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Use of a bio-wipe kit to detect fumonisin B₁ in faecal materials.

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Fusarium toxins with reference to fumonisin B1 (FB1) have long been regarded as contaminants of maize and maize-based related products. However, when consumed they can cause intoxication, especially in humans. Therefore, effective quantitative methods for assessing the dietary exposure of this toxic

Mold occurrence and aflatoxin B(1) and fumonisin B(1) determination in corn samples in Venezuela.

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Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced mainly by Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum, which have been associated with several animal and human diseases. Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic, mutagenic, and teratogenic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Both have

Fusarium verticillioides: evaluation of fumonisin production and effect of fungicides on in vitro inhibition of mycelial growth.

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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the fumonisin production by 16 F. verticillioides strains on corn cultures and the effect of quintozene and fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M fungicides on "in vitro" mycelial growth on agar. In addition, the effect of fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M on fumonisin

Sambutoxin, a new mycotoxin produced by toxic Fusarium isolates obtained from rotted potato tubers.

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Ninety-nine isolates of Fusarium species were obtained from rotted potato tubers from various parts of Korea. Of these isolates, 80 were identified as Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, or F. sambucinum. The isolates of these species were grown on autoclaved wheat grains and examined for toxicity in a

Efficacy of Cuminum cyminum essential oil on FUM1 gene expression of fumonisin-producing Fusarium verticillioides strains.

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OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Cuminum cyminum (C. cyminum) essential oil on the growth and FUM1 gene expression of fumonisin-producing Fusarium verticillioides (F. verticillioides) strains isolated from maize. METHODS All fungal strains were cultured on potato

Trichoderma viride suppresses fumonisin B1 production by Fusarium moniliforme.

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Biocontrol activity against Fusarium moniliforme was analyzed for a Trichoderma viride strain isolated from root segments of corn plants grown in Piedmont Georgia. The isolate suppressed radial extension of F. moniliforme colonies during cocultivation on potato dextrose agar and fumonisin B1 (FB1)
Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg is among the most common Fusarium species corn pathogens worldwide, and has been recognized as a fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) producer. In the present work, extracts of 58 F. verticillioides isolates from corn samples collected from Sohag

Effect of temperature and water activity on the production of fumonisins by Aspergillus niger and different Fusarium species.

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BACKGROUND Fumonisins are economically important mycotoxins which until recently were considered to originate from only a few Fusarium species. However recently a putative fumonisin gene cluster was discovered in two different Aspergillus niger strains followed by detection of an actual fumonisin B2

Assessment of Fungal Contamination in Fish Feed from the Lake Victoria Basin, Uganda.

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The emergence of commercial fish farming has stimulated the establishment of fish feed factories in Uganda. However, no information is available on the safety of the feed, mainly due to lack of mycotoxin testing facilities and weak regulatory systems. A study was carried out to examine fungal

Postharvest and stored corn in Brazil: mycoflora interaction, abiotic factors and mycotoxin occurrence.

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The mycoflora of 130 samples of postharvest and stored corn was analysed throughout one year. The sample originated from Riberirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The influences of abiotic factors (moisture content, relative humidity, temperature, rainfall) and mycotoxin occurrence were also

Inhibition of Fusarium graminearum growth and mycotoxin production by phenolic extract from Spirulina sp.

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Fusarium graminearum is a fungal species complex pathogenic occurring worldwide, mainly associated with cereal crops. The most important Fusarium mycotoxins are fumonisins, zearalenone and trichothecenes. The availability of efficient control measures that are less harmful to both the environment

Molecular heterogeneity in the 18s DNA gene of Alternaria sp. and Fusarium sp. producing mycotoxins in rice and maize grains.

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Food contaminated with fungi and their toxins is a problem that threatens many developing countries. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia depends on the exported grain and legume seeds.

Materials and methods
The study involved examination of 160 samples of rice and

Exposure to toxic chemicals in the diet: is the Brazilian population at risk?

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In Brazil, in the last 20 years, dietary risk assessments have been conducted on pesticides, mycotoxins, food additives, heavy metals (mainly mercury), environmental contaminants (mainly DDT) and acrylamide, a compound formed during food processing. The objectives of this paper were to review these

First Report of Fusarium Rot of Garlic Bulbs Caused by Fusarium proliferatum in North Carolina.

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In August of 2013, garlic bulbs (Allium sativum) of the variety Chesnok Red grown and stored under dry conditions by a commercial producer in Buncombe County showed water-soaked, tan to salmon-pink lesions. Lesions on cloves became soft over time, slightly sunken, and had mycelium near the center of

Candida utilis ATCC 9950 Cell Walls and β(1,3)/(1,6)-Glucan Preparations Produced Using Agro-Waste as a Mycotoxins Trap.

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Mycotoxins are harmful contaminants of food and feed worldwide. Feed additives with the abilities to trap mycotoxins are considered substances which regulate toxin transfer from feed to tissue, reducing its absorption in animal digestive tract. Market analysis emphasizes growing interest of feed
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