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Plasmapheresis in hereditary angioneurotic edema and systemic lupus erythematosus.

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A patient had hereditary angioneurotic edema coincident with systemic lupus erythematosus. This condition resulted in loss of hair, arthralgia, leukoplakia, collitis, and a nephrotic syndrome due to proliferative glomerulonephritis. The renal lesion was resistant to treatment with high-dose

Histological and electron microscopic investigation of Reinke's edema.

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Reinke's edema is a benign lesion of vocal fold affecting subepithelial space. This paper describes the histological features of Reinke's edema on the basis of an extensive number of cases (203 women and 58 men). In 10 cases the electron microscopic examination was performed. Edema of subepithelial

The Combination of Photodynamic Therapy and Fractional CO2 Laser for Oral Leukoplakia: Case Series.

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Oral leukoplakia (OL), a predominantly white change to the oral mucosa, is the most common potentially malignant lesion. Elimination of this condition, especially the high risk OL, is advisable, even necessary as an attempt to avoid malignant transformation. Here we presented three cases of OL

An ultrastructural study of epidermolytic leukoplakia.

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A leukoplakic lesion of the lip showing the histologic features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis above solar elastosis was investigated by electron microscopy. The ultrastructural alterations observed in the upper epidermal layers corresponded in the main with those of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis in

[The expression characteristics and clinical significance of candidate molecular markers in vocal cord leukoplakia].

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Objective: To investigate the expression of marker proteins in vocal cord leukoplakia, and to find markers for the early stage of diagnosis and prognosis of precancerous lesions. Methods: The study included 119 cases, 68 cases of vocal cord leukoplakia (22 cases with epithelial simple hyperplasia,

A comparative evaluation: Oral leukoplakia surgical management using diode laser, CO2 laser, and cryosurgery.

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BACKGROUND The comparatively evaluate the three surgical treatment modalities namely cryosurgery, diode and CO2 laser surgery in terms of healing outcomes on the day of surgery, first and second week post operatively and recurrence at the end of 18 months was assessed. METHODS Thirty selected

[Observation of clinicopathological characteristics of vocal fold leukoplakia and laryngopharyngeal reflux].

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the correlation between clinicopathological characteristics of vocal fold leukoplakia and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LRP). METHODS One hundred and thirty-eight patients with vocal leukoplakia who received laryngeal microsurgeries under suspension laryngoscope were recruited

[The role of laryngopharyngeal reflux in the pathogenesis of Reinke's edema].

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Objective:To determine the significance of laryngopharyngeal reflux(LPR) in Reinke's edema. Method:Sixteen patients who have been diagnosed as Reinke's edema between February 2014 to June 2016 were included in this study. The control group included fifty vocal cord leukoplakia and early glottic

Laryngoscopic characteristics in vocal leukoplakia: inter-rater reliability and correlation with histology grading.

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OBJECTIVE Vocal cord leukoplakia is a clinical diagnosis that comprises a spectrum of benignities, premalignancies, and malignancies. Accurate recordings of the visual characteristics of the affected area are important for communication between physicians and are helpful in further management. The

Excision of Oral Leukoplakia by CO2 Lasers Versus Traditional Scalpel: A Comparative Study.

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OBJECTIVE Laser surgery has shown to exhibit several advantages over scalpel for many procedures. Some of these advantages include hemostasis, decreased scarring, and ability to perform certain procedures without anaesthesia. It has been postulated that laser surgery results in less post-operative

[Laryngeal histoplasmosis].

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A case of laryngeal histoplasmosis is reported. This laryngeal mycosis was diagnosed by histological identification of intracellular hyphae of Histoplasma capsulatum. Laryngoscopy revealed edema, erythema and leukoplakia of the righ vocal cord. Itrakonazole treatment was successful. The relevant
We conducted a pH-monitoring study to determine the prevalence of pathologic gastroesophageal reflux (GER+) and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR+) in patients with resected benign true vocal fold lesions (TVFLs) and positive reflux finding score (RFS). We compared our findings with those of patients

Current practices for voice rest recommendations after phonomicrosurgery.

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The aim of this study was to understand current protocols for voice rest implemented by laryngologists immediately after phonomicrosurgery for benign vocal fold lesions. Cross-sectional survey. A 24-item survey was sent via electronic mail to laryngologists across the country to gather data on their

Office-based 585 nm pulsed dye laser treatment for vocal polyps.

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CONCLUSIONS Office-based 585 nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) surgery appeared to be safe and effective. It can be considered as a treatment option for office-based vocal polyp removal. OBJECTIVE A 585 nm PDL has been introduced to photocoagulate vascular lesions of the superficial layer of the lamina

The use of narrow band imaging for the detection of benign lesions of the larynx.

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In the cases of uncertainty, even if the patient has no complaints about his voice quality, sometimes, benign vocal fold mass lesions are removed to exclude malignancy with the risk of resultant dysphonia. Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) enables a specific visualization of vessel structures in the
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