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Virilizing luteoma of pregnancy. Report of a case with measurements of testosterone and testosterone binding in plasma.

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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia associated with maternal pregnancy luteoma and the Antley-Bixler syndrome.

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The authors report on a child with indifferent external genitalia consisting of severe micropenis with penile urethra leading to the tip of the glans and bilateral cryptorchidism. Diagnostic workup findings showed a female karyotype, homozygous 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and excessive testosterone

Differential maternal-fetal response to androgenizing luteoma or hyperreactio luteinalis.

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Lacl of masculinization in female infants whose virilized mothers have h. luteinalis is in contrast to the common finding of fetal masculinization when maternal virilization occurs with luteoma of pregnancy. From the data at hand, this variation in fetal response cannot be explained by differences

[Virilising luteoma during pregnancy. A case report and a review of the literature (author's transl)].

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Luteoma in pregnancy is a rare tumour (about 100 published cases) and it is rarely associated with signs of virilisation (28 published cases). A visiting luteoma in pregnancy in primigravid woman of 27 years of age is reported and compared with other cases in the literature. A study of the androgen

Bilateral luteomas of pregnancy in a patient with diabetes.

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A patient with diabetes and luteomas of the ovaries demonstrated a significant and progressive rise in the serum levels of androstenedione and testosterone during pregnancy. The levels of these hormones were also elevated in cord blood and ovarian fluid. The increased insulin requirement to maintain

[Luteoma of the mother as a possible cause of external female pseudohermaphroditism].

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Maternal virilization association with the birth of a virilized female infant has been reported in gravidas with luteoma. We describe a similar case with ambiguous genitalia (type Prader III). The only pathological finding was an elevated postpartum maternal serum testosterone (4.11 ng/ml).

A gonadotrophin dependent stromal luteoma: a rare cause of post-menopausal virilization.

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A stromal luteoma is an uncommon ovarian tumour in post-menopausal women, which presents rarely with hyperandrogenism and virilization. We present the case of a 64-year-old woman referred for evaluation of virilization which had developed over 5 years. Testosterone, FSH and LH were markedly

Virilization associated with bilateral luteomas of pregnancy.

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A case of maternal virilization associated with bilateral luteomas of pregnancy is described. Urinary 17-ketosteroids and plasma testosterone fell from markedly abnormal values to normal limits within 2 weeks of delivery. However, symptoms of virilization persisted in the postpartum state. A

[The hormonal state of pregnancy: modification of cortisol and testosterone].

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The pattern of cortisol and testosterone levels during the normal pregnancy was investigated by measuring these hormones in the same 19 healthy pregnant women at 11th to 19th, 24th to 29th and 34th to 39th week post amenorrhea. We noted the well-known increase in total plasma cortisol and

Luteoma-induced fetal virilization.

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A pregnancy luteoma represents an unusual response of ovarian stromal cells to the altered hormonal levels of pregnancy. It is a distinctive non-neoplastic lesion characterized by solid proliferations of luteinized cells resulting in a tumor-like ovarian enlargement. Most patients are asymptomatic;

Features of Antley-Bixler syndrome in an infant born to a mother with pregnancy luteoma.

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We report a female newborn with characteristic signs of Antley-Bixler syndrome (ABS) such as midface hypoplasia, radiohumeral synostosis and multiple joint contractures. The newborn also presented ambiguous genitalia, stage Prader V, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The mother experienced midterm

Maternal luteoma of pregnancy presenting with virilization of the female infant.

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BACKGROUND Virilization in female newborns typically results from congenital adrenal hyperplasia, requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment. We report a rare cause of virilization, maternal pregnancy luteoma, responsible for virilization of both a newborn and the mother. Luteomas are usually

Luteoma of pregnancy associated with nearly complete virilization of genetically female twins.

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OBJECTIVE To describe a pregnancy that was complicated by the virilization of the mother and two 46XX infants. METHODS We outline the clinical presentation and diagnosis of the virilization of a mother and her twins, reviewing pertinent literature. RESULTS We report the case of a 40-year-old

In vivo steroid studies in luteoma of pregnancy.

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Endocrine studies were performed in 2 cases of luteoma of pregnancy. Even though both luteomas were discovered incidentally at the time of postpartum tubal ligation and cesarean section, they were found to be functionally active, secreting several androgens. Steroid concentrations were measured in

MR imaging of pregnancy luteoma: a case report and correlation with the clinical features.

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We report here on a 26-year-old pregnant female who developed hirsutism and virilization during her third trimester along with a significantly elevated serum testosterone level. Abdominal US and MR imaging studies were performed, and they showed unique imaging features that may suggest the diagnosis
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