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The effects of prematurity on incidence of aspiration following supraglottoplasty for laryngomalacia.

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OBJECTIVE To determine if patients who were born premature have a higher incidence of aspiration following supraglottoplasty compared to patients born full term. METHODS Retrospective study. METHODS Two thousand three hundred sixty (2360) patient charts from Riley Hospital for Children were reviewed

[Anesthetic management for pediatric congenital laryngomalacia].

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OBJECTIVE To explore our experience of anesthetic management for pediatric congenital laryngomalacia operation. METHODS A total of 27 pediatric patients with congenital laryngomalacia were treated at our hospital between December 2010 and November 2012. All patients were anesthetized by intravenous

Bronchoscopic findings in children with chronic wet cough.

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OBJECTIVE Protracted bacterial bronchitis is defined as the presence of more than 4 weeks of chronic wet cough that resolves with appropriate antibiotic therapy, in the absence of alternative diagnoses. The diagnosis of protracted bacterial bronchitis is not readily accepted within the pediatric

Lower airway anomalies in infants with laryngomalacia.

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OBJECTIVE To study the prevalence of associated airway anomalies in infants presenting with moderate to severe laryngomalacia. METHODS Eighty three (83) symptomatic infants with recurrent respiratory symptoms including wheeze and cough diagnosed as moderate to severe laryngomalacia based on their

Pseudo-asthma: when cough, wheezing, and dyspnea are not asthma.

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Although asthma is the most common cause of cough, wheeze, and dyspnea in children and adults, asthma is often attributed inappropriately to symptoms from other causes. Cough that is misdiagnosed as asthma can occur with pertussis, cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, airway abnormalities

Series of laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, and bronchomalacia disorders and their associations with other conditions in children.

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Laryngomalacia, bronchomalacia, and tracheomalacia are commonly seen in pediatric respiratory medicine, yet their patterns and associations with other conditions are not well-understood. We prospectively video-recorded bronchoscopic data and clinical information from referred patients over a 10-year

[Analysis of infants with moderate to severe laryngomalacia].

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Objective:To investigate the clinical features and the treatment of moderate-severe laryngeallacia, and the application of CO₂laser supraglotation in laryngeallacia.Method:Collecting the clinical data of 18 infants with moderate-to-severe laryngeallacia diagnosed in our hospital,10

Role of gastroesophageal reflux in pediatric upper airway disorders.

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Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) into the laryngopharynx causes or contributes significantly to a variety of upper respiratory problems in children. The pH probe, laryngeal examinations, and broncholveolar lavage results for children with subglottic stenosis, recurrent croup, apnea, chronic cough,

Clinical Characteristics and Associated Congenital Lesions with Tracheomalacia in Infants.

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OBJECTIVE To describe clinical presentation, bronchoscopy findings and associated anomalies in cases of congenital tracheomalacia in infants (age <1y). METHODS Hospital record review of 88 infants (mean age 8 mo, 57 males) diagnosed as having tracheomalacia by flexible bronchoscopy between 2012 and

Gastric volvulus manifesting as infantile wheezing: a puzzling presentation.

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Gastric volvulus is a rare disease in the pediatric population. Its clinical presentation is exceedingly variable, and without a high index of suspicion, delayed or missed diagnosis is not uncommon as illustrated by this report of a 13-month-old boy with a puzzling presentation of chronic wheezing

Stridor Related to Vagus Nerve Stimulator: A Case Report

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Implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) can be an effective treatment for medically refractory seizures. Laryngeal side effects from a VNS can include hoarseness, cough, and shortness of breath. This report highlights a 5-year-old female who presented with stridor in the setting of acquired

Silent aspiration: Who is at risk?

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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of silent aspiration in pediatric patients and identify which diagnoses may be associated with this finding. METHODS An institutional review board-approved retrospective review was conducted for all patients under the age of 18 who underwent modified barium

Role of operative airway evaluation in children with recurrent croup: a retrospective cohort study.

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OBJECTIVE Determine which risk factors in children with recurrent croup warrant bronchoscopic evaluation. METHODS Retrospective cohort study. METHODS Tertiary paediatric hospital. METHODS Children with recurrent croup who underwent a rigid bronchoscopy between 2001 and 2013. METHODS Bronchoscopy

Esophageal biopsy for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux-associated otolaryngologic problems in children.

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Recently, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) has been found to contribute to many types of otolaryngologic pathology in infants and children. The complaints may be intermittent and unresponsive to usual therapies, such as antimicrobial treatments. A high index of suspicion for GER and for the concept of

Side effects and complications of injection laryngoplasty for treatment of congenital type 1 laryngeal clefts.

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Injection laryngoplasty (IL) is a brief, minimally invasive procedure involving injection of agents to augment the interarytenoid space. It was initially described as a diagnostic and temporizing measure for management of type one laryngeal clefts (LC1) and associated swallowing
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