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Menadione-induced DNA damage in a human tumor cell line.

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The nature and extent of menadione (MD)-induced DNA damage were explored using the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Concentration-dependent single-strand (ss) and double-strand (ds) DNA breaks were detected in MD-treated MCF-7 cells using the alkaline- and neutral-elution techniques,

Disruption of mitochondrial function as mechanism for anti-cancer activity of a novel mitochondriotropic menadione derivative.

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Menadione, also known as vitamin K3, is a 2-methyl-1,4 naphthoquinone with a potent cytotoxic activity mainly resulting from its quinone redox-cycling with production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although increased ROS generation is considered a relevant mechanism in cancer cell death, it may
The effect of oxidative stress induced by the ascorbate/menadione-redox association was examined in K562 cells, a human erythromyeloid leukaemia cell line. Our results show that ascorbate enhances menadione redox cycling, leading to the formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (as shown by

Mitomycin C and menadione for the treatment of advanced gastrointestinal cancers: a phase II trial.

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A phase II trial of menadione (2.5 g/m2 as a continuous intravenous infusion over 48 h) followed by mitomycin C (10-20 mg/m2 i.v. bolus) administered every 4-6 weeks was performed in 43 patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer. Menadione, a vitamin K analog that lowers intracellular pools of

Phase I study of mitomycin C and menadione in advanced solid tumors.

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A phase I study of mitomycin C with menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, a vitamin K analogue which lowers intracellular pools of reduced glutathione) was designed as an approach to overcoming tumor cell resistance to alkylating agent chemotherapy. Patients with refractory solid tumors (n = 51)

Mitomycin C and menadione for the treatment of lung cancer: a phase II trial.

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A phase II trial of menadione [2.5 gm/m2 as a continuous intravenous (i.v.) infusion over 48 hours] followed by mitomycin C (10-20 mg/m2 i.v. bolus) administered every 4 to 6 weeks was performed in 23 patients with advanced lung cancer. Menadione, a vitamin K analog which lowers intracellular pools

Nicotine prevents the apoptosis induced by menadione in human lung cancer cells.

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Approximately 50% of long-term cigarette smokers die prematurely from the adverse effects of smoking, including on lung cancer and other illnesses. Nicotine is a main component in tobacco and has been implicated as a potential factor in the pathogenesis of human lung cancer. However, the mechanism
The aim of this study was to determine new insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the antiproliferative action of menadione + calcitriol (MEN+D) on MCF-7 cells. After 24 h, MEN+D inhibited the cell growth but was not observed with each single treatment. The combined drugs reduced the

Combined calcitriol and menadione reduces experimental murine triple negative breast tumor.

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BACKGROUND Calcitriol (D) or 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits the growth of several tumor cells including breast cancer cells, by activating cell death pathways. Menadione (MEN), a glutathione-depleting compound, may be used to potentiate the antiproliferative actions of D on cancer cells. We have previously
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive form of mammary malignancy currently without satisfactory systemic treatment options. Agents generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as ascorbate (Asc) and menadione (Men), especially applied in combination, have been proposed as an
Molecular mechanisms of interplay between reactive oxygen (superoxide, hydroxyl radical, H2O2 etc.) and nitrogen (nitric oxide - NO, ONOO-, NO2-, NO3- etc.) forms are proposed to be of key importance for cell and tumor biology. Considering NO as a signal molecule we have studied the impact of NO

Menadione: spectrum of anticancer activity and effects on nucleotide metabolism in human neoplastic cell lines.

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The spectrum of cytotoxicity of menadione (MD) was examined in a panel of human cancer cell lines. MD was equipotent against multidrug-resistant and parental leukemia cell lines with IC50 values of 13.5 +/- 3.6 and 18 +/- 2.4 microM respectively. A cervical carcinoma cell line resistant to the

Antiproliferative action of menadione and 1,25(OH)2D3 on breast cancer cells.

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Calcitriol or 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) is a negative growth regulator of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The growth arrest is due to apoptosis activation, which involves mitochondrial disruption. This effect is blunted in vitamin D resistant cells (MCF-7(DRes) cells). Menadione (MEN), a glutathione

Menadione : sodium orthovanadate combination eliminates and inhibits migration of detached cancer cells.

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Exposure of cancer cells to anticancer agents in cultures induces detachment of cells that are usually considered dead. These drug-induced detached cells (D-IDCs) may represent a clinical problem for chemotherapy since they may survive anoikis, enter the circulation, invade other tissues and resume

Entrainment of superoxide rhythm by menadione in HCT116 colon cancer cells.

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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are primary effectors of cytotoxicity induced by many anti-cancer drugs. Rhythms in the pseudo-steady-state (PSS) levels of particular intracellular ROS in cancer cells and their relevance to drug effectiveness are unknown thus far. We report that the PSS levels of
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