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Tufted hair folliculitis in a patient affected by pachydermoperiostosis: case report and videodermoscopic features.

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A 25-year-old man presented with Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome (primary pachydermoperiostosis), with an area of inflammatory dermatosis (12-month evolution) of the scalp at the cranial vertex. The patient presented with arthropathy, clubbing of the digits, diffuse periostosis, pachydermia of the

Demodex folliculitis on the trunk of a patient with mycosis fungoides.

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A 43-year-old man with tumour stage mycosis fungoides developed multiple follicular pustules on the trunk during total-skin electron beam therapy. A potassium hydroxide preparation of the contents of the pustules revealed the presence of Demodex mites. The patient was treated with 6% sulphur lotion

Pustular folliculitis associated with Demodex folliculorum.

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A 49-year-old man presented with an acute onset of folliculitis on his right cheek. The folliculitis was unresponsive to antibiotics. A potassium hydroxide preparation of a scraping from the affected area revealed the presence of numerous Demodex mites. The patient was treated with topical

Pityrosporum Folliculitis: A Retrospective Review of 110 Cases.

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Pityrosporum folliculitis is an under-recognized eruption of the face and upper portion of the trunk that may be confused with, or occur simultaneously with, acne vulgaris. We sought to characterize risk factors for Pityrosporum folliculitis, its clinical presentation, and its response to

Pityrosporum folliculitis: diagnosis and management in 6 female adolescents with acne vulgaris.

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BACKGROUND Pityrosporum folliculitis is a common inflammatory skin disorder that may mimic acne vulgaris. Some adolescents with recalcitrant follicular pustules or papules may have acne and Pityrosporum folliculitis simultaneously. Clinical response is dependent on treating both

Comparative efficacy and safety of oral fleroxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium in skin and soft tissue infections.

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The objective of this open-label, randomized, multicenter study was to compare the efficacy and safety of fleroxacin, 400 mg administered orally once daily, and amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium (AMX/CP), 500 mg/125 mg administered orally three times daily, for 4-21 days to patients with skin and

Pityrosporum folliculitis in the Philippines: diagnosis, prevalence, and management.

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Sixty-eight typical cases were studied to define the course of Pityrosporum folliculitis in a tropical setting. Contrary to reports in the literature, we found Pityrosporum folliculitis to be polymorphic. The "molluscoid" comedopapule was the most characteristic and common lesion, and it yielded

Clinical features and treatment of Malassezia folliculitis with fluconazole in orthotopic heart transplant recipients.

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Orthotopic heart transplant recipients need immunosuppressive treatment and are at an increased risk for opportunistic infections such as Malassezia folliculitis. During a 4-month period (July to October 1990), 11 such cases were identified and treated; all were male with mean age of 43+/-9 years

Clinical and Laboratory Features of Six Cases of Candida and Dermatophyte Folliculitis and a Review of Published Studies.

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Although some studies have investigated the epidemiological characteristics of Malassezia folliculitis (MF), little is known about the clinical features and laboratory characteristics of folliculitis caused by other fungi. In this prospective study, 158 patients with folliculitis were identified,

Widespread Candida folliculitis in a nontoxic patient.

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We present a case of widespread Candida folliculitis in a nontoxic, immunocompetent woman. Predisposing factors included obesity and use of systemic antibiotics and topical steroids. Diagnosis was made through potassium hydroxide and Gram's stain examination of the pustular contents. The patient was

Epidemiological characteristics of Malassezia folliculitis and use of the May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain to diagnose the infection.

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Various bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral pathogens can cause folliculitis, which is often mistakenly treated with antibiotics for months or even years. A laboratory diagnosis is required before therapy can be planned. Here, we describe the prevalence and risk factors, as well as the clinical,

Acute bacterial skin infections in pediatric medicine: current issues in presentation and treatment.

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Bacterial skin and skin structure infections commonly encountered in children include impetigo, folliculitis, furunculosis, carbuncles, wound infections, abscesses, cellulitis, erysipelas, scarlet fever, acute paronychia, and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. If diagnosed early and treated
BACKGROUND Inflammatory tinea capitis or kerion is the result of a hypersensitivity reaction to a dermatophytic infection. Majocchi's granuloma, in contrast, usually begins as a suppurative folliculitis and culminates in a granulomatous reaction. OBJECTIVE To present clinical, mycological and

Erythema multiforme ID reaction in atypical dermatophytosis: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Erythema multiforme (EM) is an uncommon mucocutaneous disorder, characterized by widespread erythematous-oedematous targetoid lesions, considered as a reaction pattern to many different stimuli. METHODS Presentation is made of a classical EM eruption concomitant to an inflammatory,

Use of topical povidone-iodine resulting in an iododerma-like eruption.

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Iododerma is a rare skin eruption that is usually induced by the systemic use of iodide-containing radiographic contrast medium or treatment with oral potassium iodide therapy. Iododerma has also rarely been reported to occur following topical application of iodine. We herein report the case of a
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