6 rezultātiem
Penta-acetyl-gitoxin (PAG) shows species-specific deacylation to 16-acetyl-gitoxin (16 AG; I and III) or gitoxin (II and IV) by homogenates of liver and intestinal mucosa of man (I), rabbit (II), guinea-pig (III) and rat (IV), whereas it is degraded into tri- and tetra-acetates by homogenates of
The inotropic and arrhythmogenic effects of 16-acetyl-gitoxin and digoxin were studied in isolated cardiac preparations and in anaesthetized dogs. ECG alteration-producing and lethal doses of both glycosides were determined in anaesthetized cats. In the isolated guinea-pig atrium, the properties of
Penta-acetyl-gitoxin is a suitable prodrug of gitoxin since it shows--side-effect latentiation, due to its inactive application form;--bioavailability, due to its improved solubility and thus good enteral absorption and--bioactivation, due to rapid de-acetylation in the body after absorption.
After oral administration of 3H-penta-acetyl-gitoxin (Pengitoxin W.H.O., Pentagit) 1.5 mg to four volunteers, serum radioactivity diclines with a half-life of 62 +/- 10 hours. After an oral maintenance dose of 0.4 mg pengitoxin in five digitalized patients, four of them with a cannulated bile duct,