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Does overweight before pregnancy reduce the occurrence of gastroschisis?: the Japan Environment and Children's Study.

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For several observational studies that have reported the factors related to gastroschisis, the target population in these studies was mainly residents of Europe or the US, and there is little data on the Asian population. In this study, we summarised characteristics of Japanese women

[Preoperative pneumoperitoneum in eventrations & massive hernia in obesity].

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A machine learning approach to investigate potential risk factors for gastroschisis in California.

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To generate new leads about risk factors for gastroschisis, a birth defect that has been increasing in prevalence over time, we performed an untargeted data mining statistical approach.Using data exclusively from the California Center of the National Birth

[Treatment of postoperative abdominal eventrations with a resorbable prosthesis. Apropos of 160 cases].

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We reviewed retrospectively a series of eventrations treated with a nonresorbable prosthesis. Most of the eventrations occurred after medial laparotomies (83.7%), predominantly with sub-umbilical incision (42.5%) and often after gynecological or biliary surgery (31.9 and 27.5% respectively).

Maternal risk factors for gastroschisis: A population-based case-control study.

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Gastroschisis is an open abdominal wall defect with low mortality but significant morbidity. The prevalence has been increasing worldwide for the past decades. Several risk factors for gastroschisis have been identified, but no clear reason for increasing prevalence has been found. In

A low pregnancy body mass index is a risk factor for an offspring with gastroschisis.

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A mother's prepregnancy obesity has been suggested as a risk factor for having offspring with an abdominal wall defect. We evaluated this hypothesis among 104 cases of gastroschisis--a severe birth defect of the abdominal wall most prevalent in infants of young women--and 220 controls with no

Prepregnancy obesity as a risk factor for structural birth defects.

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OBJECTIVE To describe the relation between maternal obesity, overweight and underweight status, and 16 categories of structural birth defects. METHODS An ongoing multisite, case-control study. Clinical geneticists reviewed all of the cases, excluding those that had or were strongly suspected to have

[Use of regulated silicone bandage in horizontal gastroplasty in patients with morbid obesity].

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From 1984 in N.N. Burdenko Surgical clinic of I.M. Sechenov MMA more than 500 horizontal gastroplasties (HGP) were performed for the treatment of patients with extreme degree of alimentary-constitutional obesity. In 1996 for the first time in our country HGP was performed, including laparoscopic

Hypothesis: Estrogen related thrombosis explains the pathogenesis and epidemiology of gastroschisis.

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A three-part hypothesis is proposed to explain the unusual epidemiology of gastroschisis, a congenital abnormality of the abdominal wall, which has a rising frequency, a higher rate in first and young mothers in whites but not blacks, and a unique negative correlation with obesity. The hypothesis

Hiatal hernia and diaphragmatic eventration in a leopard (Panthera pardus).

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A 1-yr-old male leopard (Panthera pardus) presented for intermittent anorexia, emaciation, and generalized muscle wasting. Plain radiographs, ultrasonography, and esophageal endoscopy led to a diagnosis of diaphragmatic eventration with probable concurrent hiatal hernia. An exploratory laparotomy

Gastroschisis: epidemiology and mode of delivery, 2005-2013.

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Gastroschisis is a severe congenital anomaly the etiology of which is unknown. Research evidence supports attempted vaginal delivery for pregnancies complicated by gastroschisis in the absence of obstetric indications for cesarean delivery. The objectives of the study evaluating pregnancies

The long term physical consequences of gastroschisis.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the progress, physical and metabolic outcomes of gastroschisis survivors. METHODS Fifty children born with gastroschisis were assessed with a health questionnaire, physical assessment, bone density and nutritional blood parameters at a median age of 9years (range

Prevalence and predictors of mortality in gastroschisis: a population-based study of 4803 cases in the USA.

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OBJECTIVE Gastroschisis is a rare congenital anomaly consisting of an abdominal wall defect resulting in extrusion of the abnormal organs. Survival of these infants exceeds 90%. Few large-scale studies have examined the predictors of mortality for these infants. Our objective was to conduct a

Maternal overweight and obesity and the risk of congenital anomalies: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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BACKGROUND Evidence suggests an association between maternal obesity and some congenital anomalies. OBJECTIVE To assess current evidence of the association between maternal overweight, maternal obesity, and congenital anomaly. METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Scopus (January 1966 through May

[Computed tomographic exploration of eventrations].

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With physical examination alone it is difficult or even impossible to evaluate the abdominal wall damage in patients with major evisceration, especially when they are obese. Computerized tomography (CT) is very useful in this respect as it provides a detailed anatomical overview of the lesions. CT
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