Haitian Creole

insect bites and stings/tūska

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A Report of Two Cases of Solid Facial Edema in Acne.

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BACKGROUND Solid facial edema (SFE) is a rare complication of acne vulgaris. To examine the clinical features of acne patients with solid facial edema, and to give an overview on the outcome of previous topical and systemic treatments in the cases so far published. METHODS We report two cases from

Peripheral Edema

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Fluid compartments in the human body are divided between the intracellular and extracellular spaces. The extracellular space constitutes about one-third of total body water, which is further divided into intravascular plasma volume (25%) and the extravascular interstitial space (75%). The fluid

Nephrotic syndrome with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after an insect bite.

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OBJECTIVE Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a glomerular disease defined by a characteristic histologic pattern that occurs either as a primary kidney disease (primary FSGS) or as a result of a systemic illness (secondary FSGS). Proteinuria, often in the nephrotic range, is the hallmark

Late-onset allergic reactions, including serum sickness, after insect stings.

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Allergic reactions after insect stings may have a delayed onset, differing from the usual immediate anaphylactic pattern. Ten patients, aged 6 to 78 years, had allergic reactions 1 to 2 weeks after an insect sting. Six patients had had multiple stings preceding the reaction. In two instances,

A case of adult acute idiopathic scrotal edema.

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BACKGROUND A 40-year-old man presented to a hospital emergency department with acute-onset, bilateral, painless swelling of the scrotum, which had developed progressively over the previous 12 h. He was physically well with no remarkable medical history, and was not taking any medication. He had no

[Lung edema and erosive gastroduodenitis as a sequela of inappropriate use of an adrenaline dose aerosol after wasp sting].

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Epinephrine (adrenaline) is an important drug in the treatment of severe anaphylactic reactions. Along with other drugs such as H1-antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids, it is found in every first aid kit for at-risk individuals, such as those who are allergic to insect stings. Subcutaneous or

[Reactions to insect stings and bites].

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Reaction to insect sting and bite may be local, such as erythema, edema and pruritus, or systemic, such as anaphylactic reaction. Diagnosis can be made by patient history, clinical picture, skin testing, total and specific IgE level, and provocation test. Local reactions are treated with cold

Insect bite-like reaction associated with mantle cell lymphoma: clinicopathological, immunopathological, and molecular studies.

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A cutaneous eruption simulating insect bites has been repeatedly described in association with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). It was only rarely described with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Our study was performed to elucidate the clinical, histologic, immunopathological, and molecular

[Diagnosis in 1348 patients which consulted for a probable spider bite or insect sting].

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Accumulate experience, from 1955 to 1995, in an outpatient university parasitology clinic in Santiago, with 1,384 patients referred from diverse public and private medical institutions because of a probable spider bite or insect stings, is presented. It is noteworthy that only 618 (44.7%) of

Clinical and immunologic features and subsequent course of patients with severe insect-sting anaphylaxis.

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One hundred fifty-eight patients were evaluated because of symptoms of potentially fatal venom anaphylaxis, as defined by hypotension, including loss of consciousness (LOC), throat/laryngeal edema, or marked respiratory distress. The demographic characteristics were 118 male and 40 female patients;

A Very Big Hand Is a Very Big Problem: Soft-Tissue Infection, Venous Thrombosis, or Just an Insect Sting?

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A 67-year-old woman developed severe edema of her right hand and forearm, for which she was treated with antibiotics, without benefit. The echography excluded a venous thrombosis. Subsequently, she referred a wasp sting before the development of the edema. Specific Hymenoptera venom

High Altitude Dermatology.

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Approximately, 140 million people worldwide live permanently at high altitudes (HAs) and approximately another 40 million people travel to HA area (HAA) every year for reasons of occupation, sports or recreation. In India, whole of Ladakh region, part of Northwest Kashmir, Northern part of Sikkim

Neuroretinitis with branch retinal artery occlusion in a 15-year-old female.

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We report a case of Bartonella henselae neuroretinitis with significant disc and peripapillary edema, branch retinal artery occlusion without macula involvement and well preserved central vision. A 15-year-old female presented with loss of vision over 4 weeks in the left eye. She had a history of

Extraordinary case report: cutaneous anthrax.

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Anthrax is a very rare disease in the United Kingdom. It is caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Humans become infected when they come into contact with infected animals or their products. Cutaneous anthrax, the most common form of the disease, accounts for 95% of cases, and the

Nephrotic syndrome in a child after a bee sting.

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The occurrence of nephrotic syndrome after an insect sting is rarely reported in the literature. A 2-year-old boy developed generalized edema 5 days after a bee sting. The laboratory investigations revealed nephrotic range proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia. The
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