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Case Report: Bilateral reexpansion pulmonary edema following treatment of a unilateral hemothorax.

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Bilateral re-expansion pulmonary edema (RPE) is an extremely rare entity. We report the unique case of bilateral RPE following a traumatic, unilateral hemopneumothorax in a young healthy male. Bilateral RPE occurred only one hour after drainage of a unilateral hemopneumothorax. The patient was

[Reexpansion pulmonary edema and pleural bleeding after suction drainage of pneumothorax].

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We present a case of 26 years old man with large spontaneous pneumothorax of about 5 days duration. Application of suction drainage was complicated by unilateral reexpansion pulmonary edema (REPE) and hemothorax developed during first 24 hours of treatment. On thoracotomy multifocal superficial

Perthes syndrome associated with bilateral optic disc edema.

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METHODS Perthes syndrome, or traumatic asphyxia syndrome, results from a severe crush injury of the thorax. It manifests itself with facial and upper chest petechiae, subconjunctival hemorrhages, cervical cyanosis, and occasionally neurological symptoms. A patient who had been incarcerated under a

Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita Presenting as a Fetal Hemothorax.

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We report a case of a fetus diagnosed at 28 weeks' gestation with a spontaneous prenatal hemothorax. Fetal intervention consisted of 2 thoracenteses with analysis of the pleural effusion. The pregnancy was further complicated by recurrence of the hemothorax, with subsequent mediastinal shift,

Penetrating atherosclerotic aortic ulcer rupture causing a right hemothorax; a rare presentation of acute aortic syndrome.

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Acute aortic syndrome is a spectrum of diseases that have similar presentation and clinical background and include aortic dissection, intramural hematoma, and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer. Presented here is an 82-year-old woman with a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, nephrectomy, and

[Uni- and ipsilateral pulmonary edema after surgery on the lung].

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Unilateral pulmonary edema can develop after evacuation of pleural liquid and pneumothorax, after pneumonectomy at the contralateral side and as a special form in left ventricular failure. Unilateral ipsilateral pulmonary edema in the remaining parenchyma after operations of the lung has been

[Re-expansion pulmonary edema after emergency thoracotomy for spontaneous hemopneumothorax: a case report].

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A 44-year-old man was admitted to out hospital complaining of chest pain and increasing dyspnea. Chest X-ray on admission revealed a collapsed lung and an air fluid line in the left hemothorax. Following blood transfusion because of 2,000 ml hemorrhagic pleural fluid, emergent surgery was carried

New classification and clinical characteristics of reexpansion pulmonary edema after treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax.

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OBJECTIVE Reexpansion pulmonary edema (REPE) is a rare yet sometimes fatal complication associated with the treatment of lung diseases such as pleural effusion, pneumothorax, and hemothorax. The current study summarizes our experience with REPE for a 3-year period. METHODS We prospectively collected

[Postoperative re-expansion causing unilateral pulmonary edema].

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A case of re-expansion pulmonary oedema is reported. A 7-year-old girl, after having been operated on for a lung tumour, had a postoperative haemothorax combined with atelectasis of the left upper lobe. After she had recovered from the first dose of chemotherapy, the thoracotomy wound was reopened

Point-of-care Lung Ultrasound.

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The evaluation of the lung has usually been considered off-limits for ultrasound, because ultrasound energy is rapidly dissipated by air. Lung ultrasound is not useful for the evaluation of the pulmonary parenchyma and the pleural line. However ultrasound machines have become more portable, with

[Heart and heart-lung transplants thorax complications: major radiologic forms].

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Bipulmonary and cardiopulmonary transplantations are among the most difficult to perform, with a 10-year survival rate estimated at 33%. This low rate can be attributed to thoracic complications that can be classified into three distinct groups: 1) early complications, occurring in the first 30 days

[Radiological aspects of acute respiratory insufficiency after heart valve prosthesis].

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Analysis of the x-ray findings in 156 patients with acute respiratory insufficiency (ART) in the immediate periods after implantation of heart valve prostheses has shown that various pulmonary complications, such as pulmonary edema (in 84% of cases), atelectasis, hypoventilation (5.1%), hemothorax

[A case of spontaneous hemopneumothorax occurred after thoracic drainage].

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A 21-year-old man; complaining of left chest pain and dyspnea, was admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax. Though chest X-ray on admission did not show hemothorax, chest drainage revealed intrapleural bleeding. As chest X-ray on the following day showed evident fluid

A new successful therapy for fetal chylothorax by intrapleural injection of maternal blood.

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We present two cases of fetal chylothorax and hydrops diagnosed at 20 weeks' gestation, both of which underwent successful intrauterine treatment. In Case 1, a transient, near total resolution began 2 weeks after an iatrogenic hemothorax following a second thoracocentesis performed at 24 + 6 weeks.

Delayed pulmonary perforation. A rare complication of tube thoracostomy.

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Tube thoracostomy is a standard therapy for a number of pulmonary disorders. The procedure is associated with a certain incidence of morbidity related to the technique of insertion, the patient population selected, and the length of time the tube remains in place. Complications of tube placement
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