Haitian Creole


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[Mesenteric edema as a prenatal ultrasound sign of poor prognosis in gastroschisis].

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UNASSIGNED Gastroschisis is a congenital malformation with an easy and early prenatal diagnosis, however, it has a variable post-natal outcome. Our aim was to determine if certain ultrasound markers or early delivery were related with a worse postnatal outcome. METHODS Retrospective study of a

Prenatal diagnosis of right diaphragmatic eventration associated with fetal hydrops.

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Congenital diaphragmatic eventration (CDE) is a rare diaphragmatic abnormality. Clinical manifestations of CDE may mimic congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Prenatal differential diagnosis of eventration is critical because postnatal managing and prognosis of these conditions vary significantly.

Right-sided diaphragmatic eventration: a rare cause of non-immune hydrops fetalis.

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We report 2 cases of non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) in which autopsy findings revealed an association with right-sided congenital diaphragmatic eventration (CDE). Both patients born at 30 weeks of gestation presented with severe generalized skin oedema, pleural effusions and ascites. They both
OBJECTIVE To determine whether or not the presence of pleural and/or pericardial effusion can be used prenatally as an ultrasonographic marker for the differential diagnosis between diaphragmatic eventration and diaphragmatic hernia. METHODS We present two case reports of non-isolated diaphragmatic

[Diaphragmatic eventration with shock and respiratory distress requiring emergency plication; report of a case].

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A 80-year-old female with an eventration of the left diaphragm, which had been noticed with routine chest roentgenogram in 2006, presented with severe dyspnea and shock vital in 2012. The chest X-ray on admission disclosed elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, dislocation of the heart to the right.

Effects of intrauterine treatment on interstitial cells of Cajal in gastroschisis.

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OBJECTIVE An experimental study was performed to investigate the effects of amnio-allantoic fluid exchange and intrauterine bicarbonate treatment on intestinal damage and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in gastroschisis. METHODS Thirteen-day-old fertilized chick eggs were randomly allocated into 4

Unsatisfactory experience with 'minimal intervention management' for gastroschisis.

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OBJECTIVE The authors report, for cautionary reasons, their trial with "minimal intervention management" for gastroschisis. After the successful innovative experience with this approach, which Bianchi and Dickson described, they utilized it in 4 consecutive patients. METHODS In the delivery room a

Aminiotic fluid and intrauterine growth restriction in a gastroschisis fetal rat model.

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Fetuses with digestive anomalies such as gastroschisis may present intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and shortened intestines. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to assess the influence caused by amniotic fluid (AF) in intestinal length and somatic growth in an experimental gastroschisis fetal

The effect of amnio-allantoic fluid pH on the intestines: an experimental study in the chick embryo gastroschisis model.

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OBJECTIVE Prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid causes the intestinal changes such as serosal edema, thickening, fibrous coating, and adhesions in gastroschisis. The effect of amnio-allantoic fluid (AAF) pH on intestines was evaluated using a chick embryo gastroschisis model. METHODS Seventy fertile

An improved model of experimental gastroschisis in fetal rabbits.

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Previous animal models of gastroschisis have been associated with high mortality and variable degrees of intestinal evisceration. Using current fetal surgical techniques, an improved model of gastroschisis in fetal rabbits was developed. Twenty-eight time-mated New Zealand white rabbits underwent

The fetus with gastroschisis: impact of route of delivery and prenatal ultrasonography.

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OBJECTIVE Our purpose was (1) to assess the influence of delivery route on neonatal outcome in fetuses with gastroschisis and (2) to correlate ultrasonographic appearance of fetal bowel with immediate postnatal outcome. METHODS Forty-seven cases (1986 to 1994) were reviewed; three abortions and two

Elective cesarean section improves outcomes of neonates with gastroschisis.

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OBJECTIVE Our objective was to compare neonatal postoperative morbidity for the neonate with prenatally diagnosed gastroschisis delivered vaginally with that for the perinate undergoing elective cesarean at or before the onset of labor. METHODS Retrospective maternal and neonatal data were obtained

Intestinal damage in gastroschisis is independent of the size of the abdominal defect.

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The intestinal damage in gastroschisis (GS) has been attributed to a narrow abdominal wall defect (AWD), among other causes, but this causal effect is difficult to prove in humans. The present experimental study was done to ascertain the damaging effect of clinically extrapolable mild and moderate

Gastroschisis complicated by intestinal atresia.

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Five of 22 infants operated upon in the last 4 yr for gastroschisis had an associated loss of intestinal continuity. Four of the infants had an intestinal atresia and one had a gangrenous segment of ileum. Each had primary closure of the gastroschisis and decompression of the proximal intestine.

Evaluation of diluted amniotic fluid effects on histological changes of intestine of rabbit fetus with gastroschisis.

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Amniotic fluid exchange is a method for prevention of intestinal damage in gastroschisis, but its techniques are different in studies. We investigated the effects of amnioinfusion exchange on histological changes of intestine and feasibility and safety of amniotic fluid exchange through central vein
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