking, with the risk of late-diagnosis incident uterine fibroids during the menopausal transition. METHODS Thirteen-year prospective cohort

Beneficial effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking: the real, the possible and the spurious.

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Cigarette smoking is an established risk factor for cancer and cardiovascular disease, and is the leading cause of avoidable disease in most industrialized countries. Less well-known are possible beneficial effects, which are briefly considered in this survey. Preliminary data suggest that there may

Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Uterine Fibroids.

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Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol intake, have placed a substantial burden on public health. Alcohol consumption is increasing globally due to several factors including easy accessibility of this addictive substance besides its legal status and social acceptability. In the US, alcohol is the third

Fertility impairment associated with uterine fibroids - a review of literature.

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Uterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas or myomas) are the most common benign tumors affecting reproductive organs in women. They are monoclonal tumors of the uterine smooth muscle, which spring from myometrium. It is estimated that they occur in 50-60% of the female population and rise to 70% by
2,6-Xylidine is a chemical intermediate used principally in the production of dyes. It is also a component of tobacco smoke, a degradation product of aniline-based pesticides, and a metabolite of certain drugs, particularly the xylide group of local anesthetics. The National Toxicology Program (NTP)

Epidemiology of oral mucosal lesions in Slovenia.

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Background Among the diseases of oral mucosa, malignant tumors are the most dangerous, but not the most common lesions that might appear in the oral cavity. Since most of the studies are focused on the detection of cancer in the oral cavity, we were interested in detecting the frequency of benign

[Concomitance of Ledderhose's disease with Dupuytren's contracture. Own experience].

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BACKGROUND Ledderhose's disease is a rare fibromatosis affecting plantar aponeurosis. Clinical picture and risk factors resemble the ones found in much more common cases of Dupuytren's disease. METHODS The group of 101 patients with Dupuytren's disease qualified for surgical treatment constituted

Common oral lesions: Part II. Masses and neoplasia.

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Certain common oral lesions appear as masses, prompting concern about oral carcinoma. Many are benign, although some (e.g., leukoplakia) may represent neoplasia or cancer. Palatal and mandibular tori are bony protuberances and are benign anomalies. Oral pyogenic granulomas may appear in response to

Intrapulmonary location of benign solitary fibrous tumor

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Intrapulmonary solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are sporadic mesenchymal neoplasms that typically arise from visceral or parietal pleura. While accounting for <5% of all pleural tumors, SFTs are known to occur in nearly all bodily organs, including nasopharynx, bladder, prostate, soft tissue of

Smoking can be good for you.

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Smoking is without doubt one of the greatest causes of avoidable illness and death in the modern world. Most well known is the relationship between smoking and numerous cancers, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. Smoking and most especially nicotine, are, however, sometimes beneficial in

Aggressive Dupuytren's diathesis in a young woman.

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Dupuytren's disease is a palmar fascia pathology characterised by flexion contracture of the involved fingers in late stages. It has been described a higher prevalence in northern populations, especially in men in the fifth or sixth decade of life.1 Alcohol consumption, liver disease, diabetes

Origins of Western diseases.

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Recent gynaecological studies show that childbirth, constipation, trauma and surgery cause injuries to autonomic nerves at different anatomical sites in the female pelvis resulting in endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibroids. Re-growth of abnormal nerves causes allodynic symptoms ('light touch

Prevalence of oral soft tissue lesions in an elderly venezuelan population.

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OBJECTIVE The purpose of the present study was to determine the prevalence of the oral soft tissue lesions in patients referred to the geriatric unit "Dr. Joaquin Quintero", National Institute of Gerontology. METHODS 340 patients were clinically evaluated, of these 266 were institutionalized and 74

The Accuracy of Clinical Diagnosis of Oral Lesions and Patient-Specific Risk Factors that Affect Diagnosis.

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OBJECTIVE To examine the rate of discrepancy between clinical impression and histologic diagnosis of oral lesions in patients undergoing biopsy examination and to determine whether there are patient-specific variables associated with a higher rate of discrepancy. METHODS The authors designed and

[Epidemiology of lung tumors].

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Approximately one out of 500 chest radiographs shows the incidental finding of a solitary pulmonary nodule and almost one half of these pulmonary lesions are caused by a tumor. Unfortunately, only 2% to 5% of all lung tumors are of benign origin, e. g. lipoma, fibroma, hamartoma, and chondroma, and
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