Haitian Creole

garcinia chromocarpa/kariess

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Mucoadhesive electrospun chitosan-based nanofibre mats for dental caries prevention.

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The mucoadhesive electrospun nanofibre mats were developed using chitosan (CS) and thiolated chitosan (CS-SH) as mucoadhesive polymers. Garcinia mangostana (GM) extract was incorporated into nanofibre mats. The antibacterial activity in the single and combined agents was evaluated against dental

Inhibition of Streptococcus mutans biofilm accumulation and development of dental caries in vivo by 7-epiclusianone and fluoride.

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7-Epiclusianone (7-epi), a novel naturally occurring compound isolated from Rheedia brasiliensis, effectively inhibits the synthesis of exopolymers and biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans. In the present study, the ability of 7-epi, alone or in combination with fluoride (F), to disrupt biofilm

Effects of 7-epiclusianone on Streptococcus mutans and caries development in rats.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 7-epiclusianone (7-epi) on specific virulence attributes of Streptococcus mutans in vitro and on development of dental caries in vivo. 7-Epi was obtained and purified from fruits of Rheedia brasiliensis. We investigated its influence on
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a tree found in South-East Asia and the pericarp of its fruit has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many human illnesses. Mangosteen fruit rinds contain a high concentration of xanthone, which is a type of polyphenol. One type of xanthone,

Susceptibility of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans to extracts of Garcinia kola, Hibiscus sabdariffa, and Solanum americanum.

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BACKGROUND The elimination of cariogenic bacteria from the oral cavity using antibacterial agents is one of the primary strategies for the prevention of dental caries. Avariety of plants with potent activity are known to be used in indigenous communities for dental hygiene worldwide. OBJECTIVE To

Anti-biofilm activity of α-mangostin isolated from Garcinia mangostana L.

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This study was carried out to further examine the anti-biofilm activity of α-mangostin (αMG) isolated from Garcinia mangostana L. grown in Vietnam, against a strongly biofilm producing Streptococcus mutans, a major causative agent of dental caries. The obtained data indicated that topical

Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis are caries and periodontal disease-related bacteria. The mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana L.) peel contains flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and xanthones that have antibacterial

Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of Garcinia brasiliensis.

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OBJECTIVE In Brazilian folk medicine, the leaves of Garcinia brasiliensis are used to treat tumors, inflammation of the urinary tract and arthritis as well as to relieve pain. Nevertheless, scientific information regarding Garcinia brasiliensis is limited; there are no reports related to its

Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of 7-epiclusianone, a prenylated benzophenone from Garcinia brasiliensis.

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7-Epiclusianone, a natural prenylated benzophenone, was extracted from Garcinia brasiliensis Planch. & Triana (Clusiaceae), a native plant commonly known as bacupari and used in traditional Brazilian medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. As a result of the wide spectrum of biological

Anticariogenic potentials of clove, tobacco and bitter kola.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate three tropical plant materials - clove seeds [Syzygium aromaticum (S. aromaticum)], bitter kola fruits [Garcinia kola (G. kola)] and tobacco leaves (Nicotiana species) as potential targeted killers of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), a cavity-causing bacterium

Isolation and characterization of an antibacterial biflavonoid from an African chewing stick Garcinia kola Heckel (Clusiaceae).

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BACKGROUND The use of African chewing sticks in maintaining oral health is widely practiced in African countries. It has been reported that chewing stick users have a lower rate of dental caries and a better general oral health than non-users. It is generally thought that the beneficial effect of

Morelloflavone as a novel inhibitor of mitotic kinesin Eg5.

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Among 40 plant-derived biflavonoids with inhibitory potential against Eg5, morelloflavone from Garcinia dulcis leaves was selected for further testing based on in silico analysis of binding modes, molecular interactions, binding energies and functional groups that interact with Eg5. Computational

The Antibacterial Effects of Apacaries Gel on Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro Study.

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BACKGROUND New approaches for chemomechanical caries removal require effective materials with antibacterial properties for removal of infected dentin. Apacaries gel is a newly developed material comprised polyphenol from mangosteen extracts and papain mixed in gel preparation. OBJECTIVE This study

Antimicrobial actions of α-mangostin against oral streptococci.

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The increasing prevalence of dental caries is making it more of a major world health problem. Caries is the direct result of acid production by cariogenic oral bacteria, especially Streptococcus mutans. New and better antimicrobial agents active against cariogenic bacteria are badly needed,

Brief chewing of Garcinia manii stick reverses reduced saliva pH after a glucose rinse.

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BACKGROUND A popular variety of wood, pieces of which are chewed as an oral hygiene practice in Southern Ghana, was tested for its capacity to reverse experimentally lowered pH of saliva. This was done to determine whether (Garcinia manii) stick-chewing neutralizes acidogenic challenge to teeth, and
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