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[Intracranial hypertension associated with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and mastoiditis. Two paediatric case reports].

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BACKGROUND Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a rare condition that is generally associated with acute processes, one of the most important being mastoiditis. Associated prothrombotic disorders can be detected in approximately half of all cases, regardless of the aetiology. Patients usually present

Complicated cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with intracranial hemorrhage and mastoiditis.

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Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare cause of stroke, occurring when a blood clot forms in any of the brain venous sinuses. Symptoms include neurological deficits, headache, seizures, and coma. There are many predisposing factors for CVST including prothrombotic conditions, oral

Clinical outcomes of intracranial complications secondary to acute mastoiditis: The Alder Hey experience.

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Acute mastoiditis is the most common intra-temporal complication of acute otitis media. Its management remains a challenge due to potential extracranial and intracranial complications. This study was designed to evaluate the recent experience with acute mastoiditis and its associated

Bilateral inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor mastoiditis.

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BACKGROUND Inflammatory myoblastic tumors (IMTs) are rare, mesenchymal neoplasms most commonly located in areas of previous inflammation. In the temporal bone, these tumors typically present as solitary, space-occupying lesions that clinically resemble chronic otitis media. METHODS We present a case

[Aspergillus mastoiditis in infected granulomatosis--a case report].

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An 11-year old boy with chronic granulomatous disease due to cytochrome B deficiency developed pulmonary aspergillosis proven by culture in his upper right lobe (upper lobe resection). In spite of maximum doses of flucytosin/amphotericin B combination, he developed focal seizures associated with

Intravenous/oral ciprofloxacin versus ceftazidime in the treatment of serious infections.

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Seventy-one adult patients with 72 infections were treated, by random selection, with intravenous/oral ciprofloxacin or intravenously administered ceftazidime. Twenty-seven additional patients with 29 infections who were not appropriate for random assignment were treated in an open study with

Atypical indications for OtoScan laser-assisted myringotomy.

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OBJECTIVE To describe the role of OtoScan laser-assisted myringotomy (OtoLAM) for indications other than chronic otitis media or recurrent acute otitis media. METHODS Cross-sectional review. METHODS Twenty-seven office-based OtoLAM procedures were performed in 21 patients for "atypical" reasons. The

A case series of brain abscesses in Malawian children.

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We report three cases of brain abscess in children admitted to QECH in 2006. All children were HIV-uninfected. One case was associated with staphylococcal empyema, another with chronic suppurative otitis media and mastoiditis, and the third case had no identified extracranial focus of infection.

[Cranial epidural abscesses: a case report].

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OBJECTIVE Cranial epidural abscess mostly follows sinusitis or mastoiditis, also open cranial injury or cranial surgery with iatrogenic infection. In our case the abscess possibly evolved from epidural haematoma and the process invaded frontal sinus and subgaleal space in the frontal

Subdural empyema--importance of early diagnosis.

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Because subdural empyema (SDE) is an unusual central nervous system infection, recognition is not always prompt. Consequently delays can allow a serious but curable infection to become irreparably damaging or even fatal. This condition, particularly in the early stages, is relatively easy to treat.

[Pneumococcal meningitis in children--9 1/2-year-experience at Szent László Hospital, Budapest, Hungary].

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OBJECTIVE No recent publications are available about pneumococcal meningitis in Hungarian children. The aim of this study was to collect data of epidemiological, clinical and prognostic features of pneumococcal meningitis in children treated at Szent László Hospital, Budapest, Hungary. METHODS We

Intracranial Nocardia in the setting of AIDS.

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Nocardia intracranial abscesses occur almost exclusively in patients who are immunocompromised due to diabetes, transplantation, or HIV/AIDS. Patients usually present with seizures, headaches, fevers, and menin-gismus. Laboratory evaluation is nonspecific but may reveal an elevated erythrocyte

Brain abscess: with special reference to otolaryngologic sources of infection.

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The number of brain abscesses has been reduced since the preantibiotic era. This was accomplished by judicious use of antibiotics, by the advent of computed tomography, and by improvements in patient care and surgical techniques. Analysis from 122 patients with brain abscess demonstrated this trend

Evaluation of cases with cerebral thrombosis in children.

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OBJECTIVE We aimed to evaluate the patients who were followed up in our clinic with a diagnosis of cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in terms of age, sex, clinical findings, etiology, thrombophilic factors, imaging findings, treatment and prognosis. METHODS The files of 11 patients who were followed up

Predisposing factors, clinical presentation and outcome of repeated aspiration in cerebral abscess through a drainage tube in situ.

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BACKGROUND Cerebral abscess is a serious and life threatening complication of several diseases. Aspiration of the abscess cavity versus excision of capsule are still in debate for the capsulated, large, superficially located abscesses especially in patients with poor surgical fitness. The objective
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