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The metabolism of the sulphate groups of sulphated polysaccharides and mucopolysaccharides in limb atrophy in the rat.

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[The mucopolysaccharides in peripheral nerve axons. I, Changes in the mucopolysaccharide level in wallerian degeneration].

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OBJECTIVE To describe histopathologic features of anterior optic nerves of 12 eyes enucleated for sustained high ocular pressure from iris-ciliary body melanomas in 10 and choroidal melanomas with chronic angle closure in 2. METHODS In this retrospective study, we analyzed cases indexed in 2 eye

Ischemic papilledema in giant-cell arteritis. Mucopolysaccharide deposition with normal intraocular pressure.

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A 68-year-old man died 18 days after the onset of ischemic optic neuropathy caused by histologically proven giant-cell arteritis. On histopathologic study of the eye, ischemic necrosis of the prelaminar and retrolaminar optic nerve was seen, along with the massive presence of acid

Myxomatous degeneration of the heart valves in blacks.

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Ten cases of myxomatous degeneration of the heart valves in Black subjects are described. The striking features, compared with other series, were the comparative youth of the patients and the predominance of aortic valve involvement. There was also a significant percentage of control subjects with

Vascular changes in the brain of spontaneously hypertensive rats: hyaline and fibrinoid degeneration.

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The arterial changes designated as "hyalinosis" in the vessels of spontaneously hypertensive rats were studied using light- and electron-microscopy. Such changes were classified into three types, hyaline, fibrinoid and atypical fibrinoid degeneration. Hyaline material consisted mainly of excessive

Myxomatous degeneration and cystic medial necrosis associated with acromegaly.

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Although valvular lesions are rare in acromegaly, two patients with click-murmur syndrome and one patient with aortic insufficiency secondary to myxomatous degeneration and cystic medial necrosis of the aorta have been reported. Growth hormone excess has been postulated to potentiate these

Myxomatous degeneration of the ligamentum flavum of the lumbar spine.

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METHODS Report of two cases of acute lumbar nerve root compression caused by myxomatous degeneration of the ligamentum flavum. OBJECTIVE To report a rare cause of acute lumbar nerve root compression. METHODS Orthopaedic department, Osaka, Japan. BACKGROUND Two patients, both 50-year-old men

Corticosteroid atrophy in human skin. A study by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy.

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Steroid atrophy was induced in 3 volunteers by the continuous, occlusive application of clobetasol propionate to the forearms for 6 weeks. The changes were followed sequentially by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. a 59% decrease in viable epidermal thickness was noted after the

Advanced atherosclerosis is associated with increased medial degeneration in sporadic ascending aortic aneurysms.

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OBJECTIVE The pathogenesis of non-familial, sporadic ascending aortic aneurysms (SAAA) is poorly understood, and the relationship between ascending aortic atherosclerosis and medial degeneration is unclear. We evaluated the prevalence and severity of aortic atherosclerosis and its association with

Advanced pigmentary retinal degeneration: an ultrastructural study.

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A case of advanced pigmentary retinal degeneration is described. Posterior subcapsular cataract and a remnant of the anterior hyaloid system on the posterior lens surface were found. Extensive dispersion of pigment and organization of the vitreous base were present. Gliosis was seen in the retina,

[Isolated aortic valve regurgitation due to degeneration of the valve leaflet--a clinical study].

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From 1989 through 1993 thirty-eight patients underwent aortic valve replacement at our institution for isolated aortic regurgitation (AR) caused by idiopathic degeneration of the valve. There were 32 male and 6 female patients aged between 33 and 74 years with a mean of 59 years. Preoperative New

Incipient atrophy of cornea. Experimental study.

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The essence of the process in which the corneal tissue disappears in atrophy of the eye has not yet been studied. The authors of this investigation studied the changes in cornea as they developed after a gross perforating injury to the eye in rabbit. They found that the diameter of the cornea had

Idiopathic degeneration of the aortic valve: a common cause of isolated aortic regurgitation.

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To establish the etiology of isolated aortic valvular regurgitation, histologic examination was carried out on 27 consecutive surgically removed aortic valves from patients with aortic regurgitation. In 12 patients, the regurgitation was due to rheumatic or syphilitic valvular disease or a

Myxoid degeneration of the aortic valve and isolated severe aortic regurgitation.

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Clinical and pathologic data were reviewed in 55 patients who had valve replacement for pure aortic regurgitation (AR) during a 6-year period. The clinical histories established the cause for AR in 34 cases: 11 rheumatic, 13 infective endocarditis, 4 congenital, 4 associated with aortic aneurysms
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