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Delignification is effective for improving the saccharification efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass materials. We previously identified that the expression of a fungal laccase (Lac) fused with a bacterial cellulose-binding module domain (CBD) improved the enzymatic saccharification efficiency of
Fungal laccases have been highlighted as a catalytic tool for transforming phenols. Here we demonstrate that fungal laccase-catalyzed oxidations can transform naturally occurring phenols into plant fertilizers with properties very similar to those of commercial humic acids. Treatments of Arabidopsis

Heterologous Expression and Characterization of a Laccase from Laccaria bicolor in Pichia pastoris and Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Laccases can oxidize a variety of phenolic and non-phenolic substrates including synthetic dyes. In this research, a laccase gene Lcc9 from Laccaria bicolor was chemically synthesized and optimized to heterogeneous expression in Pichia pastoris and Arabidopsis thaliana.

Heterologous expression and characterization of a laccase from Laccaria bicolor in Pichia pastoris and Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Laccases can oxidize a variety of phenolic and non-phenolic substrates including synthetic dyes. In this research, a laccase gene Lcc9 from Laccaria bicolor was chemically synthesized and optimized to heterogeneous expression in Pichia pastoris and Arabidopsis thaliana. The properties of recombinant

Ex planta phytoremediation of trichlorophenol and phenolic allelochemicals via an engineered secretory laccase.

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Plant roots release a range of enzymes capable of degrading chemical compounds in their immediate vicinity. We present a system of phytoremediation ex planta based on the overexpression of one such enzyme, a secretory laccase. Laccases catalyze the oxidation of a broad range of phenolic compounds,

Laccase is necessary and nonredundant with peroxidase for lignin polymerization during vascular development in Arabidopsis.

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The evolution of lignin biosynthesis was critical in the transition of plants from an aquatic to an upright terrestrial lifestyle. Lignin is assembled by oxidative polymerization of two major monomers, coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol. Although two recently discovered laccases, LAC4 and LAC17,
Catechyl lignin (C-lignin) is a linear homopolymer of caffeyl alcohol found in the seed coats of diverse plant species. Its properties make it a natural source of carbon fibers and high-value chemicals, but the mechanism of in planta polymerization of caffeyl alcohol remains unclear. In the

Gene structure and molecular analysis of the laccase-like multicopper oxidase (LMCO) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Completed genome sequences have made it clear that multicopper oxidases related to laccase are widely distributed as multigene families in higher plants. Laccase-like multicopper oxidase (LMCO) sequences culled from GenBank and the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, as well as those from several newly

The laccase multigene family in Arabidopsis thaliana: towards addressing the mystery of their gene function(s).

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While laccases, multi-copper glycoprotein oxidases, are often able to catalyze oxidation of a broad range of substrates, such as phenols and amines in vitro, their precise physiological/biochemical roles in higher plants remain largely unclear, e.g., Arabidopsis thaliana contains 17 laccases with

TRANSPARENT TESTA10 encodes a laccase-like enzyme involved in oxidative polymerization of flavonoids in Arabidopsis seed coat.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana transparent testa10 (tt10) mutant exhibits a delay in developmentally determined browning of the seed coat, also called the testa. Seed coat browning is caused by the oxidation of flavonoids, particularly proanthocyanidins, which are polymers of flavan-3-ol subunits such as

Laccases direct lignification in the discrete secondary cell wall domains of protoxylem.

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Plants precisely control lignin deposition in spiral or annular secondary cell wall domains during protoxylem tracheary element (TE) development. Because protoxylem TEs function to transport water within rapidly elongating tissues, it is important that lignin deposition is restricted to the
Laccases are encoded by a multigene family and widely distributed in plant genomes where they play roles oxidizing monolignols to produce higher-order lignin involved in plant development and stress responses. We identified 30 laccase genes (OsLACs) from rice, which can be divided into five

MiR397b regulates both lignin content and seed number in Arabidopsis via modulating a laccase involved in lignin biosynthesis.

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Plant laccase (LAC) enzymes belong to the blue copper oxidase family and polymerize monolignols into lignin. Recent studies have established the involvement of microRNAs in this process; however, physiological functions and regulation of plant laccases remain poorly understood. Here, we show that a

Dwarfism of high-monolignol Arabidopsis plants is rescued by ectopic LACCASE overexpression

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Lignin is a key secondary cell wall chemical constituent, and is both a barrier to biomass utilization and a potential source of bioproducts. The Arabidopsis transcription factors MYB58 and MYB63 have been shown to upregulate gene expression of the general phenylpropanoid and

Mutant identification and characterization of the laccase gene family in Arabidopsis.

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Laccases, EC or p-diphenol:dioxygen oxidoreductases, are multi-copper containing glycoproteins. Despite many years of research, genetic evidence for the roles of laccases in plants is mostly lacking. In this study, a reverse genetics approach was taken to identify T-DNA insertional mutants
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