Haitian Creole


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Great majority of recombination events in Arabidopsis are gene conversion events.

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The evolutionary importance of meiosis may not solely be associated with allelic shuffling caused by crossing-over but also have to do with its more immediate effects such as gene conversion. Although estimates of the crossing-over rate are often well resolved, the gene conversion rate is much less

Illumination of Arabidopsis roots induces immediate burst of ROS production.

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Arabidopsis roots are routinely exposed to light both during their cultivation within transparent Petri dishes and during their confocal microscopy analysis. Here we report that illumination of roots which naturally grow in darkness, even for a few seconds, induces an immediate and strong burst of

Imaging of formaldehyde in plants with a ratiometric fluorescent probe.

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The fluorescence monitoring of formaldehyde in real environmental samples and live plant tissues is of great importance for physiological and pathological studies. However, there is a lack of suitable chemical tools to directly trace and measure the formaldehyde activity in bio-systems, and

Untargeted Metabolomics of Arabidopsis Stomatal Immunity

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Although untargeted metabolomic approaches hold great promise for global identification of low molecular weight metabolites in biological samples, deep coverage and confident identification of the metabolites remains challenging due to the great diversity and number of chemical structures,

A novel and simple fluorescence probe for detecting main group magnesium ion in HeLa cells and Arabidopsis.

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A simple-molecule fluorescence probe L has been designed, synthesized and characterized, which shows high selectivity and sensitivity for the main group magnesium ion through fluorescence "turn-on" response in ethanol solution, and no interference from calcium ion in particular. Detection limit of

Tonoplast-localized nitrate uptake transporters involved in vacuolar nitrate efflux and reallocation in Arabidopsis.

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A great proportion of nitrate taken up by plants is stored in vacuoles. Vacuolar nitrate accumulation and release is of great importance to nitrate reallocation and efficient utilization. However, how plants mediate nitrate efflux from vacuoles to cytoplasm is largely unknown. The current study

MyROOT: a method and software for the semiautomatic measurement of primary root length in Arabidopsis seedlings.

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Root analysis is essential for both academic and agricultural research. Despite the great advances in root phenotyping and imaging, calculating root length is still performed manually and involves considerable amounts of labor and time. To overcome these limitations, we developed MyROOT, a software
Nitrogen is one of the crucial elements that regulate plant growth and development. It is well-established that plants can acquire nitrogen from soil in the form of low-molecular-mass compounds, namely nitrate and ammonium, but also as amino acids. Nevertheless, nitrogen in the soil occurs mainly as
The stem cell niche of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) primary root apical meristem is composed of the quiescent (or organizing) center surrounded by stem (initial) cells for the different tissues. Initial cells generate a population of transit-amplifying cells that undergo a limited number

Short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDRs).

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Short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDRs) are enzymes of great functional diversity. Even at sequence identities of typically only 15-30%, specific sequence motifs are detectable, reflecting common folding patterns. We have developed a functional assignment scheme based on these motifs and we

EMS Mutagenesis of Arabidopsis Seeds.

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The ethylating agent ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) is widely used for inducing random point mutations. In Arabidopsis, treatment with EMS causes GC-to-AT transitions with great efficiency: it has been estimated that a population of 50,000 well-mutagenized plants harbors one or more transitions in
We have investigated whether the expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds of a transgene (the Phaseolus vulgaris arcelin (arc)5-I gene) could be enhanced by the simultaneous introduction of an antisense gene for an endogenous seed storage protein (2S albumin). Seeds of plants transformed with both

Arabidopsis growth and defense are modulated by bacterial quorum sensing molecules.

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N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) play an important role in the communication within the rhizosphere; they serve as a chemical base for interactions within and between different species of Gram-negative bacteria. Not only bacteria, also plants perceive and react to AHLs with diverse responses. Here
Drought elicits substantial changes in plant metabolism and it remains a challenge to determine which of these changes represent adaptive responses and which of them are merely neutral effects or even symptoms of damage. Arabidopsis primarily uses low water potential/dehydration avoidance strategies

Identification of Differentially Methylated Regions in the Genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.

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DNA methylation profiling in the epigenome of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) has provided great insights in the role of this epigenetic mark for the regulation of transcription in plants, and is often based on high-throughput sequencing. The analysis of these data involves a series of steps
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